WTF is going on with the game NOW?

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Mi-ka-el, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Mi-ka-el New Player

    I hope there will SOMEONE to tell us WHATTA HELL IS WRONG HERE, and also WHEN WILL THIS BE FIXED...
  2. esiu New Player

    I send letter for suport team 3 days ago and no REPLY :( they want only my money
  3. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Pls, I don't even think such thing exists.
  4. Sezhon New Player

    I had no issues earlier until they did maintenance.
  5. Stalwart New Player

    Played last night (9 hours or so ago), no problems. Now, the loading circle spins and spins . . .
  6. Mi-ka-el New Player

    You're good if you don't, but, things like this makes me frustrated, bigger things can never frustrate me. But things that SHOULD BE, but ARE NOT are something that makes me really frustrated. We pay this game, so, if i pay this sevice, i want to have good quality... It's simple. If it's not that good, there's someone who can give me better service... It's one of the laws of economy...
  7. Mi-ka-el New Player

    Same here...
  8. Sezhon New Player

    I was playing 2 hours ago no problem,Maybe it's different for everyone,the servers seem to still be up and fairly full so i don't know....It's annoying though i will admit for those of us who are time limited.
  9. WolfDrizz New Player

    good am not the only one with this issue, I've tried everything from restarting modem, running game as administrator and restarting the computer and still gets to the loading screen and stays there stuck
  10. Sezhon New Player

    To be fair this is really unfair to us members,time is money and this is wasting both...
  11. shildman New Player

    yeap game stuck in loading circles and cant enter the game
  12. Hood Icon Active Player

    Mi-Ka-el is right I am all access member but cant access the game?! I dont have to work today and I would have like to get some gaming time in and play with my league but a loading screen is holding me back from doing that and yet threw all the comments on this forum... mepps or anyone of the sorta has yet to answer what the heck is going on and the thing I hate the most soon as they fix the problem only thing that got to say is "Sorry" really!?!
  13. Sezhon New Player

    Also having to refresh the page just to see other comments is slightly frustrating.
  14. Sezhon New Player

    Invalid game state detected has now replaced the spinning load in screen...smh
  15. shildman New Player

    well now insted loading Invalid game state detected at least they fixing it .
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  16. Wildfern New Player

    If you are able to log into character select, you will notice SERVER "LOCKED"

    This is why we cannot access... why did they not post that they locked the server and why???
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  17. Captain Just New Player

    Getting the same thing.."invalid game state detected". If you notice on the character select screen, the world status is: locked.
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  18. shildman New Player

    yeap you mean Status Locked just now notest they will fix this .
  19. Isa Othala New Player

    Yeah something is wrong with the server so they locked it to stop people from loging in while people on the server had 10 minutes to get off. Was doing suntsone matrix and OMG the amount of adds from Non.
  20. Mi-ka-el New Player

    Yes, this is what is pissing me off the most... I come back from work, or i have day off, and the game is ****** UP! (*** KED UP - in case censure accures, sorry for bad language but i'm sick of ***** like this...)! I have amazing friends in my league, and i wanna spend some time with them cause i can't see them so often in rl, so i wanna be with them here if any possible, but it looks like it's not possible at all...

    And those managers, mepps or however are probably ANGRY on me for saying all this, but if they would EVER listen to me, or anyone who's complaining, those mistakes would NEVER happen cause you would FIX all bugs and work on the game WHEN IT IS TIME, and not pushing dlcs and ***** and the game is totally unstable already...

    Sorry for the attitude, but i feel bad for this...
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