What's the Best Way to Handle Blacklisting Threats?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Me and my league-mates queued into Intergang Crime Wave since we were missing a controller. First thing the queued controller asked was for our CRs. We provided them and asked him, and he was 108. He then proceeded to try to dictate the alert by going where he wanted to and saying, "Tank come. Come."

    I don't respond well to Tarzan, Jane, and pet commands. It's one of my pet peeves in the game. On top of that, the guy kept using his Quantum Anomaly and Tachyon Burst to cc all enemies in the area. I could not pull anything at all, which was an issue when trying to defend the devices in Metropolis from Intergang enemies since they kept getting immunity.

    A league-mate who I have only seen initiate a kick once or twice initiated one with this guy. The guy sent me a tell saying he was going to blacklist our league. I reported him, but I don't know what will happen as a result. Has anyone run into similar situations? Any advice beyond reporting the player?
  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    This blacklisting thing is up there with shouting "ninja looter" in the watchtower. Speaking for myself, I don't have the time, patience or energy to maintain a blacklist. If I feel really strongly about it, I'll put them on ignore.
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  3. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I do not think you should worry about it. Although next time I would suggest telling him that what he is doing wrong so he knows the next time he runs it before you do the whole kick thing.
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  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Going to blacklist your league how? adding it to a list of leagues that everybody looks at before deciding whether or not to run content with them? No, I didn't think so. It's just empty threats, as always. It should have been obvious from the fact that he was trying to command your run. Clearly has control issues and likes to feel above everyone else. Let him do his best. Nobody takes fools like that seriously anyway.
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  5. HiggletyPigglety New Player

    /ignore and move on.
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  6. ChuckLess New Player

    I didn't even know this was a thing. What did you report the player for? Don't you think the people that run this game have enough to deal with without this kind of nonsense?
  7. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player


    If I saw someone shouting for people to blacklist a league I'm more likely to put him on ignore.

    If someone I actually had some respect for said not to run with a league for XXX reasons then I might actually consider it, then again unless the league already had something of a reputation I'd probably forget about it within ten minutes.
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  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I could have sworn it was against the EULA/Rules of Conduct to blacklist, but I do not see anything listed. Could be considered harassment. It's also possible the GM who read my complaint just laughed at me. ;-}
  9. ChuckLess New Player

  10. Gottcha Well-Known Player

    Nothing to worry about, it's a lame threat. He was the pug, where was his league? You're on HIS blacklist which means nothing.
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  11. Laff Riot New Player

    Just put him on ignore. Most people dont pay any attention to the loser and move on.
  12. KidMidnight Loyal Player


    i mean really.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thank you for the laugh i havent had one in days, but dont sweat it. they are empty threats
  14. Toshknight Loyal Player

    WEll when someone knows excatly what there doing and have done and alert or raid alot even duo... sometimes they are just use to saying what to do.... i wouldnt have taken it personal. sucks you guys got into it. but imo its always good to have someone in a raid or alert if thers no voice chat that is saying exactly what to do. i dont take it personal or offensive if it happens to me
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It wasn't that he was trying to lead the alert; it was his attitude in doing so. His attitude screamed: "I'm better than you guys and you have to do it my way." I'm not a fan of people who think they are better than others for any reason, real life or in game.
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  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    It's an empty threat because there's no meaningful way to blacklist people. He's trolling you and it worked because you spent your time trying to report him and start a thread discussing it. He got in your head. Next time is kick him, dismiss anything he says, and put him on ignore. Nobody has the type of influence to really matter. Move on and don't look back. There's enough people playing this game to justify not worrying about one guy.
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  17. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    I've had some instances like that. Some people seem to think that if they have a higher cr/sp, then they are better than you. An evil lil trick ive done is let said person run ahead of you, goto league chat and tell your friends dont heal or anything, then watch said person die a horrible yet hilarious death
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  18. Sbel Devoted Player

    So, you queued into the group and he's going to blacklist you? What's he going to do, quit when he gets random queued with you in the future? ;)

    Ok, more serious now. He may refuse to play with you, and he may convince his friends/league mates not to play with you. That sucks, but it falls under "you can't force people to play with you" and you didn't really want to play with him again anyway, did you? So he'd be doing you a favor by refusing to play with you and keeping track of it like that. :p

    And he's not going to have any luck getting you blacklisted in general. No one takes stuff like that seriously unless they're friends with the guy trying to blacklist.
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  19. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    if someone doesnt want to play with me the easiest way to get me to leave an instance is to start barking orders. i always think people like that do these things to cover up their own inadequacies.

    now if i'm not mistaken arent you a member of a league that while many of its members are currently playing destiny still has been around for a few years and is on very good terms with several other well established leagues?

    what makes you think that anyone in this game can actually blacklist you. if anything they should be worried you doing that to them.

    once again i state...i mean really.

    i remember back when the servers merged and we were having chat difficulties. we could only communicate via proximity chat. flying around the watchtower dozens of random players would walk up to me and just start spouting off names of people i should ignore. not even a "hi" or "what server are you from". pretty much confirmed what i was going to encounter entering an online game.

    who in their right mind would take the word of a complete and total stranger...on the internet???

    i'd rather be on ten thousand ignore lists if it means less headaches, not having to listen to screaming babies and spouses, dealing with self absorbed players who think they deserve to come first and wasting lots of time having people tell me to stroke their egos...especially when the people i do know and play with in game appreciate my help, return the favors and are genuinely fun to play with.
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  20. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Any players who pay attention to blacklisting are players you don't need to bother with anyway.
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