Vendor Styles are Over-Priced

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JReel, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Obviously yes, but still need to make sure that by some chance it is in the back of their minds to do that, that they know we want it to stay :)
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  2. Circe New Player

    I just didn't get why old styles would cost marks of the current tier, but it makes sense now.

    But I really want to thank you guys for this vendor, because it did motivate me to play to get the new styles in Amazon Fury II! And they're awesome! :D Really, thanks so much.
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  3. Jcal Dedicated Player

    If it wasn't for the rare style vendor, I'd have quit this game already. Heart of the Predator and Ancient Amazon Noble are two of my favorite styles, pieces of which never seem to drop for me in the raids. They've pretty much kept me "on the grind."

    I know it's not ideal to pay 70 current tier marks, but it'd be worse not having the vendor.
  4. kawe Loyal Player

    Evil Mepps strikes again. Muahahaha
    There are a few ppl who don't realize that avoiding the RNG for these pieces is worth every single mark of the vendor asks for.

    I personally, when the vendor was first brought up, I was always more of the opinion that tweaking the loot tables or drop rates would have made it easier for you guys and us. But then again, the way it is right now it's absolutely fine.

    The only suggestion of improvement I have is the style vendor look. That robot is so unspectacular. In another MMO I play there is a rare vendor too (for styles and mods). He only appears every two weeks and it's kind of an event to see him and what he has to offer, as his stock changes each time (but repeats over time). His excentric remarks when you buy stuff of him are always worth a chuckle "So money CAN buy class..."
    For Vendor 22 I at least would have expected something more special about him, that he represents selling something we normally could not get. Even if it is just a Spytle skin throwing funny one-liners of an annoyed dev. xD
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  5. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I don't think he suggested they were easy to get. I Think the styles are too rare. I Don't have one piece of hive defender after all these years.
  6. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    Wow Mepps, vindictive much?
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  7. SgtRevhardd Active Player

    i got like 3 alts and they always maxed on marks not to mention i bought all the new dlc styles i needed in 1 week. easy to get 70 marks now that there is so many t6 raids and they are easy.
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  8. White Falcon New Player

    I think an interesting solution would be to allow players to buy the gear with a mixture of MoF and MoV. That way, it would reduce the amount of times players have to spam pve content (which not all players enjoy) while giving hardcore pvp players something to work towards once they have all their gear. So one piece of gear would cost 45 MoF and 2000 MoV. The price wouldn't necessarily be fixed as what I suggested but just an idea.

    EDIT: And for those who don't want to do pvp at all, you would have the choice of spending the current 70 MoF instead of mixing it up with pvp currency
  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    What about a vote for increasing those extremely rare raid drops? At this pace I am never going to complete any T6 raid styles.
    I have a life. I like having a few alts, different roles and powers and concepts.
    By the time I dont need MoF to buy gear from vendor we get a new mark and rare styles will change to top mark.
    So what should I do? Stop having more than 2 alts? Use replay badges? Sell my soul to the devil? lol
    Seriously I think you guys should give us less grindy ways to obtain the raid styles (even with no stats).
    Like put some of the older raid styles (T5, and HoP T6 raids for example) in the vault, its been needing an update of styles for a long way.
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  10. yagamison New Player

    If you think they're overpriced now, wait till next DLC when Tier 7 is introduced and they will cost 70 of the new mark. At least now if you finished the 99 set you are probably chocking on MoF. I suggest if anyone needs to finish styles to get their grind on before its too late. :)
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  11. Predicament Well-Known Player

    Can there be an update on the vedor? adding Styles from t1/t2/t3 solo/duo/alert styles into the vendor as well? The styles are all based on chance but the frustrating thing is ruining a lower/new players experience of older content because I'm rushing through just to get to bosses I need and leaving.

    If styles that were in older content are purchasable, I would be running content around my CR and I wouldn't be rushing through or leaving to ruin anyone else's run of the content
  12. Enzan Committed Player

    If they want to keep past content relevant, then they'd keep the Marks used for purchasing rare styles as the previous tier's mark.

    Such as keeping it based on Marks of Fury while T7 is up, then when T8 is up, they use T7's Marks to have people running older content.
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  13. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I vote to keep it, it's a great mark sink and it's a muh more palatable way to complete the style we're missing. Holy cow why in the world would someone be against the style vendor??? It's like being against cute puppies!!! oh wait! Mepps doesn't like puppies, now i understand everything :(

    My only hope to complete the raid styles in the latest dlc has always been the style vendor, pls don't take it away!
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  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The price is ok.

    When I think about how freaking rare Hive Defender or Runes of the Norsemen is.... :rolleyes:
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  15. lukelucky Devoted Player

    well unless your a glitcher in which case you could have the best gear or money than you could ever spend. oh yea if your cheating and it earns dcuo cash you get a prefered customers card. besides that i would support the you get what you earn.

    ops wait i am sure by now i earned a set of codex gear. i had to of earned the time travler gear but i dont have either set complete. guess we cant get what we earn. how bout that
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Well, look at that. Many votes for the vendor! Also counted. :cool:
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  17. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    The vendor is great, I have run the Batcave raids several hundred times probably. I don't really want to run it anymore.

    I just am hoping they finally add Raptor Tech and Runes of the East.
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  18. kav Committed Player

    All Rune Styles are just... I'm crying-laughing-going-insane. Everytime I do the related content for it results in this:

  19. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    The Fors have it. They win by a land slide. :D:p
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Finishing all my styles before its too late. Grinding MoF like I have never done before. You wont have an opportunity to get rare styles this easy until late next year.
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