4 man of L&W

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anti Bezz, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. ChuckLess New Player

    It's all because of the Premium access level. People have to be able to complete the content with the bare minimum stats. Otherwise, they wouldn't sell DLC's.

    I said years ago Premium was a bad idea.
  2. Ice Lantern New Player

    - Subconstruct was harder than this.
    - FOS1 was harder (once it got fixed) than this.
    - FOS2 was harder than this.
    - Prime Battleground was harder than this.
    - Black Dawn was harder than this.
    - Nexus and Paradox were harder than this.
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  3. Ice Lantern New Player

    It's not the stats, it's the type of players we got when F2P was introduced combine with the devs desire to sell replay badges.
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  4. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Content difficultly has tremendously scaled down ever since DLC5. They tried to take a stab at "difficult" content with OC and the vast majority of the population simply could not hang and since they couldn't, they stopped playing according to the Devs. Sure, OC has some flaws/bugs but I think it was a step in the right direction as far as interesting and challenging fights with actual mechanics instead of high heath, damage absorbing, tank n spank bosses.

    DLC3 was challenging as well, primarily Prime Battleground, but as with most difficult content in the game that players ask for, they find one way or another to glitch/exploit it. What's the purpose of wanting harder content if you're only going to complain that it's too hard an look for a way to cheese it?

    TL;DR - I agree with Ice on the point that the playerbase's average skill level has watered down the game to this point.
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  5. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Don't forget Inner...
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  6. Anti Bezz New Player

    He was all tank powers in the last week, and it was actually easier solo tanking this raid when he was Earth and Ice over Rage and Fire.
    He's ice in the vid also.
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  7. uly31xx Active Player

    hmm you need an cr of 107 to q for love and war so atm cant be done
  8. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Simply awesome! I'm forced to PUG 99% of the time, and there have been instances where we haven't finished it at 99 mins in, and we'd have 8 people.
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  9. Quasimoto Active Player

    99 minutes!? Wow, I guess I forgot how bad pugging can really be. Finished it in just under 20 minutes last night :p and more than half the group was either 108 or 109
  10. Dogico Loyal Player

    This is kind of how I judge whether an instance is difficult or not: can it be pugged consistently? Sure nothing in L&W is terribly complex but it's still kind of a crap shoot running with a pug group.
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  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Just a week ago players were saying this was a good challenging raid. Nothing against the op or his work, but replaying anything multiple times and getting fully geared will make anything easy. No mmo in the gaming industry will stay challenging in dcuo system, so just say congrats. Dcuo have more players playing who hate it than any other game
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  12. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Im just surprised.
    Soulmass was a healer before.. and a damn good one.
    Just a surprise is all. Not impressed. Just surprised.
    I would liked to have seen more but i guess it will do.
  13. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Change your name to Shockasaurus. It bothers me that you're electricity and not gadgets.

    Or just Bezz.

    ...or Green Bezz.
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  14. Soulmass Well-Known Player

    ^^^^ what he said Bezz cuz it bugs me too. Though I vote for Whippedasaurus :p
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  15. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    Nice job! You may or may not remember, I've ran with you all at one point or another all very good players.
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  16. LooQ New Player

    It is easy though, incredibly easy. When you were stepping into Paradox, you had to know every boss and every mechanic, to get it done. And here, you get inside 1st time, and you have no problems at all, you just enter and do it. Boring.
  17. Anti Bezz New Player

    Just didn't want to use 10$ lol
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  18. Gokaigerbay New Player

    Not as impressive as Nexus/Paradox in its first weeks which had timers.

    This raid, there's nothing stopping a 4 man, or a 3-man from finishing it.

    The supreme mechanic in this raid. Block. Nothing else. No other atks to watch out for. You don't even need any new gear pieces to survive, just stand there.

    And along with that, this is the most bug/glitched DLC yet. Every pug now just glitches the alert/raid. But who cares, as long as the devs get the money they're desperate for in their annual reports to keep this project running.

    Sad that the key trait that separates this mmo from others is that glitching seems intended and encouraged. But its normal, how do you expect the players to respect the game if the devs that make the game don't respect it themselves.
  19. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    True. All of this Raids was more hard then L&W.

    I solo tank L&W as Fire, so isn't so hard.

    I remember when Paradox launched and the Ice Tank was like the most seek tank in LFG! lol!
  20. Sylo Committed Player

    TMU the gear gap is much smaller now to the new raids than it was with the old raids. Not to mention people will become better at their role and the game. Odyssey use to 4 man crap all the time shortly after it was released all the time, but you didn't have people in those threads making comments about how pathetically easy the game had become. Because honestly until completely random pugs are 4 manning anything consistently, measuring the games difficulty based on what a set group of skilled players can do is beyond stupid.
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