WIP: Statuary Ranking Suggestions

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Aug 6, 2014.

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  1. OGM_Madness New Player

    I agree. At least bi-weekly instead of monthly would be a good start but I could get behind a weekly update that auto-updates the statues along with the reset.
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  2. Soulwaster1 New Player

    Not really a suggestion but it would be nice if the healer rankings didn't include rage tanks. lolz According to the ranking system the top 2 healers in my league are rage tanks lmao
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    another weird stats for statue is most dps .... which is actually most attacks used with the weapon atm which a good dps cant really compete cause he uses weapon mastery ergo uses the weapon less than a bad dps who only taps ....

    god those rankings are $/&ยง$ ...
  4. Korlick Loyal Player

    Im a Fire tank (i barely dps) and i have a statue (second place) in the Power Out ranks lol
  5. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    I'm not sure this is entirely on-topic, but as I've suggested in the Base Items thread...


    This would be a great way to pretty much have an unlimited number of Rankings in the League Hall without ALL of it having to be statue based. :) It would also be great to be able to pick up different Ranking portraits in different instances that rotates the image from cycle to cycle based on whomever did what, showing them in full color (rather than metallic). ^_^
  6. Bast10n Committed Player

    May we please have the option to save our poses when we save our Characters styles.

    Some times the poses don't work with a players attitude or character concepts and it would be great if we could have more control over how our Characters are portrayed.
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  7. Archangel Rafael New Player

  8. ChaosInternational New Player

    The Struggle
    Least amount of cash on hand

    Perfect practice makes perfect
    Most time spent engaging a sparring target

    (PvP) most legends instances completed
  9. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    The statues are fun the way they are, methinks. Gives players a goal that is almost a riddle, itself. What I believe is a MUST:
    One statue, In the center of the Main hall, that comes with the league at purchase. A statue that can never be changed, under normal circumstances. A statue of THE LEAGUE FOUNDER.
    The One. The Guy-At-The-Top. The Creator.
    And ONLY when and IF the league leadership is passed on, can it be changed by the new leader...which the leader can choose not to, as well...
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  10. The K-os X Active Player

    totally agree with this ...BUT ...additionally make it a 3 person big statue ..and let the founder choose his co-founders as well (or choose none at all and let be there by himself) as if i remember correctly...we do have a superman, batman and Wonderwoman Statue in the Watchtower...which are the founders of the Watchtower. In my case ..i was the only one who founded my league but i bet there are players just the supes,bats and WWoman who have build up theyr league...sure would be nice to know who started the league and all....its something id like to call ...respect.

    2nd....that statue spot could also be used by the league to put 3 or 2 customized statues of the members they choose which would be cool...it would be the ultimate goal to reach that stage and would give a really big feel of acomplishment as not every other due would be put up there ...we could call this statuary place as "The Honorary" or something else.

    Hope this gets in sometime ...sure would be cool :D
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  11. FloodingGotham New Player

  12. Magician Dedicated Player

    A suggestion: Have a gold silver and bronze on the same platform at the same time.
    for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

    Unless it's already in game or planned, which I havent seen
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  13. Minarum New Player

    I don't see why we can't just create our own in the game. Let us select who we want on our own statue stands and put a description, like MVP's and stuff. Cause currently the first round of statues are definitely bugged, someone that JUST joined my league was 2nd place for damage taken. Then toons that haven't logged on in months are 1st-3rd in other categories. But how long do they take to reset? Anyways, that's my suggestion. Let us create our own In game so we can do it ourselves and not have to do the custom ones, which I hate to say... Over half of them are dumb and pointless...
  14. True Zen New Player

    why not add one with who has the most skill points. no doubt it'll encourage people to really grind for skill points.
  15. True Zen New Player

    only a hairless wannabe MAN would hate ice cream.
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  16. FloodingGotham New Player

    You'd get it if you were in the down vote club.
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  17. Hero of Justice New Player

    A little late to this party, but I would love to see something for doing the dailies of a particular urgent warzone, like the Gotham Wastelands, Gotham Under Siege, etc, whether calculating them all or individually. Something like:

    First Responder: These people were the best at responding to the urgent warzones that arose.
    (PVE) Most dailies completed
    (PVE) Most KO's in Urgent Warfronts


    Lantern Specialist: These people have excelled at contributing to the War of the Light.
    (PVE) Most dailies completed in the Metropolis Battlezone
    (PVE) Most KO's in the Metropolis Battlezone

    Don't know if tallying something like that is feasible, just throwing it out there :)
  18. True Zen New Player

    Took me long enough to get it.
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  19. True Zen New Player

    I personally hate the "limitations in dcuo" it doesn't make sense. why limit now what people need tomorrow? honestly, if people had more options, it would make the system a whole lot more creative, It wouldn't be too presumptuous to see how others can make the game better in a more different way. this is America, let a man choose how.
  20. MidnightTiger Well-Known Player

    Hello, I was wondering if we can have a Top 10 list? Pretty Please? Right now all we can see is the top 3 and their statues, but I'd DEFINITELY want to see who came a close 4th. If you do this I would be so happy.

    Also, I have a question, when do statuaries reset? Every month, or every month after you bought the statuary?

    One more thing, I'd like to be able to have the option to change our poses. We have this one statuary where people are kicking and looking bad a** while MY character is just standing there like "meh". Although she does use the kicking pose too, I would have to leave the room then come back for her to change the pose, which is a pain sometimes.
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