What happened to the Controller role revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Heavens Sword, Aug 16, 2014.

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  1. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    I have run with these tanks
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  2. NCR RANGER New Player

    So you suggest removing the controller role entirely?
  3. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    One thing I would like to see is the ability for all weapons to effectively be able to return power in the troll role (Healer too).
  4. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    more power restored from weapon combos would be nice
  5. Biester New Player

    I wasn't suggesting that but I honestly wouldn't see any harm in doing so but that doesn't mean I'm in favor of eliminating the controller role. Most people still have this idea from beta that trolls' primary job is to cc while giving out power is a secondary job but that just isn't the case anymore.

    The troll role has devolved since beta and people aren't willing to accept their primary job which is to give power and I don't blame them. I've said before and I'll continue to say that the community isn't responsible for turning controllers into battery roles, the content is responsible. In A&B, people don't complain nearly as much about power out because everyone knows that the trolls are doing something much more important than constantly recharging which is ccing the manhunters.

    The hard thruth is the controllers are batteries. Until more content is added that has the need for a battery to become a controller then this will always be the case. It sucks but you can thank the devs for this.
  6. CajunKhan Well-Known Player

    That does sound like a shame. The Controller role, in theory, should represent those characters who do something sneaky/clever to put the enemy at the mercy of the more conventionally powerful warriors. Batman blinding the villain so Superman can get in some free sucker-punches is what the Controller represents to me. I've yet to read a story where Batman feeds Superman a nice high-calorie sandwhich in the middle of a battle.

    In other words, Controllers should be the tops at, as the name suggests, controlling the battlefield with stuns and slows and blinds and debuffs.
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  7. NCR RANGER New Player

    Might as well make everyone DPS and turn roles into sub-classes attached to each power set like in destiny.
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  8. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I could literally sit here all day and list off ideas on how to make the controller role better. However, I've already done it in about 50 different threads and all ideas (by everybody) have been ignored.

    It's not even worth debating or arguing about anymore.

    The Developers don't care about the controller role. They have no desire to feature it, or even implement it in content. We are power batteries in a game where nobody uses power and are relegated to using 2 buttons to do so. There is no interesting method of giving power, no differences between the 4 controller powersets in the ability to do so. There is no use for Controller crowd control. The only useful debuff is the defense debuff and even that is limited in its usefulness. There is no working together with Tanks to CC enemies. Nobody in the office cares about controllers.

    It's not even an opinion at this point. It's a fact, evidenced by 3 and a half years of neglect.
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  9. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player


    What's different about controlling with each of the powers? Seriously, thats a legitimate question. Are they talking about how we crowd control? That's pretty much exactly the same on all powersets, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 small things (ghosting things with Mental being one).

    My loadout on ALL of my controllers (ive been every one) is: POT - Defense debuff - instant power - power return SC - anything because it doesnt matter at this point

    There is absolutely nothing advanced about controlling in its current state. Nothing at all. Tanks have 4 completely distinct mechanics (health buff, rage crash, shielding, damage absorption/transfer/pets), Healers have several ways of healing that differentiate between the powers (solo heals, group HoT, group burst, pet healing, shielding, channeled heals and battle healing) and controllers are identical...oh no, I'm sorry, HL has interruptible debuffs, so there's that.

    Like I said, they don't care about controlling, nor do they see the issues. They thought Weapon Mastery was a solution for controllers for crying out loud.
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  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Worst part about it, is that we'll never hear them address it.

    This thread could get 1000 likes, 1000 posts and not 1 dev would set foot in here to discuss it. I want nothing more then to sit down and explain why controlling is in such a bad place.
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  12. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    If the devs stop for once and watch any raids, they'll see that the majority of the time trolls are in the back using weapon>recharge over and over.
    While the DPS are having fun with their rotations, healers are having fun when the tank is getting damage and they can heal it fast, tanks are having fun when they can constantly hold aggro and not die. There is no fun aspect of controlling, you're there to recharge.

