Hmm..Quantum worth switching 2?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apocalyptic Rain, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    I've been switching powers alot 4 the feats and variety & I havent gone a troll power yet. I was thinking gadgets at 1st but, how about quantum? I've never been the 1 to say a powerset's trash (might say SOMEONE is though:p) but hows the dmg at the moment, is it worth it? If not, ice, I MISS YOU.
  2. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    If you want quantum dps to be ice-like or comparable you will be disappointed. On the troll side quantum is tons of fun though. Distortion wave is the best cc in game and quantum tunneling can be fun.
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  3. LordStrongsword New Player

    It's awesome for Trollers and I've seen some excellent DPSs with it. It's all a matter of preference though. I'd say use it if you want to give it a chance.
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  4. Draco8573 New Player

    i would say gadgets or hard light
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  5. Octantis New Player

    I enjoy Quantum DPS a lot. Yeah the Controller side is always raved about, and rightly so, but the Damage is good, too. Now the actual numbers seem low in comparison to other powers, but I feel I'm getting the most out of my Quantum when I'm using a mixture of DoTs and burst attacks. It's a power set the definitely uses all the buttons on the loadout bar. I may not be topping the charts (especially since I refuse to give up my pistols, but hey I do get the top on occasion!), but I'm never being left in the dust either.

    But me, I don't care about this whole "competitive" b.s.; I just like to contribute, and Quantum does that in spades.
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  6. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    So DPSing w/ it is bad for you?
  7. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    Not bad not broken but not ice
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  8. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    I see, so what's the average burst hits/ticks?
  9. IIcyEruptionI New Player

    Ha... Sike. Go to Quantum... I'll go Gadgets... :) BTW, just beat Lockdown last night...:cool:
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  10. IIcyEruptionI New Player

    But, seriously, i've seen people do great with Quantum. So, if you're feeling Quantumy:)rolleyes: ), go Quantum... ;)
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  11. Octantis New Player

    I'm not a number cruncher, so I can't give you base numbers or whatever. All I can say is that when I was in 85 gear (modded with synthetics), as Nature my Serpent's Call was hitting for 1800 (critting for 3000) and Voracious plants was hitting for 2500 (critting for 4800).

    Switched to Quantum, Gravity Bomb (with PI) was hitting for 1300 (critting for 2000).

    Stats were the same, skill points were the same, damage was drastically different.

    But with Quantum I also had a weapon buff (Warped Reality) that did proc damage, a DoT (Gravity Well), a burst with a minor DoT (Singularity), and a spam burst (Gravity Bomb). All that together kind of does what only two powers with Nature did. Inefficiency or whatever aside, it could still sort of keep up. Used a lot of power, though. I usually assume in that case I'm playing the power wrong, but it turned out a lot of people were playing that way, so I guess it's just Quantum's drawback. Should get fixed when it gets its AM though. I'd think.
  12. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

  13. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    Oh ok thanks.
  14. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Can you share your loadout? I feel like I'm just doing WM > burst power clipped with the weapon buff > WM > burst power > WM > burst power
  15. X-zero Loyal Player

    It isn't the most power efficient which you will really feel in small content but it can get the job done. Not sure if it influence the developers but when it was coming out people asked for the power to be great as a controller and just ok as a dps so people won't just use it as a dps power.

    If you going to mainly dps with the power I would go mental. Gadgets AM will be next so a lot of people will probably be that next month. And you never know it may get better or it may get worse.
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  16. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    Hmm...I've seen mental do MASSIVE dmg, but idk. o_O
  17. Octantis New Player

    I'd be glad to (I think I remember all the power names ...).

    The trick with Quantum is to ensure the PIs are set up, which can be difficult since there aren't really any good ones that set up PIs unless you plan on being in melee range or close to.

    Another disclaimer, I have tried every power and found that Space is overall the better Damage tree.

    My loadout is as follows (which was discovered entirely by me and my testing, but later found out on these forums it's a pretty standard loadout):

    Warped Reality | Gravity Well | Singularity | Gravity Bomb | Oblivion | [wildcard]

    Warped Reality is your PI applicator, as well as does bonus damage on weapon procs. I have gone back and forth on this power, but it's just the best if you want to be a ranged DPS. If you're a melee guy, or doing solo/duo stuff, the Alcubiere Wave (however it's spelled) is a better group PI applicator.

    Gravity Well is the primary DoT move, and does increased damage while the target is hit with the Space tree PI (applied by Warped Reality, A. Wave, etc.). Typically, most Quantum DPS (me included) will clip this move with Warped Reality. As G. Well is a DoT and therefore doesn't get a crit bonus from Weapon Mastery, it's good to just open with this and clip into your weapon buff, then begin your WM rotation. This move is also a 50% damage booster.

    Singularity is a burst attack with a minor DoT. The DoT itself is nearly laughable (like the HoT from Electricity's Galvanize), and the damage is slightly less than Gravity Bomb. Still, it's good damage source to keep active. Damage is again increased by the Space PI. It also increases damage by 45% (or was it 40%? I forget).

    Gravity Bomb is your go-to burst, but is also a power hog. Since the damage is only slightly better than Singularity, a lot of people just go for a Singularity spam. Since it's a 50% bonus move, though, I still think it's worth it. Like the former two powers, it also gets bonus damage from the Space tree PI.

    Oblivion is an epic damage supercharge, especially against mobs you don't need dominance to CC :)

    The last spot is a wildcard spot, and by that I mean you can put whatever you want in it. I think the popular choice these days is the Robot Sidekick from the Iconic Powers tree.

    Rotation is essentially:
    1) Gravity Well ->(clip)-> Warped Reality
    2) WM -> Singularity
    3) WM -> Gravity Bomb
    4) Repeat 3) until 1) is off cooldown then repeat 1) - 4) until stuff is dead
  18. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Yeah, that's roughly what I do, but I still feel like I'm not pressing enough buttons and it feels like the same rotation that I use with every power now thanks to weapon mastery.

    Oh well, I guess I'll wait till the awesome mechanic comes out before I start having fun with this game again... Thanks for the response
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  19. Octantis New Player

    Well this is just a mind set. Thing is, before Weapon Mastery the game was intended to play the same way: weapon combo into a finisher (e.g. Haymaker, or Dual Flurry), then clip with a power. Both systems were basically weapon attack + power. Now they just synergize better. I played Light for a while and the whole Ram, Snap Trap, Fan, Jump Cancel, Grenade, repeat combo was by far the most boring thing I've ever done in this game.

    But the power itself is very vanilla in that you apply a PI, then use a power that's boosted by it. I believe the power should feel revitalized after it gets its AM.
  20. thefrogshateme New Player

    Are you trolling? Quantum is the worst power on dcuo. Singularity can give you no talent kills if your opponent has has 10 percent health.
    That's the only good thing about quantum other then that it's garbage.