Ps3...Time to bail?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Titans1373, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    Did i reference any specific numbers? No, just what SHOULD be common sense, which clearly eludes i give up.

    So please, spout your nonsense about your friends list being mostly ps4's and how that means there's more ps4 players than ps3, what a gem that was, pure genius.
    But i guess that was a valid point in your eyes huh.
    ridiculous, like this thread. i'm done.
  2. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    To answer your name, yes you do! Never said there are more ps4 players. Nonsense you say? Well those are 100% legit numbers, something you fail to provide. Since you refuse to read the conversation its probably best you're done. Sure I'll see you soon though...
  3. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    Mines working just fine with no problems, can't complain.
  4. Karizzle New Player

    i went away for amonth came back and nothing touched my system or my tv but the new update or something ****** with my settings and now chat is unreadable, and the quality is ****, this being after ive spent 50-60$ on the game :| and everything is playing fine from borderlands to COD ghost
  5. WayneEnthusiast New Player

    This is interesting. Since now that HoP has been out for a while, the leaguemates in my league who d/c the most and complain about lag in necro, breach, crime, etc., are the ps4 users. Meanwhile I on my ps3, get through the content b.s free.
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  6. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Again with these threads and lies?

    Geez, I'm a PS3 user and the worst thing I deal with is slight rendering with some enemies and the floor, and this is ONLY when I'm using a villain with speed movement. Fliight? nbd. Acrobatics? Please. Only speed will give me anything to worry about there and that's it. No lag when it makes or breaks, no nothing that would make me pocket down $400 for 1 free to play game just because "ohhh, pretty colors and the same no lag I don't deal with on my reliable 2007 PS3 console"
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  7. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Perhaps if you actually experienced it on a PS4, you'd clearly see that there is MUCH more than just 'pretty colors' and lack of lag. I have the game on both PS3 and PS4 and previously whenever one or the other server is down, I jump on the other... but now I refuse to play on the PS3; the PS3 is just HORRIBLE in comparison. Nothing like crystal clear, fast rendering graphics and then going to awful... downright awful graphics and SLOW MOTION; the PS4 IMO makes it feel like a whole new game. If the PS3 is all you're used to, then I can see how someone would think that it's only 'lipstick on a sow' so to speak, but if you were to EXPERIENCE the difference directly, you would see that it is SOOOO much more.

    I think the reason the PS4 has been having issues lately is because they- SOE and DCUO- are most likely upgrading servers and optimizing the system as more PS4s continue to come online. It also wouldn't surprise me if the release of the new DLC brought even more new PS4 players aboard and help contribute to the Playstation PS4 server strain. Having been working on creating a couple new alts the past couple of weeks, I've seen more players than ever running these lower level missions... sometimes the leveling zones are almost too crowded lately.
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  8. SimonSays New Player

    lies? really.....lies?

    How about "bad experiences" not everybody is going to have the same experience.

    Ive read people saying their PS4 DCUO is laggy and glitchy whilst mine is perfect. Do i think they are lying , no. Everybody has different experiences with DCUO however the one experience many people including myself is that their PS3 has many issues with DCUO.

    My PS3 DCUO was unplayable and that was on the last model with a 100MBPS connection. Am i lying? NO. Do i need to lie? NO.

    DCUO isnt going anywhere from PS3 for now. The devs clearly have a business model and plan in place they are sticking to and will cut out PS3 when they see fit which will most likely be when it is no longer profitable for SOE.

    Until then people will continue to have good/bad experiences on all 3 platforms. Just enjoy the game as much as you all can.
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  9. Veomyr New Player

    First step: break ps3 and ps4 consoles from each other. Separate servers for each system. You could have server based models that would upgrade graphics on ps4, and more detailed visuals without giving up content on ps3.
    Both sides would probably run smoother if it wasn't being coded for multiple systems, and that would help generate more accurate numbers.
    After that, then they could start phasing in ps4 only powersets. Unless they introduce a new role, this shouldn't affect balancing much for content.
    Just don't drop these things on people as a surprise, give them significant warning.
    It is more likely that ps4 players spend on average twice as much as ps3 players, than the total income of ps4 players is higher than that from ps3 players. Similar statements but big differnce. That would figure given people with ps4 likely have more spending money/ willingness to indulge.
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  10. Gooba1223 Well-Known Player

    There are more players on ps3 the only reason you dont see all those massive complaint threads is because we have learn to deal with lazy developers they past years
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  11. Cable Committed Player

    The numbers of your survey may not lie but they also aren't accurate. You need a much larger sample to get accurate results. The devs could likely very easily give us an idea of how many players are on why system but I doubt they'd do such a thing. That being said, yes, the PS3 is outdated hardware but as long as PS3 users are bringing in money you can count on the devs to try to keep it alive because it's just too risky from a business perspective to expect your clientele go out and upgrade to a $400 system. For an example let's imagine PS4 and PC users shared the same server. Would you go out and buy a PC tomorrow if they decided the PS4 isn't up to snuff anymore? I'm thinking a large percentage of people would say no.
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  12. Gooba1223 Well-Known Player

    pc is for nerds
  13. Gooba1223 Well-Known Player

    also they wouldnt stop supporting the console with the most dcuo players on well not yet
  14. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I agree with you. I stated as much about my numbers. Got my ps4 back a while ago and am enjoying the game again. As soneone who can give a perspective on both sides of the coin I can tell everyone from MY experience ps3 should be on its way out sooner than later. So tired of ps3 DC that its getting annoying. Substantial warning should happen but a plan should be in effect
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  15. Gurgle Active Player

    The PS3 is holding this game back. The amount of Ram and Memory the PS4 has got over the PS3 is a considerable amount and this game has (in my opinion) got so much more to offer.

    I for one, would love to see a 16 man raid, but with the PS3 tagging along, we will never see that.
  16. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Short answer yes.
    They should of said: PS3 players you have 1 year before we discontinue support when the game was released on PS4
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  17. SaintWalker46 New Player

    I haven't had any problems on my ps3, aside from the occasional dc that happens to everyone...even ps4 players. However if this game wants to expand and it can't because of the ps3, then drop it. Might lose a lot of money though.

    I'm planning on upgrading as soon as ESO comes out on console. Until then, I hope I can still play dcuo. If not, I'll be sad, but oh well.
  18. SaintWalker46 New Player

    Actually, most people's internet alone wouldn't be able to handle that anyway.
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  19. Tom Sawyer New Player

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  20. Seth Grey New Player

    I play on my PS3 every day without any notable issues. Don't see what the big deal is. I occasionally hit lag, not an everyday thing, once or twice a week for a couple of minutes. The only time I face an issue with certainty is at the last boss of Strike Team...but that thing's just bugged.