What is your precision?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amneyosis, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. LivingDeath New Player

    Finally a person who want to test lol. Add me in game Living Death. Ill shownyou how I test damage with a scorecard and dummies.
  2. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    Might 4836 Prec 3080 (BASE STATS)
  3. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player

    This is just a jist of some of the data I have done in my chart, I have a whole lot more information including rotation and such, but I will release it when i'm done.

    This chart consist of 50 DW WM 2 hit per rotation, and Outrage is the total might hits follow by the precision hits for a total of 50 Outrages.

  4. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player

    I personally tested E-chain, Rage bringer, DB, plasma retch and a couple of rotation with WM and just AM.
  5. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    my prec. is 2828 unbuffed base ( league hall profs.) but 4000+ with vi flex and dlc 11 basic dps 94 trinket
  6. LivingDeath New Player

    Please tell me youre on USPS. You can be my new best friends lol.
  7. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player

    Yup, I will add you later. I'm a little behind in my homework :( (Reason why I havent finished the chart and such.
  8. LivingDeath New Player

    Awesome dude priority keep them set right.
  9. GodsRightArm New Player

  10. La Shark Dedicated Player

    Does 3mights equal 1% base damage?

    1 might = .45%
    45% = .0045
    222 might*.45%=1%

    I don't think 3 mights is 1% base damage. I may be wrong. idk
  11. LivingDeath New Player

    How does 45%=.0045?
    4%= .04
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  12. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    3003 precision and 5034 might
  13. INS1GNIA Active Player

    3094 precision & 5054 might.
  14. La Shark Dedicated Player

    there is a point in front of 45% so its actually .45%

    That point in the front makes a big difference. .45% = 45%/100 = (45/100)(1/100)= .0045
  15. xNohellz Committed Player

    2094 precision but I'm full might :p 5578 might
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    1771 in PVP gear.
  17. Kintuse Well-Known Player

    2729 Might 1460 Precision ~1900Prec with soder. Happy battle healer I am.
  18. LivingDeath New Player

    Oh wow stupid mistake on my part thanks for poi ting that out.

    Either way lets say you have 5000 might. The equation would be:

    5000* .0045= 22.5%

    So if a power does a base damage of 100 with 5000 might it would do 122-123 damage.
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