Intergang Crime Wave Metro

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Abisial, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Abisial Committed Player

    Is there a way to get there without being in an alert? Is that normal open world Metro? (Trying to get collections)
  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Its just a few blocks north of the Superman statue in Metropolis
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  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I don't believe so. You can try que up for the alert and then excuse yourself right after you get in to farm for them, but I think after 5 mins you'll be removed from the instance and placed back to your last location
  4. Malachyte Devoted Player

    But does that give you access to the DLC specific collections in that alert if you just go to the area ?
  5. Abisial Committed Player

    If you get excused if it is a Mission exclusive place you get booted immediately which is why im curious is it in the normal open world
  6. Abisial Committed Player

    Oh so it is infact in the open world? I'll fly over now and check
  7. kalel170 New Player

    I thought the collections were only located in the oolong island part of the alert.
  8. FreedomRollerMan Well-Known Player

    It is also east of the Science Spire. I just figured out the location today and found out is in the open world and not excluded to a section of metropolis like some others are.
  9. Abisial Committed Player

    I thought I saw some once when I was doing the mission but never had time to sotp and make sure
  10. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I think one collection is on Oolong, and one is in Metropolis.
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  11. Abisial Committed Player

    I've found the necro and the Mr. Miracle one in metropolis
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  12. Abisial Committed Player

    Thanks for the help guys!
  13. kalel170 New Player

    Thanks for the info. I'll go check it out later.
  14. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    the collections in metro are the mister miracle ones but you need the dlc to collect. otherwise they disappear into the ether-net
  15. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    the other collection from intergang is there too. but mister miracle is only there i think x
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  16. Malachyte Devoted Player

    No, when you get excused from the operation in Metro you stay in that area of Metro, unlike if you were to excuse yourself if you were in Oolong Island then it would send you to the NoD or WT I think, but I'm not certain how long you'll be able to farm for collections in Metro or perhaps you can I'm not sure
  17. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    the metro part you can do without doing the operation. its part of normal metro that we enter normally
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  18. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    i know once you complete the op, you get kicked after 5 mins
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  19. nogimmick New Player

    so you CAN go farm those out in the open world? is that what i'm getting here? i was always under the assumption that if you're not in the alert they wouldn't show up for whatever reason. good--i have quite a grip of scanners that are going unused that i can start putting to good use.
  20. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Yes, you can fly there in the open world metro. Like someone said, is north of the superman statue and east of the science spire along the coast.
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