Work In Progress Improvements to the Loot System

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. TayTay16 New Player

    The thing with the loot system that I actually enjoy is yes it's a guaranteed gear drop. However the luck of it i think needs to be improved for the raids where its a higher chance of getting 100 gear. As to whether they'll do that remains to be seen.
  2. Cexion New Player

    I believe we have a problem here. Lets take my character for example. I run T6 raids. But when im bored or when i feel like i want to help a league/random member i also run some T1-T5 instances. Plus i need lower raids for the marks to be able to upkeep my base mods and buy armor sets for the feats. Now i don't want my good luck to struck when im doing a T3 raid but when im doing a T6 raid.

    I believe that this will make players not willing to help lower cr players just for the chance of a better loot drop at a higher instance.
    Us T6 players are elitists enough already.

    Can we make it so this new loot system will apply for the player's higher tier instances ONLY and not for the lower tiers ?
  3. SaVaGe Dizzydnice New Player

    :p I am So happy to hear the loot system has been broken in ways since I can't even remember lol. What we need is the vsult to stop dropping the same thing. You spend good money on vault re-access and get nothing but the same style items yay for my extra mark of fury but where are the new items we need that too. Thanks for caring mepps and devs. Love you guys and give you my support and it takes a lot of crazy stuff before I start ranting and raving lol. Will here was mty rant and I know others feel the same
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  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    You're supposed to shell out 100 dollars in replay badges. Duh.
  5. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    we need a change to weapon drops i seem to get everything but the weapon i use
    i like dw but it never drops for me i always get bow or brawling 90% of the time so i have a suggestion on this

    instead of a weapon dropping make a weapon box drop and then when we open that box we pick what weapon we get for example you could get a 98 ,100 or 101 weapon box as your drop and then you choose if that weapon is a bow or dw or 1h or whatever
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    once you understand you get no additional chance to fill out the missing items you will again stop spending replays
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  7. btoom New Player

    i hope this change is coming soon because it's terribly needed
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  8. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Bump 4 a response , if you like this idea, and i cant imagine why you wouldn't want control over which weapon you play with, then LIKE THIS POST, MEPPS, SPYTLE Plz RESPOND!?
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  9. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Just one suggestion, maybe it's been made, but it's already 22 pages long and I feel the lockdown is coming soon, so my question is, and I will use current content for my question, though I doubt this will come before T7:
    Would it be possible to also eliminate the symbol drop and just take the marks, for example instead of getting 1 gear, 1 symbol, 1 mark, to instead get 3 marks and no gear or symbol, right now we can get extra marks but always the symbol, and since gear cost half a symbol it's an issue to always be getting symbols and watching them go to waste because we have too many symbols but not enough marks.
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  10. Alpha Well-Known Player

    Hi everyone. Just curious about one thing. Will these drop rates only effect per standalone raids? Or does it factor everything I run in a week? Like let's say I run the t2 raids all the way through t6 in a week will all the bosses count? Because if that's the case I see no need to run low level stuff on my main if it'll ruin my chances at better gear in high level raids. If anyone has info on this it would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.
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  11. Gwynbleidd New Player

    It's the case. But it doesn't exactly ruin anything, as you will never know when "the drop" will happen. Also running lower content will increase the chances for rares - till the next drop. It's more a matter of perspective. You could run lower tier content, then do t6 and get a rare.
  12. Tha Fear New Player

    the loot system is deff broken last week I ran halls of hades, labyrinth of lost souls and throne of the dead and got nothing but 98 gear from EVERY SINGLE BOSS!!! I was so mad -____________________-
  13. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Elder Scrolls Online is coming to consoles in June, and in it many of the most powerful items are made through crafting. Hopefully DCUO will at least make Vendor gear in the same CR as Raid drops, it is pretty un-fun to me at least for the best gear in the game to be entirely luck-based.
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  14. Alpha Well-Known Player

    Thats interesting. But seeing as you dont know when its gonna happen what if it happens in a t3 raid then I suppose it resets and you have even less of a chance to get one at top tier content which is what some people actually need. Maybe im being paranoid but thats what I see happening. I hope not though. I do appreciate the devs trying something so thanks devs.
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  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Last week I ran lab 1 time with all 98 hoh 2 times all 98 and throne 1 time all 98 ... I went to run lab this week all 98,... I'm currently at 5 runs where I've only seen 98 drops ... That's 15 bosses with nothing that I need to gear up...

    Thus new system can't come soon enough... I'm so tired of it that I'm ready to quit for awhile ... I've been ready to quit I keep saying it but I like the game. Too much... However other then last night I'm not running anything really anymore I'm really tired of these 98 gear runs...
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  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    What do they classify as rare tho? Purple drops only? Cause if that's the case any raid t4 down all you will get is rare...Dox last boss all purple ... Nexus purple at the end.. A/b purple... If that's cinsidered "rare" no one us going to run anything but top tier content in fear of losing out ... Alerts as well what's rare? A 98 drop over a 96? I won't run any alerts
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  17. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Yup, and therein lies the danger from the coming competing console MMOs.

    Like you, I think that DCUO is generally much more fun to play and I'm a huge DC fanboy so the IP is a big draw for me as well. But I've seen leaguemates quit after enough frustrating gambling runs, and if there is somewhere else for them to go, then there is a danger that they will do so.

    ESO is far from perfect, but one thing that it does have going for it, IMHO, is the reward system. You can literally grind your crafting skills until you can make yourself (and others) the best armor and weapons in the game. Now for the side of the equation of getting people into instances, they do have three major things that crafters need -- gear to be broken down, much like we salvage unwanted gear -- raw materials for it, like our exobits -- and another feature which we currently don't have: They have special crafting stations in some of the toughest dungeons that will add special bonuses and abilities to items but only if they are crafted there.

    Thus in some cases a league will fight a tough instance mainly so that they can get their best crafters up to the special station to make themselves and other league members their big reward, so to speak. But there is much less chance with that system. If your team can beat it, then your crafters will be able to make the best gear for you.

    And that would be an element that potentially could draw away people tired of the gambling in the present DCUO reward system. The bulk of DCUO's paying playerbase is from the console side, and when other MMOs like ESO come to consoles in the near future, people will be tempted to switch to them if they have an especially horrid run of not feeling like their efforts are worth it.
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  18. Gwynbleidd New Player

    That is the downside, but this system is not meant to increase luck - it merely reduces long streaks of no luck. As I understood it, you can still beat a boss 5 times and not get a "rare". After that though, your chances will gradually increase with every try.
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  19. Gwynbleidd New Player

    In the example it's the highest item level for the content you are playing: according to Spytle 100/101 gear for Amazon Fury II
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  20. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    Here's an idea and I apologize if this has already been thought of but what about instead of the possibility of getting two 100/101 pieces you get the option of a rare reward box like in the Gotham Wastelands. That way you still have the same odds of getting a rare item but you have the ability to choose what gear you want. as for an OP item, that will still be a bonus drop to whoever is lucky enough to get it.
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