The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    You might want to use the form on page 1 and answer all the questions. We recruiters ARE looking for those answers.
  2. CoolCee217 New Player

    *In-game name - Charles Quantum (found a league)
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) - Hero
    *Server - USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points - 106/134
    *Power -Quantum
    *Role - Controller
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play - Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements) - 30+
    *About yourself - I got into DCUO because my cousin was playing it and I was hooked. It's my first MMO and I like that you can be hard core or causal and still enjoy it.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm lookin for a league that is active and has members that play support roles instead of a league that is full of only DPS. i'm on the east coast but usually play late night. - I did find a league
    • Like x 2
  3. Wanderica New Player

    In-Game Name: Jackson Tack
    Faction: Hero
    Server: USPC
    Combat Rating::61
    Skill Points: 47
    Power: Quantum
    Role: Controller
    Mic: Yes
    Legendary Member: Yes
    About Me / What I’m Looking For: I’m a little older than most here, I’m sure, at 33, but I still love to play. I work 3rd shift (east coast) in a hospital Wednesday night through Monday morning, so I really need a league that tends to operate in the morning, or at the very least tends to schedule activities on Monday and Tuesday nights.
    Since we seem to have quite the LGBT presence here, I’ll go ahead and say that I’m a straight male, but people are people, so feel free to contact me if your league tends to meet during one of the above mentioned times and desire a new member.
    I enjoy most all types of gameplay from time to time, but tend to favor PvE as an end-game focus. PvP is fun for those “gotta smash somebody’s face” days though. It’s easy enough to gear up with the hoard of Replay Badges I have, so running a few raids, doing some dailies, and spending some tokens should get me into T4 easily enough. Lately, however, I have sort-of hit the pause button on the gear grind to get my skill points up, so a league that helps its members grind feats would be great. One thing I used to love was feat grinding in LotRO as a Kinship. Lots of dirty jokes and laughs back then.
    I have years of gaming behind me. I was gaming back when the on switch was a toggle switch on my 2600. I was a master at blowing those old NES cartridges out and even knew the trick of stacking another game on top of the first one. There’s still a lot I can learn and experience in DCUO, however, so I look forward to seeing all that this game has to offer. Feel free to respond here, send a tell in-game, or drop me an in-game mail.
  4. Pretzel New Player

    -Name: PretzeI
    -Faction: Villain
    -Server: USPS
    -CR/SP: 108/171
    -Power: Electricity
    -Role: Dps/Healer
    -Mic: Yes
    -Membership: Legendary
    -About me: Not much to tell really.
  5. Ravencast New Player

    Hello, I've been a long time player but in all my time in game I have never been in a 'league'. Indeed it normally seems people are just anti-social for the most part to me:(
    Anyways I'd very much like to change that if anyone is recruiting, an RP league/guild would be lovely but all in all something, anything really is better then sitting in silence on an MMO. I have single player games for that >.<;

    In-game name. - 'many' I have 2 accounts my current Main hero is Eldrayth and villian is Gont
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). - both
    *Server (USPS/EUPS-USPC/EUPC) - pc pve server, are there more then one? There was only the one when I made my accounts
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. - low likely on my mains as soon as my toons hit the lvl cap I put them on the self really
    *Power. - big lantern fan
    *Role. - dps I guess for most
    *Do you have a mic? - yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. - f2p on one account premium on the other
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). - 32
    *About yourself. - I am a heavy gamer, I play alot of different games, and yes other MMO's this one though I have always loved.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? -....its too quiet here.....
  6. BlakeKallor New Player

    Here we go:

    In-game name. - Andromedae Hunter (hero) and Tercell (villain)
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). - both
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. - 41 / 32 (hero) 19/13 (villain)
    *Power. - mental (hero) / fire (villain)
    *Role. - DPS both
    *Do you have a mic? - yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. - premium
    *Age. - 35
    *About yourself. - I'm a casual player, I like to make friends and play in group, I also play LotRO and sometimes SWtOR and I'm a big Pink Floyd fan
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - I'm searching a LGBT league
  7. RosieRiveter New Player

    In-game name: Rosie Riviter
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 20/28
    *Power: Mental
    *Role: Damage
    *Do you have a mic? yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Premium
    *Age: 45
    *About yourself: Just your average gamer, I worked hard for 20 years and retired... now I have all kinds of free time
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking for a Helpful and Social League, why... because I have found it aids in my enjoyment of the experience

    I am a casual gamer with a family... even though I am retired I have not stopped with the working.... I am generally always available on Thursday and Sunday... any other time is a a roll of the dice...

    hit me up in game
  8. ProHax New Player

    In-Game Name: Flameseye
    Faction: Hero
    Server: USPC
    Combat Rating: 64, 86(pvp)
    Role: Controller/Damage
    mic: Yes.
    Legendary member
    Age: 21(party!)
    About me: I'm a college student studying electrical/computer engineering with a focus on software. I'm looking for
    a League that has a good amount of active/social players. I consider myself a casual gamer, and it doesn't matter how
    prestigious the league is for me to be happy. Let's have some fun!
  9. BlackThunder231 New Player

    *In-game name. Unforgettable rage
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). hero
    *Server (USPS/EUPS-USPC/EUPC) usps
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. cr106/ sp87
    *Power. rage
    *Role. tank
    *Do you have a mic? yes i would love a league that alot of ppl use mics
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. premium i buy dlcs
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 16
    *About yourself. cooperative, funny, mature, havent been active in dcuo for awhile but try to fix that now, usually when i was on i was able to always help a friend out and id be glad to help who ever my new league mates

