Server Downtime - September 23, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Why does my account keep saying failed connection when I try to login on ps4 but my other account loads just fine on ps4 no obe will tell me why thusis hhappening whats the reason why its annoying
  2. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Well, that's amusingly awkward! lol :D Sorry for pointing the finger at you, man.


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  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    HUZZAH! Time to get me some new auras! Giggity giggity giggity, alright! ;)
  4. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Okay I sent a message to support
  5. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

    Exactly, that is why I said it. It was a statement on this topic. I'm glad someone gets it!
  6. cromemagnum New Player

    Ok so when are they going to do a hot fix for the t6 alart an raid I went throu about 900 replay badges an I just keep getting bombarded trinket an weapons
  7. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    CONFIRMED! The last briefing, Kalibak Report #4, is now more accessible in Artifacts. It is in the west side antechamber to the final boss (Kalibak) room. You may need a scanner to find it, as I did, or someone may have to show you. Reward is as previously posted, the Urgrund helm.
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  8. Rodz New Player

    I`m still waiting for the server..... 20:26 in Argentina... And?
  9. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Oh my gooosh. Yesss.
    Can you post a picture maybe? Of the exact location.
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The servers went back up many hours ago...
  11. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Sorry, I was so exited last time I forgot to. Next run, I will & post it here with a map shot.
  12. XDeadxDamageX New Player

    I can't login to DCUO... Code:1048
  13. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Just so other ppl in the future know that sometimes when you get the failed connection please try again message it might mean you have been permanently banned thats why i continued to get it for
  14. XDeadxDamageX New Player

    Well I don't know if I'm banned
  15. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    NUTS! No matter how many times I reset my settings & try to get a picture of the Artifacts map, it just won't take.