How is Anyone Competitive Anymore?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by phen0mena, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. phen0mena Committed Player

    Hey all, long time.

    Logged in over the weekend, enjoyed it.
    Played some PvP and not totally sure what all the causes were, but it seemed that it wasn't really PvP anymore.

    Does that make sense? Had a 2v2 batcave with BadJade, and we fought two guys that beat us, but I don't know how. They spent the majority of the time on their backs, getting countered endlessly, but they had like all these summons and stuff, it was pretty silly.

    They never even KO'd either of us once, I don't get it.

    Talked with some league mates etc on the new updates, but hadn't really seen them first-hand until these points really for the impact.

    These were guys I've fought before, nothing against them, but they in no way should have had any chance. The one guy did nothing but lunge and get countered the entire time.

    Just wondering, is this what it is now? Is there any competition or the like in this game? Legends still seemed to be fun for note. But what happened? Is PvP just a 'whatever' thing now? Fought a premade too, and they had all these things out too, I couldn't even target an actual player, as it kept cycling to one of the 50 summons they had, and then like a healer comes up to me, drops some kinda huge nuke on me? Kinda confused on what the real deal is here. I'm not talking winning or losing, more so; is there any competition with all this new stuff? Or is it just players buy all the new tricks and pretty much can't lose? Just seems kind of bizarre really. Is there any bare-bones or competitive PvP anymore?

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  2. Yallander Loyal Player

    The general consensus has changed against everything original PVP group stood for/against. Pets are rampid and EVERYONE outside of the competitive 5's group (which is now much smaller btw) is spamming the mess out of this stuff. Basically they are trinkets and gear mods (white modes) that make skill less of a factor. Jade and Spider can fill you in on the details of each gear mod, some are cool, some a little OP, but all were unnecessary to add to PVP.

    All in all welcome back and hope to run into you guys for a more skill based match. Fami has a pretty straight forward rule when we queue--"if you don't use it, we won't." Plain and simple because when skilled players use this stuff it is sickening.
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  3. Spidersting Committed Player

    With the addition of the last DLC the have and have nots are taking an even bigger toll on if you will win or not in pvp. If it wasn't bad enough that you didn't have the gear with mods to compete then with the addition of this new stuff it puts you even further at a disadvantage.

    The new tactical mods are good and some making node holding a joke with knockbacks and extended knock down time. On top of having a 4 slot utility belt and having 4 trinkets makes it even more broken because we don't have a pet limit and now with henchmen and a side kick that heals for a massive amount of health.

    Had a match yesterday in 5s vs a premade and there were so many NPC's on the screen that targeting became a nightmare. We won but it took way longer then it should have. That FoS match you were in yesterday with me was so nuts, I NEVER lagged in FoS until yesterday with the crazy light show that was going on with orbital strikes and the powerset animations along with the pets. I can't even imagine what it is like for people with less then top end computers or even worse the PS3.
  4. phen0mena Committed Player

    Yeah this might explain some of it I guess.

    My main confusion, is that like I say, we countered these guys like every attack they did, but they didn't KO.
    Jade was just pummeling the one guy that honest to everything, only lunged.. how could you not counter this ha, but they didn't KO! Is the healing stuff you talk of that powerful? He was an electric healer in DPS role, so they can still heal quite a bit, but not like this.

    The push/knockback stuff sounds like the rest of it, but I am just at a genuine loss as to how they didn't get KO'd like 10 times. Jade and I were pretty much flashing blue the entire time, it was just bizarre.

    EDIT* for note, I do have mods, just not all t4 PvP to put em in, cause yeah I'm not 'buying' the gear. Mods aren't a problem, just the 'no dying' thing is unreal.

    Also, yeah never thought about the lag and such. It just seems wrong to go this way...

    I guess it is what it is, grind PvP for your stuff, competition/good fights are dead? For shame ha, nothing beats the t1/t2 era :/
  5. Spidersting Committed Player

    There are a few new mods that do some crazy stuff. There are power replenish on weapons, there are breakout mods that heal you for a small amount over 4secs when you breakout. There are mods for each movement mode that can replenish 6% of your power over 3secs and you can do that every 15secs. The side kick will heal you for roughly 2k and it does this more then 1 time for its duration. There are also other pet trinkets that heal and replenish power. Some fights i swear it is like i am playing Pokemon and not DCUO.

    Hell with the new stuff i was able to do an Inner Sactum match with a pug tank and myself in tank role and we won just by counter knockbacks with the explosive block mod and just kept knocking them off the points. I don't think anyone died at all the whole match.
  6. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Without a doubt PvP has gone very easy-mode. Though like Yallander said above... You can still find some groups or players that won't use this new stuff, to keep the PvP fun.

