A Mental Breakdown V3

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Greenman_x, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Femto Well-Known Player

    just replace Cryo and PR with PF and PS and you should be good
  2. Matrix242 Active Player

    Doesn't PF and pyro cancel out each others dots?
  3. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    They cancel the smaller burning dot. The P.shock is better on single targets because of the higher burst, and it wont interfere with TB or Pyro. I did a raid the other day and it was a nice rotation for bosses, but for adds I was missing the ability to dot multiple adds. Tagging each add with Pyro or TB takes too long and doesn't net much damage vs MT plus P.Flames. However I still used MT plus P.Shock. The burst was nice, but I like having dots ticking. I'm still new to WM so I'm still experimenting with different weapons and messing up the timming.
  4. Matrix242 Active Player

    Okay, one more question..... how do you guys spec your mods? I'm spec'd full might. Should I continue with full might or go prec and might?
  5. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I am now a believer that a full might mental can work just as well as a full precision mental. It's really just up to your play style.
  6. Femto Well-Known Player

    Like bigtime said , it's just replacing 1 tick for another and it's only on 1 target compared to the other 7 targets you'll have dots on whcih is nothing unless you running with a fire/dps tank which he'll just cancel it all .

    I've been saying that among a few other things , I honesty wish people wouldn't doubt me so much lol . It is really all playstyle though
    Big weapon mastery combos are better for precision as smaller weapon mastery combos are better for might .
    The best WM combos for might that I've tested are with DW, Staff and brawling as all of them are hold triangle 2x and have good flow .
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  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I always go Might/Prec in my reds, but with HB I mod the rest Prec/Health and Prec/Power. Depending on your weapon you could go might. As Femto said, full might can work with quicker WM combos.
  8. Nekrotroll New Player

    Hi,guys i have this loadout for my mental controller toon , (terror tendrills,mass terror, tele shield,through bubble or phantom flames ,pysch empo and bastion)sometimes replace mass with H visage when i need it ) my cr is 81 ihave WM on hand blaster._ i just see a few comments here talking about to use pyro (healer debuff ) cause is better and cyro or terrorize (damage debuff ) note i dont pick terrorize cause i choose mass terror so i Don't have a damage debuff in my loadout what u think or is better change my loadout , i will appreciated your tips thx
  9. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Test server Gadgets update notes have been posted... The Dark, I look forward to reading your feedback
  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I'd drop Telekinetic shield for Grandeur. Grandeur is a mini-shield, breakout and aggro drop which is ideal for pickups. I'd also almost always run PF over though bubble as the encasements get in the way of DPS in hallways.

    Damage debuffs are largely unnecessary, but if you do run one, Terrorize and Cryo both have their uses. I prefer cryo as it's quicker and aoe.

    I run MT in my loadout for extra damage occasionally. I prefer shock or resonance to it, but it's a nice little move.
  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Wrong thread...but so do I

    Mental will likely be getting the exact same treatment
  12. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    lol, oops... I'd like to see if it actually does anything for overall damage increase, not just power consumption
    • Like x 1
  13. Arpeggius New Player

    Hey guys, I'm a mental troller, but I've been wanting to dps recently. What powers did you guys spec into? If you have a good loadout too, it would be helpful. Thanks!
  14. Matrix242 Active Player

    Hopefully mental gets this same treatment really soon
  15. Arpeggius New Player

    Also, what weapons do you guys use to dps?
  16. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Menace - Mass Terror - Pyrokinesis - Thought Bubble - Phantom Flames - Robot Sidekick (or Terror Tendrils or Shock)

    Pyro and thought bubble are single target. Mass Terror, Flames, Shock and Tendrils are AoE. Menace gives might procs and should always be used to clip pyrokinesis after your WM combo.

    My rotation is (on bosses) solar flare clipped with MT > WM > Pyrokinesis clipped with Menace > WM > Thought Bubble > solar flare/MT > WM > phantom flames > WM > Pyro/menace

    on adds Solar flare/mass terror > WM > Pyro/menace > WM > PF > WM > PF
  17. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Finally got this WM down with a good rotation. My loadout is from left to right: P.Shock, MT, Pyro, TB, Menace, P.Flames

    My rotation for bosses is real basic. HB WM > Pyro/clip Menace > WM >TB > solar flame/clip MT > WM > P.shock > repeat

    I could maybe move the order to MT first but honestly it doesn't matter once it gets going.

    For adds I do solar flame/clip menace > WM > P.Flames > WM > P.Shock

    I'll alternate both Shock and Flames on adds. I'll sometimes throw in a pyro or TB and clip it with menace. Adds for me are semi- random rotation, it depends on how many there are, and if the one I'm locked on to moves away from the group somehow.

    For bosses I only use shock, unless there are adds around the boss, but even then I'll still prefer shock. My opinion on shock vs flames is simple. Shock has slightly higher base damage, which the dot on flames makes up for. However, if you are already hitting a boss with Pyro, then the dot really doesn't matter and your leaving damage on the table.
  18. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    The only thing id say is throw MT first so Menace hits harder on the Pyro/Menace proc, but like you said it doesn't matter once you get going.

    I want to try shock again, but hate having to take off the extra free damage from the robot to do it, especially when Tendrils comes free of charge and doesn't split that badly.
  19. Cable Committed Player

    Been kind of skimming through this thread towards the end here. I just decided to switch to mental today as it's pretty much the only power I haven't played for a reeeeeaaaaally long time so I'm kind of trying to figure out what different things work well for DPS. I see a lot of people are using Mass Terror and I also have it in my tray but I guess I'm hoping someone can help me out on "how" to use it. It seems to me that using Mass Terror prevents your other powers from getting burst damage off the WM combo for as long as it's active. Is it still worth using? I put it on my tray but I find myself not wanting to use of it because of the WM crit exclusion. If any experienced mental users could weigh in here I'd appreciate it a lot.
  20. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Mass Terror itself doesn't crit in the window, however it doesn't stop all other powers from critting in the window. It's not our advanced mechanic like Nature and Electric's DOTs are, therefore we can use it with WM and still get crits on other powers.

    Its essentially a setup power at this stage, which is why you'll see most people use it at the very beginning of their rotations, after other powers and use it as a clip for normal weapon attacks like solar flares. It's damage is pretty bland in comparison to everything else we can throw out, so it is only used to set up the Terror PI for Menace/Shock/Flames/etc and for its 50% modifier.