Macro Auto-Click

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MaskBR, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I think I also remember a quote from a green name, very likely from the old forums, where it was said that macros are ok under specific circumstances, as Ivy Bird described.

    I searched the forums, tried google, but didn't find that quote anymore.

    I found a sentence in the game manual though, which says, that macros, bots, etc. are not allowed, which would allow "unattended game play".

    Page 9, No.9 in the top left corner
  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah I just assumed it was the same as other SOE games where it's "We don't condone it, but we cannot catch it so it's "ok"."

    It came up a lot in EQ with their "collection" type things which used a forage skill that can only be used every couple minutes. So people would set it up to do that overnight, it was said that if a GM pops in and sees you doing that and prods you a few times to see if you're afk then you can get in trouble if you are, if you respond even if you're using a macro or autofire thing then you're in the clear because they can't prove anything.
  3. Death Throe New Player

    The OP is referring to a Bot or script. Since exobit spawn points are not random it is quite possible to write a script which guides your toon from spawn point to spawn point picking up exos. It could actually be a recorded macro...goddamned I am getting some evil ideas here!
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  4. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Adding to what Ivy Bird said, it is actually impossible in DCUO to utilize a macro faster than the intended combos or clips the game allows (ie: a Spin Chop + Clip) UNLESS you utilize 3rd party software such as a speed hack or a no-delay hack. This use not to be the case way back in the day. You could just freely speed up a macro but fortunately they addressed this issue. I only have a few macros on my keyboard and they are all just /eat, /dance, little emotes so I don't have to type them. They are on my M1-M5 buttons on the side. This is allowed.

    However, out of curiosity, I set up a F2P account and attempted speeding up macros with the Razer equipment without 3rd Party Software just to make sure what I have read was true about DCUO not allowing the combos to go off faster than intended and the combos would not working. What happens is mid combo+clip it just stops working. Because your command is trying to do the macro faster than the game intends, and without 3rd Party Software to allow it, the game does indeed prevent the macro from working as scripted. Which I was happy to see. So yeah if you ever see someone doing combos faster than humanly possible it isn't just a macro it is at the very least 3rd Party Software which is detectable by the cheat system in DCUO and they will get caught and banned.
  5. DracGonz New Player

    macros are in a sense only consider cheating cause ppl think they are being too lazy to do the work themselves but they were mostly made in the concept to help say ppl that are limited in playing the games but want to play still like 1 handed 1 armed or other said disabilities that prevent them from playing well so it gives them a minor edge in being able to play not that all those said types need them but id does help them so they can bypass/surpass a disability to play a game they love or are passionate about
  6. SRH3 New Player

    Been playing computer games since the early nineties. This game more than almost any other accelerates carpal tunnel syndrome. Sorry, I'm not giving up my Logitech gaming mouse. I assign a few things to toggle mode like block breakers, lunges and interrupts and my wrist appreciates it.
  7. Mad9 New Player

    Speeding hacks/macros to cheat the system are not only frowned upon but will get the player banned.
  8. Mad9 New Player

    Players should never rely on macros. To me, it shows that you are no good a player and whatever little skill the game requires has been alienated.
  9. SRH3 New Player

    I don't think complex patterns of clicks were ever meant to demonstrate a level of skill but were more of a design solution for having to have an easily accessible input method for many different moves. Many people have mice with few buttons and trying to create a solution with a keyboard would be insane. Hence clicky patterns.

    Its a matter of necessity, not choice.

    A macro is an elegant solution from the end users options.
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  10. Mad9 New Player

    It's not a necessity as any half decent player would refrain from using cheap tricks to perform their role.
    It's an elegant solution to doing nothing in the game. Set a macro and press a single button to perform an entire combo is not at all enjoyable. Personally, I detest players who use macros.
  11. Toshknight Loyal Player

    if its a keyboard macro . enable on your hardware its ok. but if its a program used outside the game to manipulate the game files and ULA aggreement then you cant use it
  12. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    For the PC, as well as the PS4 (I understand you can hook up a keyboard to it.) There is software that can be used to play back macro's.

    I'm pretty sure as a policy you arent supposed to use the software for any sony game. You could simply stand at a exobit respawn point. Trigger the macro to replay 50,000 times. Go to work and when you get out of work you'd have an inventory full of exobits. I'm pretty sure that's frowned upon.

    In other games (so prolly this one too) there are more complicated scripts that would even run your character through a route and pick up several respawn spots and even handle enemies that it might run into. Thats DEFINITELY frowned up.

