GU 41... in my opinion.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by PaxDietatem, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. junglejim New Player

    ^this. I detest the way a few on pc are holding dcs pvp future in their hands. I detest it does seem to be going down the legends route. Power costs seem terrible. Ss nerf a joke . Dot nerf while i understand with a.m still undecided on. Now i mean no offense but for a guy like clutch who i dont know thats strength going from previous posts is his reaction play to champion dot changes counter damage etc well that gears pvp towards his personal strengths. Am i calling him biased? No ofc not he may be completely impartial and have the best intentions but in listening to the few questions like these can pop up
    What i mean is for every slob clutch and vengeance ill raise you a yuri a dj or a zshadow and thats just guys for 1v1 skill. For every clutch or sabyiga in legends theres a gobby or bad betty . For every fami theres a mass terror team awesome one pieced etc. The feedback system since it hit test has been terrible considering the magnitude of these changes and while im sure the most active forum pvp guys are worth their salt on pc its still just a minuscule percentage of hardcore pvp guys. At the very least feedback threads for this update shouldve been open to all
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  2. yaya2220 New Player

    Pc players like legends so they making arenas into legends lmao
  3. Bowerbird USPC New Player

    loooooooool its u!! I beat u yesterday! gg
  4. Foe Evah New Player

    That's because people give Nyema way more importance than they should. That player often tries to call attention to himself on PC, in the game, in the park, in trade chat, in LFG, etc, even when nobody is talking to him. Considering I was hoping not to see the name past page 5 and DID see it, he's succeeding at his real goal, which isn't exactly being known for being a good pvper.

    There are plenty of PC players who do not like legends and much prefer arenas, but that is not to say that legends isn't the more balanced of the two. That is one of the reasons it is the game mode: easily accessible, easier to balance, and "equalized" (mind the quotes) across legends and players, no RPS, no foreign consumables, etc. GU41 may be the first step to actually getting a "Friday Night Arenas" or something of the sort. As it currently stands, there is no way. The main concern a number of people have are power costs, but that's usually due to lack of testing, in which case this thread demonstrated with a number of posts that it is not as bad as one may think.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Unless by "like legends" you mean not being able to one shot people/having entire teams reset to full health multiple times and actually having to focus on counters rather than weapon mastery spamming and powers then I'm going to be inclined to disagree with you there. A lot.
    I'm sad that I wasn't mentioned here :(

    The thing is, at the moment, only legendary Pc members can access test, so we don't want "TESTING FEEDBACK" being flooded with people who can't actually test this stuff as it would kind of defeat the purpose. I do remember a developer saying a while ago that they were going to look into a way for some PS members being able to access PC test, which I would entirely support as they should have just as much of a say in this.

    Really the best solution right now would be for making a thread in the PvP section about it.


    Power costs are, how shall we say, drastically different on arenas. One of the biggest complaints is about healers not being able to heal you adequately. If you really want survivability, you need to be able to focus on counters.

    I agree with you on that much.

    It really does not feel like legends. I'll just copy and paste a bit from something earlier in this post: "Unless by "like legends" you mean not being able to one shot people/having entire teams reset to full health multiple times and actually having to focus on counters rather than weapon mastery spamming and powers then I'm going to be inclined to disagree with you there. A lot."

    The variety is still there, if anything there's more now for each power set actually.

    Shields in legends don't function that way. They can be tapped down, but they don't let damage through. I might be misinterpreting what you're saying though.
  6. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I'm just going to say this.

    This is from what I have seen on forums and that is, when someone is good at whatever it is in game, they don't need someone running around saying how so and so will wipe the floor with you or the person isn't gonna say "I'm beast at PvP!!!" Because then it gets ugly and the person ends up embarrassing themselves. Your friend can get better with more practice that's if he/she wants to.
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  7. VintageWine Dedicated Player

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  8. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    the only thing I'm worried about is super speed changes and healing changes
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Bit spoilerific gif there.
    I do not see the problem with SS changes or maybe I am just using it wrong.
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  10. Dylan Top5 New Player

    So should Acro get nerfed as well?

    Flight can use line of sight to it's advantage like no other movement mode. Just look at the center node in Arkham Asylum to see flight cheese used to it's fullest. Currently every movement mode has it's own advantages. Nerfing SS will only ruin the balance between movement modes
  11. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    The speed is completely different. SS is far faster in running away or kiting in that manner.
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  12. JonnyD New Player

    If this was true, I wouldn't be back :D I can't wait for GU41 to launch already.

