so ice gonna be broken?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by xskateXX, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Radium Devoted Player

    I'll be throwing RS in my loadout now, maybe even Snow Devil cause I'm feeling adventurous.

    And it's just simply that if you die for being in that range then whatever extra damage you just did has been lost with the downtime being revived. With Max damage I'm afforded the luxury of a Pet Power now to incorporate in my loadout at range, he'll make up for damage and let me stay a a safe range.

    Talking raids now, all the alerts can be smashed through with ease.
  2. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    When i test tested it the other day ice bolder was hitting just a tad better for me. I only sat there for a few minutes with it but i def noticed a big dif in split damage. RG's damage when split hit alot lower then bolder did.

    I'll have to look at RG again cause like i said i only spent a few min at it but bolder was def hitting multiple targets better. And are you talking RG hitting multiple or single targets better? I was checking them both aoe wise cause i like snipe for single target cause its faster so i didn't even hit a solo dummy.

    My alt is ice but he hasn't got much dps play yet, but from what i see so far ice is pretty beast.
  3. Sir Arcanium New Player

    The biggest problem isn't that the 60% is stronger than ice armor, and easier to use. It's that Ice armor is one of the main mechanics for ICE DPS. By basically making it worthless it removes something unique to ice. Other powers retain their unique mechanics and still get the buff, ice however is left being more of a pew pew power. Nothing you do really matters any more without PI's to really work for. You might as well just hit any random buttons in any order and call it good.
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  4. Radium Devoted Player

    No no, I'm in complete agreement that Boulder is stronger, I just like the AOE of Gale more than boulder. Like I'll be down in the league hall sparring room and sometimes my boulder won't hit all 3 targets. I never have this problem with Gale.
  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Oh ok lol..i haven't noticed bolder missing yet but like i said i haven't spent alot of time with ice dps yet after WM was released, but this week i should be getting into it.

    Is ice armor stripping the 60 off MD on test? I haven't got on to see?
  6. Ciphey Well-Known Player

    Yea! Woo! You can just throw boulders at everything-you don't need to keep track of anything! At least until the Ice AM, which SHOULD be next if they are taking away Ice's main mechanic..
    (Thank you for the post!)
  7. Radium Devoted Player

    It does, but its supposed to be getting fixed pretty soon. MD will negate IA which pretty much means we won't get that extra 2% on Ice Bash from it.
  8. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    That stinks in a way but opens up a extra slot at the same time to play around with. I'm not a fan of MD i think it's just another step to making things easier. Heck I could call out my robot sidekick and get a 60 lol. I like MD and don't like it at the same time....
  9. Blazing Marauder Active Player

    Please stop complaining about the MD mod with ice armour, if you persist you will attract the nerf devil, the one and only giggles. when that happens you will only have yourselves to blame... Guy loves to **** with others... You've been warned.
  10. Requake Dedicated Player

    Soon ice will get defense per add near to them as their 'AM' imagine!
  11. xkillarxpantex New Player

    Ice will be fixed in gu 41.
    Also read a post from Tunzo loong time ago saying that gadgets and ice will be fixed in this order.
  12. xkillarxpantex New Player

    Sorry double post,incase someone didnt notice it,gadgets got revamp=fix.
  13. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    How does overwriting the modifier strip the extra 2%?
  14. Radium Devoted Player

    When asked about it Tunso said that the mod would disable Ice Armor, I can only assume he means all function of it as well.
  15. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    we lose the 2% and the 5 chill effects we just stacked? That can't be right.
  16. Radium Devoted Player

    Thats why I asked.

    If IA is disabled completely the stacking chills is going to be different compared to now. When you lose IA your chills revert to 0, with IA gone then chills will probably never revert unless the time lapses.

    I have to wait for the build with those changes to hit before I can say anything definitively.
  17. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    They need to either buff snow devil or give a new power , it is a terrible power , along with the supercharge that encases 25%er "deep freeze".

    And given that Ice has only 1 cast time compared to fire , i feel like Ice should have a different AM then Fire.

    Res Gale hits for about 300-500 less than Ice boulder for me after WM , on avg. And Splits very bad compare to Fire's new Spontaneous Combustion, along with the initial burst.

    The Icy Field PI doesnt proc 100% and the damage only tics for about 3 seconds , think they should make it longer, like other PI DoTs in game.
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  18. Ciphey Well-Known Player

  19. cadaverhead Well-Known Player

    Use Ice Boulder and Res Gale. There is no point in have Ice Boulder and Frost Snipe in the same loadout. They have the exact same PI's and Boulder hits much harder.

    Ice Bash - Blizzard - Wintry Tempest - Ice Boulder - Res Gale - Reflection/Robot Sidekick

    This maximizes your AoE and DoTs; and like I said earlier Boulder hits harder than Snipe. Snipe may be a single target attack but Boulder still hits harder on single targets.
  20. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    As Ice is about to be revamped to add the 'awesome mechanic', perhaps this is part of their plans for the AM? We shall learn more once Ice's AM revamp is loaded on the test server.