    There's a logitec keyboard that is nothing short of a macro miracle. I'm not sure that can even be detected. It costs a bit of money as well.

    I'd say all of the above is frowned upon however there is a caveat. There are people that play this game with SERIOUS disabilities. They're playing with just one hand or less. Using voice commands and are still very capable of playing using macro's.

    Sony has actually gotten in trouble with that kinda thing before in other games. They found out a player was using software that was definitely against the rules and banned the user. The guy was in a wheelchair for life, with a really bad disability. I'd have to go look it up.

    My point being, there is a possibility, a rare possibility that it'd be within the rules under those circumstances.
  13. Foe Evah New Player

    What the OP is looking for just how to macro, he's looking to bot farm. Pretty much what Tazz posted. I'm not sure if he will get banned by standing by a spawn point and pressing E over and over and over (?). Playing back an action in itself is a macro, it does not require some type of additional or special software other than the macro software/firmware used.

    He might also be wanting to find a botting program used for farming. It will typically detected certain hues in the game and perform a number of actions on it. Same said program is usually run on window mode in other games, though I can't say I've seen people do it in DCUO. Expect to be banned if you find this and then use it.

    Macro users can play without a macro, but undoubtedly less efficiently since a machine is more precisely consistent than a human, so really it's more about laziness.
  14. onesh0t1kill New Player

    Laziness? It's all about control. The same reasons why people talk crap on the internet but in real life wouldn't say anything or they think they can until they get hit in the face. Same reason why people try to persistently manipulate others. They don't have the control as they do without the macros. "I don't want carpel tunnel, so I think macroing is ok, because I get what I want, my control". <--- Sad attempt of manipulation. Anyone can play without a macro. It's the weak-minded that feel they need a macro. If you're afraid of getting a physical disability due to playing video games, then maybe, just maybe, you should reconsider playing the video game...just an idea.
  15. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The thing about macros in DCUo is: They grant no advantage.

    I know someone who tried macros. He programmed his power and weapon rotation into it.
    He could basically start the macro and his character fought the sparring target on his own.

    Now here's the twist: His conclusion was, that it only works well on a sparring target. In real content you have to move around, break out of controll effects or react to counters. Using the macro was a disadvantage... :D
  16. Draxton Well-Known Player

    Tazzaxe said it correctly here as I was going to respond in line...

    I use a Logitech G510 Gaming keyboard, and use the Gkeys on it to use certain combos in game. Am I wrong for doing so?

    Before you answer that let me also tell you that I am a veteran with a disability in my left hand preventing certain movements for my fingers.

    Who is to say that I can not play the game because I am technically "disabled" in that sense?

    I can set the appointed button and move around freely still able to maneuver while my combos go off.

    In regards to sitting on one spot and having massive clicks on a spawn point is VERY different in that regard and I do agree that shouldn't be allowed.

    NOTE: I have actually been banned for use of my keyboard in a game or two, and in my appeal to the ban I all but sent pictures of my hand and medical paperwork to get it resolved. Its a hassle for some people with limitations but understandable.
  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    holy thread resurrection batman!
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  18. Solarverse Committed Player

    Whisky (W) Tango (T) Foxtrot (F) is a U.S. military version of the alphabet. The reason it is used is because in war, or in battle, or over radio device, letters of the alphabet and numbers can sound the same. So instead of saying the letter of the alphabet, the word is used in place of the letter. Much the same reason 9'er (nine'er) is used in place of 9.

    So in other words, what the poster is saying is, "WTF, over?"
  19. Draxton Well-Known Player

    Yeah saw the date after I posted lol
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  20. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't think you are wrong.
    As I mentioned before, a normal speed input (preferably recorded) does not lead to an automatic ban. But caused by gameplay (so, non-sparring-target) any macro that is longer than just a few seconds is a (significant!) disadvantage. You probably had to find your own playstyle and I doubt that you will encounter trouble because of your gaming keyboard. You are playing without any mouse as well?
    Just don't use Steam to play DCUO. Steam is rumored to scan your entire PC for "hacking" or "cheating" software. However, Daybreak Games seems to respect our privacy as it should be.

    But back to the topic of auto-farming exobits: I sometimes really wish the devs would detect keystrokes that are input by long, but very constant timers and very repititive. That would not only prevent auto-farming of an exonode, but also those super-annoying gold-sellers. It is no secret that the gold-sellers use macros to spam the server with their messages...