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? a league that does both pvp and pve often, active league with atleast 6 or 7 ppl on. and most important a league that could help me to become a better tank and does raids often
  10. ThatRomanianGuy New Player

    In-game name. Fulgul
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). hero
    *Server (USPS/EUPS-USPC/EUPC) eupc
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. cr38/ sp25
    *Power. ice
    *Role. damage
    *Do you have a mic? yes i have a mic
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. free to play
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 14
    *About yourself. cooperative, funny, i like playing with other ppl,i only enter on dcuo saturday and sunday

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? a league that will be good with new players like me and good wih people from other countries(no racism),i want a league that has a league hall,want a english league or a romainian
  11. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

    *In-game name. - Bern Unit
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR - 92 / SP - 66
    *Power. - Fire
    *Role. TANK/DPS
    *Do you have a mic? - No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. - Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). - 33
    *About yourself. - Casual player who logs in 2-3x weekly [sometimes more if I can] looking for a group of others like myself (laid back, helpful, fun loving, creative) to run content with and have some fun. Also, I am on the East Coast (just in case time zones can be an issue)
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - Mostly PvE stuff, might be interested in getting into PvP with the right help. I would like to be able to help new players with stuff and also maube get some help with some of the tougher feats and such.
  12. Kravenblood28 New Player

    *In-game name - Wrathful Goddess
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) - Hero
    *Server - USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points - 74/93
    *Power - Rage
    *Role - DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play - Premium
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements) - 24
    *About yourself - I got in through a friend about 2 plus years ago and was hooked. Haven't been on in a while due to work and looking to start a new character and see whats new.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a league that is active and has members that can teach me to play support roles and help me be a better player.
  13. wm24361 New Player

    *In-game name. -- Fintaak
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Villain
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. -- Main is 63. Have controller I've not used in forever, but could level if need be.
    *Power. --Main is earth/rifle . Controller is mental/bow/brawler
    *Role. -- Mainly DPS as I don't know the higher level alerts and how to do whats needed beyond "click that person, attack them til dead".
    *Do you have a mic? -- you bet
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. -- Legen...wait for it......Dary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). -- 30
    *About yourself. -- 30 year old male. I can be on to play anywhere from 2 - 4 days a week. Mainly depends on what is going on during the week. Real life takes priority, but I'm USUALLY pretty boring.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? -- Basically looking for the guys who get on and play for the fun of it. I'm all for ralerts and getting new gear, clearing content, etc.. , but don't want anyone who flips out when a group wipes because *gasp* it does happen.

    Anything else, let me know. I'm up for roleplay ONLY if it means we all get on skype and dress as our characters as we play. I'll also bring punch and snacks to all league meetings.
  14. MrNewcolours New Player

    • Like x 1
  15. TheHeartbreakkid New Player



    153 sp, 107cr
    Age: old man
    About myself: I think I'm cute, I KNOW i'm.... Ah, screw it. Here ya go.

    What are you looking for in a league and why?: cool people, like my old league minus the doctor.
    • Like x 1
  16. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    *In-game name. ZXxHunterxXZ
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Villain
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. pve 108 / pvp 90 / sp 189
    *Power. Rage
    *Role. Dps/tank 94 gear full VI modded for both
    *Do you have a mic? yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 22
    *About yourself. I can tell you about myself if you want to know ask me.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for a league to run all content pvp and pve with and be able to chat in the down time while waiting in queue or waiting to pick people up and just to have a good time while playing
  17. Gambeezy New Player

    In-game name Regis XVI
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR 63
    *Power. Quantum
    *Role. Control
    *Do you have a mic? yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Premium
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 21
    *About yourself. Chill guy thats just wants to have fun

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Just looking for a league to do anything with. Its more fun to play with people you know than strangers you randomly join parties with
    • Like x 1
  18. GhostShadow01 New Player

    *In-game name. White Solstice
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR: 30 SP: 22 PVPR: 15
    *Power. Ice
    *Do you have a mic? No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. F2P
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 16
    *About yourself. Like teamwork and having fun more than anything gaming wise
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? i am looking for a league whose members are greedy bastards and would play just to have a good time.
    • Like x 1
  19. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    *In-game name: Slightly Miffed
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: pre-L30 / 84ish
    *Power: Rage
    *Role: not sure yet...will most likely play both roles
    *Do you have a mic?: Yes, but I don't say much
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements): Well over 25 :D
    *About yourself: Have been playing for a few years or so, have a few characters around T5, and one in T6. Casual player with a family (on most nights for at least an hour....longer on Friday / Saturday nights).
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for a friendly, laid-back league - pref. in the AU time-zone, but as long as there are players in said time-zone it's all good. Am not worried if folk aren't avaialble to run lower level instances (I'm quite happy getting getting to T6 content by myself), but wouldn't mind a good group of folk to run the newer content with. Depending on how things go with Slightly Miffed (my current project), I could be convinced to bring my main tank well as possibly re-activate my healers.
  20. WildRager New Player

    In-game name XWildRagerX
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points:CR49/SP39
    *Do you have a mic?:Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play:premium
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements):16
    *About yourself: was previously a dps but converting into tank at tier 2 and I'm on almost every day
    *What are you looking for in a league:I need a league that can help w out th feats and getting marks,and can also teach me to be a proper tank