    :eek: OMG, I been waiting for that!!!
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  13. Dylan Top5 New Player

    No it's not... SS also has to come down
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  14. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    Idk why you jump to "oh you mean you can't 1 shot anymore" No, i do not tho that is some of the variety i'm talking about EVEN tho one shots are done more now cause of gu40. And WM spammers/rushers add to the variety i'm talking about. When I as in ME say more like legends, i am saying there will be more turtling(mostly 1v1) and ranging(,especially 4-8s) and if anything the new hp scale basically yells for WM abuse, just not lethal as it is now if hit. So wouldn't say counter system in general, but blocking. Which takes no skill to use. Now if you block so much and your opponent lacks the ability to hold triangle, that's a whole other story.

    I think you know what rangers and turtlers are. Not strategic blockers(which i consider just blocking WM or when their doing obvious combo). turtles are the type to block while in a shield. Not using bb's or weapon or lunges. Just know R1.

    Actually i thought with power cost increased, and hp scale that basically yelled for set loadouts, while making chosen more effective, it also lowers diversity in them. Cause i'm dps, i want L/O that does most dmg right? Right. I may wrong but i'm sure i'll see more of the same L/o's. Cause right now, i can explore while having powers that look cool but dmg is so-so. Cost-less power tho to cast. With gu41, increased power cost plus hp scale basically says have best L/O and use power wisely which i agree with, using power wisely that is. One shouldn't have to possess the best L/O tho.

    Also i mean are characters that use shields or some kind of dmg shielding in legends gonna be effected.
  15. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    I love kiting btw... Assuming you mean flight kiting. Nothing like toying with SS and arco knowing they can't touch ya. Less they call their league mates who have flight and chase ya to your nightclub. <_<
  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The reason I jumped to those things is that they're some of the most common things wrong with PvP at the moment. Just because there is variety doesn't necessarily make it good. You can still spam WM, but now at a greater risk to yourself due to the possibility of not one shotting someone. You actually need to carefully time it.

    That will not necessarily be true. WM deals far less damage now, so staying at range may inhibit the overall effectiveness of a team. I can't say that one for sure. As far as turtling goes, there is no good strategy that relies on blocking heavily. That's part of the reason counter windows were introduced. You can't block for a long time/repeatedly without being punished for doing so.

    As per screaming for WM abuse, no, as of now the best way to wear someone down is to actually out-counter them. Abusing WM is going to get you countered and quite dead against an experienced player.

    There always are going to be "certain" best loadouts for everything. Right now on test though there's more risk/reward with picking certain loadouts though as you really need to weigh power consumption versus damage versus time of each fight. I'm using things I never thought I would use in smaller matches even in a DPS stance, like gadgets Battle Drone if I am going with more of a power hungry loadout. I'm just messing around with all different stuff at this point.

    Right now (and this is just me messing around seeing what types of crazy stuff I can come up with for the sake of being weird) I've been messing around with the following:
    Taser Pull
    Fear Gas
    Gauss Grenade
    Neural Neutralizer
    Battle Drone

    I've also messed around with having Holo-Decoy and self destruct button in my loadout. Since Holo-Decoy doesn't seem to last as long as it used to I figure I might as well get the damage absorption out of it and have a fairly short animation power that is more importantly free, to clip something with a longer animation time on it.

    So I don't really know if you'll be seeing a lot of the same load outs. I can't speak for every power set or anyone else though, but I've been having A LOT of fun mixing and matching and have been finding quite a few different things that can work effectively.

    As far as I know when I tested Guy Gardener out the other night, shields were not effected.

    Also sorry if I misread anything, the grammar there in your post was somewhat off :p
  17. LeRassTyphon Well-Known Player

    i m totally agree with you but ,it s sad that when the thing is going so wrong that you r the only one who saying it on the forum...
    Pc players got the future of pvp in them hand when the most active pvpers of dcuo on the web are on eups...
  18. junglejim New Player

    Yeah i more or less agree. We have plenty of guys that eat sleep and breathe 5s on eu yet last night clutch claimed pc pvp "proven to be on a whole other level" the guys clearly good at what he does but statements like that wind me up complete nonsense considering theres been no cross server scrims ever. If the best eu can put forward got beasted hard by pc id bow not not before. Im sure us ps will feel the same its just unfortunate we dont have more on here backing us. We all have friends just most ps ignore the forums . I like most changes just a few things like ss nerf are stupid imo or stupid power costs.

    Edit : cant find that post now even though i replied this morning to it. The joys of smartphones and these forums. My retort to it was basically what an arrogant sweeping generalisation to make with no basis to it
  19. Requake Dedicated Player

    I played both ps and pc. Pc players like to feel themselves better than ps players for some reason. And tbh ive played with ppl who scrimmed against leagues like fami and won. But yet i feel like people on ps i know can easily beat them. Js
  20. LeRassTyphon Well-Known Player

    those nerfs are not the only things i dislike with GU41 i stat on it here