    Overwriting POT should go. You don't have a nature healer overwriting a celestial healer, why do ALL trolls have to overwrite? Recharge should go, give each troll power an actual power return mechanic similar to healing/tanking, so each can be unique to each other.
    We should have more tools, hell the healers get controller tools for some reason, TrayPower group shielding(blessing,boon), should be a controller power.
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  13. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Seriously. We're talking about simple, simple stuff here.

    If you're not the POT controller, you can literally get away with using 1 single move the entire raid. How is that okay? CC is completely unnecessary when they interfere with the duties and survivability of a tank AND are broken out of in seconds. Damage debuffs don't save anybody from 1 shots, so they're useless and healing debuffs are only useful on 2 or 3 bosses (zero adds) in the entire game. Like you said, when I control a raid, I am there to recharge.

    There's plenty wrong with controlling, both mechanically and from content. Neither has or ever will be addressed.
  14. Dragon lord New Player

    Now if you could use battle awareness style play like gadget dps do to give group power that would be cool. Something more than pot and dump.
  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    If they don't change how we're utilized in content, there are hundreds of ways to change the role to make it more fun and appealing.

    I personally want to see a Dev discussion for this subject. It's in need of one.
  16. John Brawler Committed Player

    actually if they look at raids now they'll see 6 dps, 2 trolls being nothing but batteries, and nothing else because currently their ability to be batteries and possible damage potential is the only reason controllers are allowed in raids while healers and tanks are more often kicked immediately since half of a healing powersets heals are still available in damage role.
  17. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I haven't seen one of these threads in a while!

    Didn't even make it past the first page before someone said "give power or play another role"...

    And people said I made that up in the threads about why there are so few trollers now!!!

    Every player wants to be important to the group.
    Every player wants to have fun.
    Being a battery isn't fun.

    Soon, the only trollers will be running only with their leagues...
    We're almost there now...
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  18. TheComicBookJerk New Player

    Being a controller was fun for a while, not it sucks if there is two controllers you can only really spam one move "If your a Gadget troll" You can't throw Pot the only thing you can do is Combo. I know as a Controller you have to give power over time but not being able to do any damage sucks in Tier 6 missions there just isn't enough cools Skills for a Gadget troll I say just either boost his power or remove them completely...
  19. TheComicBookJerk New Player

    I second the motion OVERRIDING someones skill set sucks because if your use to throwing out pot you either have to avoind hitting it by accident or completely adding a Usless skill or no skill to your set...especially Gadget cause All the skills suck for them
  20. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Yet I get the feeling that most here are battery Trolls which is why they would want a revamp to just do what they like doing straight battery.

    It already began with Trollers only running with Leagues due to Pugs needing to constantly being fed Power due to unskilled Trolls running and not even knowing that the power was set up for more than just giving power, giving Trolls a bad rep. or Dps's who felt the role should be for blue bar healing, chasing the scorecard and again seeing as the role being designed for 1 purpose only.

    Your response is funny to me.

    The things you run with I do not the only thing in common are possible 4 moves.

    POT, Dump, Defense Debuff, (the 3 definitly in common)vary from troll to troll as to how they are applied per type of Controller.

    As I can read seems to me that you prefer being a battery in your group as you may really believe the content does not allow you to control anything so the Tank can CC.

    That is ok but it also is your way of playing the controller role now try that with a healer or tank role in end game content.

    Seriously go in there as strickly working only 1 side of your role as a Healer/Tank then switch it to run as the other half stickking with the role itself.

    Ghosting is different than a stun move and not all stuns are the same either as some the target can still get pulled while others they cannot know your power can go a long way and when to use them does not just applied to Skilled Dps's but also Skilled Trolls.

    My bad those roles serve no other purpose but Tank(aggro) Healer(healing).

    But as a Controller you can do 1 of 3 things you can be Battery, CC (debuff and dump) or more recently be a solo controller.
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