Thank you for finally starting to phase out the PS3

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MentosTroll, Mar 29, 2015.

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  1. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Solve all problems, just get a PC!

    OK, now i have solved that problem, lets deal with another.

    Are we getting these wing problems sorted out anytime soon?
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    The majority of their customers are on PS4. #NiceTry
  3. Kharhaz Committed Player

    A majority are on PC. Why doesn't everyone just use that?
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  4. Franchise New Player

    mine doesnt either, but guess what. Pretty sure at least half of those people who lives dont revolve around video games have no problem getting a ps4 or already have one.

    Maybe yall need to stop shelling so much money for booster bundles trying to get an exclusive aura and put that towards a ps4, but hey what do i know
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  5. Gucciana Committed Player

    i call ******** on that
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  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    No, they are not. o_O Why are you saying that? :confused:

    Again, presumably the people who can't afford a PS4 are a different group of players from the ones who are buying booster bundles.
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  7. Shifty Committed Player

    I don't think being T7 means being able to afford a 400$ console.that only means they have 10$ every 3 months for a dlc.Not everyone is financially stable to spend money on a ps4.Some kids have parents who won't dish out 400$ just for some stupid video game. I honestly think everyone should stop blaming ps3 for "holding dcuo back",because lets be honest,it isn't ps3,it's the useless devs we currently have.
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  8. HazeTA New Player

    Let's get real here, anyone who has bought a PS4 specifically for DC and DC alone is pretty likely to have at least a huge chuck of their life revolve around the game.

    Who is 'yall' btw? And what do booster bundles have to do with anything?

    And, this^^^
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  9. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I do cgi a lot. the rig I'm saving for will be over $5K and able to run anything, including all the engines and compilers I need, so, yeah- eventually.
  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    See??? It's your fault if you don't have a PS4..... you chose to have 4 cats and a dog.
    Imagine all the savings you would make if you did not have to buy cat fod and dog food.?? ;)

    Sorry... has to say it before someone else did. ;)

    Some people have games at the top of their priorities...... so having cats and dogs for them is probably a no no.

    Heck having rent for many of them is probably a no no.
    Why pay rent when you can stay in Mom's basement and spend your money on a PS4??? ;)
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  11. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Im dominoeing. First it was the PS3 have the most, then the PS4, so I thought, lets throw in the PC!

    Hey if it was on the gameboy next, I would have used that!

    However I do tend to agree though with the moving on. If the mergers are going to be happen between consoles and pc's, then the technology has to be able to keep up. The discussion now being, PS3 should be phased out. However, it wont be long until the the PS4 will be in the same boat. And all those who have finally managed to get a PS4, once again have to compensate for the next gen PS.

    At the moment, the PS3 is being neglected. And that's not down to the console, its down to the people who are not caring enough about it, if they don't give it priority, then maybe even the PS3 players will get fed up and upgrade. I don't believe they will, I think they will save the money and just stop playing.

    Whatever way you look at it, its a form of bullying. And it wont be long before all PC players will be complaining that the consoles are ruining it for the high end PC's and unless you have the latest console, you wont be invited to any PC groups.

    I see a vicious circle forming.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no but adults who actually like to enjoy their gaming experience to the fullest will invest what they can, which means upgrading to the better system for the better experience.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    how so?

    I know many people who were on PS3, who were legendary and bought a PS4 the day of its release that work 8-10 hours a day. So this "having to stop playing" to get a PS4 is not a valid excuse.

    but its cool I was once a PS3 and was blind by needing to upgrade once too :rolleyes:
  14. MeloMan New Player

    Please show the facts that say the majority of paying customers are on ps3? In fact i saw an ign interview with spytle about 4-5 months ago and he said they "make more money from the ps4 players now" even tho there are more players on the ps3.
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  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    seeing as theres ppl almost refusing to upgrade for whatever lame *** reason sure I will put in my sig that I play on PS4 if it bothers you tough s***
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    ok maybe where YOU live they do, but where I live they dont.

    guess this is another excuse for not upgrading :rolleyes:

    kinda how its a excuse for not having 100sp by now lmao
  17. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I agree and disagree.

    Ps3 will get phased out eventually, it's a fact of life. However, if it's still being supported people shouldn't be sticking their noses into other's financial situation. Whether you can or can't afford a ps4 is nobody's business. Everyone will make that decision whenever they feel ready or when devs officially drop support for it.

    It also irks me to no end when people say things like "if you can't afford so and so, you should do this instead of that". People don't know what anyone's situation is, how would anyone know if a person works 15 hrs a day and still can't afford it? Not everyone lives priviledged lives like so many here take for granted. Not everyone lives in the land of oportunity where work = success. However everyone does have the right to relax and entertain themselves however they see fit and can afford.

    What i disagree with is that it's the devs fault that so many things in the game can't be improved or even created. I'd also refrain myself from calling anyone useless, they are doing wonders lately considering the limitations of a 10 year old machine and an archaic game engine that's not feasably replaceable.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    lol PC group elitist that is funny. PC population is so low when cross play comes out, the chance of you running into a PC player will be like winning the lottery.
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  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Still a better chance then running into a PS player that has not glitched :p
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  20. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Of course they made more money. Sony, being the producer of the PS4 made a fortune out of people buying the console in the first place, then paying for subscriptions. Then paying for additional content, or bundles, or deals.

    Thats not a fair argument to make.
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