WotL Part 3 - Way too early predictions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lionxoft, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I want to see White Lantern or Black Lantern Donna Troy.
    yes.. she played a mentionablr role in the Blackest Night thingy thing.
  2. bull425 Well-Known Player

    I hope to see Blue Lantern powers.
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  3. Elusian Crowd Control

    They might kill a char in a mist-related way, he ressurects as Black Lantern due to whatever, we then have to form the spectrum turning someone into White Lantern who then saves the killed char and brings him back to live. A raid with an actual story like FoS2 was.
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  4. King Felsa New Player

    What I would really like, is for an iconic to die halfway through the story of WOTL3, and at the very end of the toughest raid, you see a black lantern hand pop out of the ground, Carrie-style.

    You don't actually have the introduction of black/white lanterns in WOTL3, but you get a cliffhanger for a black/white lantern DLC/trilogy.

    This game needs more "oh s***" moments. In fact, does this game have any? The only one i can think of is the Fractured Future Cinematic where Lex kills Fracture and leaves Batman in the Fortress.
  5. Larfleeze New Player

    That't not going to happen again. Devs have already said the reason the first set of raids (batcave and FoS) were so detailed and so long/story driven were because they had a long, long time to work on them and flesh them out, as opposed to the new DLC structure where they have to pump these babies out in roughly only 6 months a piece.
  6. Larfleeze New Player

    Yeah this is pretty much how I see it going down. The end of the raid of WotL 3 (which is Small Content DLC if my count is right) could have Nekron being unleashed and the first Black Lanterns coming, as a sort of tease to an upcoming 'Blackest Night' DLC
  7. King Felsa New Player

    If they continue in the lantern/fury/power order, WOTL3 is a Large Content DLC.

    Assuming 2 Alerts and 3 raids

    alerts - intro of Indigo lanterns
    raid 1 (easy) - set up for lantern war (introducing set of iconics)
    raid 2 (medium) - war of the lights (death of 1+ iconics)
    raid 3 (hard) - final chapter of war, with the big reveal on the true purpose of the mists (intro of black lantern at the end)

    edit: i can't recall if we have actually figured out what is causing all of the mist problems.
  8. Toshknight Loyal Player

    you people and your white and black lantern wanting for players.... we might see them as npcs like we saw Red lanterns in Fight for the light.. but black lanterns are freakin zombies... and a temporary entity for destruction... and the white lantern is also a temporary thing.. kyle rayner holds the white lantern , he is NOT a white lantern. cause the white lantern power batter is basically a living being and takes over its host... and its neither good nor bad. say a hero dies with unfinished business.... the white lantern would bring that person back to life... yay alls good. but when that persons business or quest is done the white lantern will take there life away...

    Basically the White and black lanterns are not like regular lanterns... the black lanterns rings are powered by how many kllls the bearer inflicts , so i woldnt hold ur breathe on that stuff but we will

    probobly get blue and indigo healer powerset if they do add a healer powerset.... explained in other threads. if not... heres the story on the black and white lanterns and the second vid tell u all about how the emotional spectrum and the rings work.. is why i believe indigo is the villains healer

    All lantern corps explained below
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  9. Little Sister New Player

    I'm very interested in how they are going to introduce the Indigo tribe. Hal Jordan doesn't even seem to know the name of Proselyte, and he says there are no signs of it yet. Something curious is happening with the Indigos and I can't wait to find out !
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  10. John Brawler Committed Player

    the devs already said by the end of the war of the light we'd see "every color and the lack thereof" meaning no matter what they'll be cramming indigo, white, and black in the last dlc, so as much as people want a dedicated "blackest night" dlc for them it's probably not happening in favor of throwing them in for the big finale of the war of the light.

    more then likely the indigo tribe will appear in attempt to end the war of the light since once sinestro has already realized that the green lanterns aren't the cause of the problems with his corp's rings the only thing keeping the fight going is the mist controlled heroes and villains and the red lanterns. however odds are part of it is going to be necron possibly released by brainiac's attempts to harness the lantern powers and raising new black lanterns out of the bodies of the lanterns that have fallen in the fight (especially red lanterns if they lost their rings) and the rise in black lantern activity probably causes the entity of life to appoint some more temporary white lanterns to help deal with it.

    as for content, probably mixed raids and alerts dealing with indigo tribe and possibly red lanterns, black lanterns/white lanterns, and the entities themselves who might possess the heads of each of the corps (and hal because often he's put in that position more then the actual acting leader at the time.)
    styles will likely be as said before, white lantern inspired for heroes, black for villains, and indigo for both.
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  11. smlaude Active Player

    gimme Abin Sur and Dexstar pleaseeee.... i would love for bae items to have more banners n such... maybe a latern style league hall would be sweet
  12. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Or Sector 666 (Ryut) League hall :D
  13. Lionxoft Committed Player

    So the Anti-Monitor will make an appearance you think? :D
  14. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    The indigo tribe is coming next as seen with the indigo mist canister here[IMG]
    I like the way it looks, but enough about that.
    Chances are we may be left off with a cliff hanger and they introduce another Trilogy based on Lanterns, but it's unlikely.
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  15. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Sinestro and Simon Baz have all held the White light without purpose at given times and not under the circumstance of their death.
  16. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Went ahead and reread Blackest Night today with the sole purpose of predicting what will happen using the story so far in our DC universe and what could happen still. I have a feeling I know how this will play out in our version of the DCU. If it's wrong then no big deal. It wouldn't be the first time.

    There's a panel in particular that made me have a "Eureka" moment and started an entire thought process. If the other DLC coming have an impact on each other then this could get REALLY good sadly it will have taken close to two years at the current pace to get there lol. If it were a TV show it would have been cancelled haha.
  17. Octantis New Player

    I know Jens teased at Black Lanterns and all, but really the whole story of War of the Light sounds more like it'll spill into War of the Green Lanterns.

    Something big has to be converting Entities into mist. So far, the only DCU character who has successfully leashed all the Entities was Krona.

    If Black Lanterns are in the DLC, I don't think they should be the major villain at the end of the final 8-Man. I think Krona should be it.

    No new Lantern power sets. Too much fudging with the lore for any of them to work organically in the game.

    Only armor sets that remain are Indigo, and possibly White/Black. I don't see why White can't be both Hero and Villain as it isn't inherently "good." White just comprises all the colors, especially Yellow, Red, and Orange; and don't forget, Sinestro (then a Yellow Lantern) was the first White Lantern.

    For collections styles, give me Black Lantern Earth-2 Superman's cape.
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  18. King Felsa New Player

    I could be mistaken (pun intended) but I think it was suggested that Brainiac digitized the entities into the individual mists.

    Anyways, I see WOTL3 becoming the actual "war" in the trilogy.

    Similar to:
  19. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    It was Brainiac.

    "It all started with the launch of the game. Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corps agents first came to Earth when their rings began to fail. They began fighting with each other, assuming their arch rivals were responsible. Our first DLC, Fight for the Light, revealed that the true threat to the emotional spectrum is Brainiac, who has drained the emotional spectrum, turning all emotion into logic. The entities themselves were trapped in huge Logic Lanterns that Brainiac constructed to contain and transform them. The corps attack, and when these Logic Lanterns are destroyed, the corps think the entities are freed, and the victory is theirs."

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  20. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    We know that black lanterns can only be destroyed by two different color rings using their power at the same time. While this would likely be handled by NPCs, wouldn't it be neat if you could bypass the NPCs by having two different kinds of lanterns in your group working together?