    That community is very small though...Many people refuse to use Arena ques anymore though. Or just plain quit the game until it's fixed. In PvE some of this stuff is fun.. (Even if it does make the game easy mode). For real PvPers though.. Most of it has no place being in PvP.
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  7. phen0mena Committed Player

    Welp, thanks ha.

    I Guess it's good we got so much PvP in back in T1/2 ha.
    For what it is now, just take it for the laughs and forgo the rest.

    Like, I'll que, but balls if I care what happens in matches will be my stance. Seems it's progressed to such a point and SOE obviously likes it cause it's making them scratch, so it is what it is. I'm sure the players that use this stuff know when they have to use all these tricks under the sun to win, while the others' don't use any it speaks for itself ha.

  8. ICYHURR New Player

    Yeah. Things have changed. You will need to have the new DLC to even compete anymore.
  9. Eminence Dedicated Player

    If you play on the ps3 server, the competitive 5v5s are active and dont play with any new additions other than the new mods, which are pretty easy to get. I would say theres a bigger pool of people syncing Qs more than ever. Pc has a "pvp" channel and ps3 has a "5v5" channel.
  10. Spidersting Committed Player

    Some players waste no time burning everything they have. Was in a lair match yesterday and right as it started i got blasted with Orbital and a pet summon. Next round henchmen and side kick, 3rd round orbital and SC together. I don't have all the fancy stuff just yet my play time is limited to weekends so my progression is slower then it used to be. It sucks but i just take the loss and move on.
  11. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Henchmen, orbital, supply, snowman = automatic win
  12. SlayingDaimon New Player

    There are white mods that heal you if you break out or use a shield, supply drops and sidekicks give health, a weapon mod that gives you a shield no matter what, a mod that launches opponents if they hit you while blocking, super speed is beyond op with inertial flywheel granting power, and if you come across a sorcery speedster taking advantage of most of this, orbital strikes and cc trinket you are just screwed.

    This is just my opinion by the way but making it so that pve players can dominate the arenas by requiring marks of triumph and making the conversion rate so low was a bad call.
  13. Spidersting Committed Player

    Yep but there is a counter to the power granting feet mod if you ground them and keep them grounded it won't work and basicly be a useless mod.
  14. Dump Truck New Player

    There are too many bells and whistles added onto pvp to really deter from grabbing my interest. I liked it much better when it was cleaner. No immunities, few pets, mods, etc.

    The pace was faster and more fun. As a result, the competitiveness was at it's high... Then, if I randomly qued with my group I knew at some point I'd run across One Pieced, Exclusive, etc. and that would be a long match (I'm formerly of Aristocrats and by long I mean 5-10 minutes). I just can;t get into the pace of these half-hour to set up to play that intensly for 20 minutes to escape with a stalemate. The investment is not worth the reward for me. I respect those who find the reward worth it, but it's just not my thing at the level it's gone to.
  15. Horrorshow New Player

    It just became a mess. They did not do their homework and properly balance stuff out.
  16. Battle Man Committed Player

    Skill is no longer needed, only Marks of Triumph.
  17. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I've seen some really strange things happen in both versions of Batcave. One night a leaguemate and I faced off against a duo using the exact same characters we were using. We are both fairly good but the damage they were putting out was insane, they were literally melting us while we were barely scratching them.

    I've also been on the other side of that coin where we eat through them like a fat kid on cake.
  18. BaddestJade New Player

    Basically it was pet spam, SC spam, and then pet/trinket spam. Cool downs wins. Only thing I didnt see was toy copters to be honest.

    DPS healer was using invigorate and spamming galvanise. To be fair the troller got killed 2-3 times but as we (phen and I) were both in healer role we couldn't put out enough damage for both..and yes phen isnt t4 let alone full t3.. but they both never had more then half health for the entire fight.

    Crutches man its all they had, and you know the game of pvp is broken when less skill players spam this, abuse this for a win. Its not like we moved off the node. There are lot of people out there doing this knowing full well they can do this, but when pvp was pvp they wouldn't even dare step foot in arenas.

    Meh, they won on points and got pummelled for 20mins. What I think is how they won was they both got to the node first and had it active for a 5 seconds - and that's were the difference in points was made and stayed even though we were clawing our way back through killing them.

    When this happens the KILLS need to be worth more. I didn't care for the fight just sick of 20mins cheese fests. I am not to worried though.
  19. Shadow Vlad New Player

  20. Event_Horiz0n New Player

    PvP....Player vs Pets!