Necropolis and Artifacts Raids 7 DPS 1 Troll

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Akroma, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Akroma New Player

    this was strictly for fun and we figured that since we stomped through the t5 raids with no heals or tank why not t6!?

    7 dps 1 troll. videos soon. wiped once on the last boss of necro. these new upgraded supply drops are OP. will do lockdown tomorrow the same way :)


    ^ necro. sorry about quality. screen cap was off twitch


    ^ artifacts. ps4 screen shot.

    honestly i think most experienced leagues can do this but this is mostly to show that it can be done if you were to try it. i can probably be done with no troller too. are support roles on the way out?
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  2. Zylo Committed Player

    If your trying to kill of rolls then you're doing a great job at it. I hope the DEVs take notice of this because this kind of crud should'int be happening.
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  3. Akroma New Player

    im trying to point out that you dont need roles to an extent. if anything this will bring attention to the issue and hopefull the devs will address it.
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  4. Shifty Committed Player

    This was amazing<watched the whole thing when it was being streamed :D
  5. Shifty Committed Player

    ^I think thats the point bro,Still should give them all credit for this tho :D Dont see many players running like this in the high content
  6. TheIncredibleSpider New Player

    Simply ridiculous! The new "hard" T6 raids done without a healer or a tank. Thats great, we need to have them fix this, or what will happen to the healers and tanks? Maybe even a vast majority of trolls?
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    and you put it in the general gameplay? you wanna bring this to the devs attention while making tanks, healers, and trolls excluded from for the next 4 months?
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  8. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Wow I'm really not sure if that's awesome or sad :/

    The quality of contet has truly gone downhill as far as NPC design and boss fight mechanics.. This shouldn't have been possible until at least tier 7..

    What a sad state this game has fallen into :(
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    and wave still requires a tank 4 tiers outdated n everything! lol
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  10. Akroma New Player

    sending in a support ticket really wont do much and it is more likely to get seen by a dev here. im not encouraging playing the game this way but only pointing out that i can be played this way if u want. if we are able to pull this off in lockdown tomorrow then there might be a serious problem lol.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    let me paraphrase a quote i come to ask myself currently when i was screaming solo healer in the days of prime

    From Jurassic Park

    '..your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.'
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  12. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Ummm no. No it doesn't. As a dps/tank myself it pains me to say that a tank is only necessary in lockdown. Everything else can be done faster without one.
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    whos tanking the bosses? whos gonna be eating that insane damage?
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  14. Akroma New Player

    nah the reason we did was because we stomped through the t5 raids with no heal and tank, wave included. with wave the bosses die in less than 20seconds with 108 dps.

    the adds shouldnt be that much of an issue. with 7 dps you can kill bombadiers in 5 seconds. if you get boss aggro you just kite block and try to have pets and decoys to pull aggro. not to mention the new accomplice gives you a shield and heals for a ton.
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  15. Akroma New Player

  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i guess you are right, but sheesh that was fast... about a month and some and the current raids dont even need all but a troll or dps anymore...
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  17. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    That sounds like fun, I'm sure you guys laughed a lot doing this, lol

    I kept saying this during all august, we don't need more damage, we don't need more damage (same goes for healing and power). And if it wasn't enough these crazy stats we got now and WM, we now got Max damage a minimum 6.5% damage boost. People pubstomping through the new raids like if they were nothing, lol.
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  18. Ice Lantern New Player

    I know you can't please everyone but this content is just really bad. Some players are mad because the content is too pedestrian while others are mad that because it takes them too long to kill bosses. It's like they went out of their way to design content to please as few people as possible. I think the devs should really consider revamping/overhauling the support roles because the amount of DPS stacking you can do has gotten ridiculous. Enough of this "we want to let people form groups the way they want to" nonsense because it's making the game really boring. I really wish that the devs would start designing that discourages DPS stacking. I'm getting bored DPSing all the time (doesn't help that the powers are pretty much all the same DPSing) because you only really need one healer, one troller and one tank.
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  19. Ice Lantern New Player

    I've never been bored of a DLC get boring this fast. The content is too easy for league runs and yet very annoying to pug. The raid gear is too frustrating to get but the vendor gear is too easy to buy.
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  20. Forced Penance New Player

    as someone who prefers to play a support class...

    I find this disturbing and hope the Dev's figure out a way to fix this....pull defense off dps gear or something, idk
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