Changes Coming to the DCUO Marketplace!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 10, 2015.

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  1. Yui Loyal Player

    So, yes, even if you don't have Dcotr Fate, you'll still be able to buy him in the future since you have the Hand of Fate DLC now.
  2. Solar Well-Known Player

    I am sure this will be great for a many. But as someone who spends a lot of time premium I will now have to buy the DLC for the same price, plus powers and any additional addons for a separate price.
  3. Yui Loyal Player

  4. NaumNML New Player

    mepps, since purchaseable content is being delivered in "pieces" now, i assume this probably frees you to release things a bit sooner since the wait to push things ouy via dlc will be over. to that point, could we expect more frequency of releases like powers, movement variants etc. or is this just to offer alternate ways of buying and increase revenue?
  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    So... Say you want Lightning Strikes and Electricity instead of paying $10 USD before you will now need to pay $11 USD for the same pack ($5 USD for the episode and $6 USD for Electricity). That is not a "nerf" to the Lightning Strikes DLC that is a "buff." This is also what I was afraid about when the DLC packs were going to split. The Last Laugh DLC now costs over double its price as well.

    Also a DLC back that used to include content + player package cost $10 USD but will now cost between $15-$16 USD depending on the player package feature in the future. Again that is a buff not a nerf to the overall pricing of said features pricing compared to past prices. ;/
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  6. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    According to the SOE Live plan(which was already questionable back then) the content delivered in "pieces" since War of the Light Part II, doubt anything will change in terms of speed of releases.
  7. Gardel New Player

    If you were thinking of all the players, you guys would not let the cash premium personal and free limited as well. I know it's a way of you to profit to force the staff to turn legendary or pay to release the cash. But this is something very constragedor this game. Like the legendary premium players also spend money on the game. I play almost 4 years and already lost as spent account. Voces fall short in this regard. I believe that all are worthy to have unlimited cash, or perhaps only the premium personal and legendary, to al force free to turn to less premium. Why the geito that will you guys is that they will lose invez players to win others. It is ridiculous to be in a raid as TOD and have the broken equipment several times without having anything to sell to be able to repair, ai or you mendinga to one or other things for them to give you and you sell or leaves the instance why can not repair your items.


    Se fosse pensando em todos os jogadores, voces não deixariam o cash do pessoal premium e free tão limitados assim. Sei que é uma forma de voces lucrarem pra forçar o pessoal a virar legendary ou pagar pra liberar o cash. Mas isso é algo muito constragedor nesse jogo. Assim como os legendarios os players premium tambem gastam dinheiro com o jogo. Eu jogo a quase 4 anos e ja perdi a conta de quanto gastei. Voces deixam a desejar nesse aspecto. Acredito que todos são merecedores de ter cash ilimitado, ou talvez so o pessoal premium e legendary, pra ai forçar o free a virar ao menos premium. Por que do geito que vai voces é que vão perder jogadores invez de ganhar outros. É ridiculo estar numa raid como TOD e ter os equipamentos quebrados varias vezes sem ter nada pra vender pra poder reparar, ai ou voce mendinga a um ou a outro coisas pra eles te darem e voce vender ou sai da instancia por que não pode reparar seus itens.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This has been the case for some time. Powers and the other pieces going forward will be separate from DLCs (now Episodes), as it was with Skimming and will be with Munitions.
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  9. GLJett New Player

    Sorry if this has been asked a lot, but is there any time frame on munitions?
  10. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Just curious, there is a feat (if I recall) for collecting all the legend characters from the Last laugh(?) So if we buy that DLc what is going to happen to that feat? Are we going to have to be spending more money to get those chars or can we buy them with mark of legends?
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  11. Echo Blue Committed Player

    Hello everyone,

    I can only speak for myself, but as a Premium account holder, spending money (whatever the price) for exactly what I want has never been an issue. In my opinion (IMO), Gamers who prefer the Free To Play model, over the Subscription model, value choice more-so than price, as well as, they value having only the specific content or item versus having a bundle that's never going to get used. For instance, for me, buying the entire Home Turf down loadable content (DLC) was a waste because I didn't care for a majority of that DLC's content, all I want is access to the amenities, generator, and mod dispenser. If I later decide that I want to do player versus player (PvP) Lair battles, or need to run the Steel or T.O. Morrow missions, then I'm more then willing to pay for the Episode DLC at that time.

    IMO, most Premiums will really enjoy this change.

    P.S. Thanks for your post and expressing your opinion. It's good to get other's perspectives on issues that affect all of us.
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  12. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Exactly Bumbling.
  13. Gardel New Player

    That's Ai Meeps even force all players to turn legendary. Neglect the crowd Premium. Let's see if this will bring you increase players or a fall. Why can you ensure the game almost four years, and many people who left the game, for countless reasons, one of them includes you guys leave a power stronger than others forcing the crowd to catch it, then start another power amis still strong and the power that everybody likes and wanted to see him strong is left. Indeed you are even thinking about the players. There was never anything to premium crowd to cheer even more in the game, with this change there that you showed bet what you want the amount of people who might have the dlc and all that it offers, could spend their money in the market with other things . Now I believe that no one will want to be premium on these cowardly.
  14. dedgurl New Player

    I was going to buy the Home Turf DLC. I wanted a larger base and having access to the generator and utility belt would be nice too. So do I wait? or do I buy now? I don't understand what is including in the "new" Home Turf - just the "playable content" but no base upgrades? What's in the "Lair system"? And whats the "SC/MC"?? I'm a free account, does that mean it's not available to me unless I subscribe? Please explain, totally lost.
  15. Solar Well-Known Player

    It maybe the case still not a fan. I'll just have to be more picky on what I purchase from now on.
  16. Gardel New Player

    They are betting that this is a smart and that will make the premium players play become legendary, the more you will see just what will happen. Let's see 4 months with this active change if the number of players increased lowers or remained the same, why the premium guys that are playing live being neglected.


    Eles estão apostando que isso é uma jogada inteligente e que vai fazer os jogadores premium se tornarem legendarios, mais voce vai ver só o que vai acontecer. Vamos ver 4 meses com essa mudança ativa se o numero de jogadores aumentou diminiu ou se manteve o mesmo, por que a galera premium desse jogo so vive sendo desprezada.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The Lair System includes access to Lairs (the good player bases), and all the benefits inside, including lair battles. SC/MC is Station Cash and Marketplace Cash, the virtual currencies we use on PC and PlayStation.
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  18. Circe New Player

    I was hoping this thread would be about decreasing prices for items no one buys, or new items on there. :(

    The prices you had during certain sales were phenomenal, and people were motivated to buy things. Maybe those are the prices people want to see?

    But no, instead of reducing prices for items people don't buy, or adding new highly wanted items, the changes you make to the Marketplace are splitting old DLCs? Not what I wanted to see personally. Maybe some people will enjoy it.
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  19. Franchise New Player

    So, those who buy doctor fate and Felix Faust.... Or power girl, kilowog, Ursa and amon sur will be basically buying feats?
  20. dedgurl New Player

    Virtual currencies.. so can I buy with real currencies? Again, free account here. I don't know how Station Cash and Marketplace Cash work. Is that something I have to buy with real world cash?
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