Do you like the trend of high HP bosses / mobs in T6?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FEARtheSPUR, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. kajutsu New Player

    Devs didn't increased health, they increased Combat rating.
    There is based stats for mobs or boss. Then it's multiply by CR.
    As soon as your own CR(and stats) will increase, their health will seems ridiculous.
    It always been like that.
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It has to be this way because we're getting stronger, we have new mechanics that make us hit harder than ever and the community believe the best way to beat content is to stack DPS. If the community is able to stack DPS because the content doesn't force or make life too difficult for those who choose this way of playing and the bosses have low Health, then the content will be branded as too easy.

    The challenge is that the bosses remain alive longer so you need to keep following their mechanics for longer if you wish to beat them. If they allow you to melt them easy, then the mechanics don't have a chance to kick in. Which is now the case in Nexus where I can't recall seeing the Shield mechanics being used since WM came out, thus taking all challenge out of the boss fight.

    Basically, in the new content, it pays dividends to run with a balanced set up, but the fear of these large health pools and things taking too long are what ultimately result in the community panicking and stacking DPS.
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  3. TheyCallMeMighty New Player

    I actually like getting to fight stuff, as opposed to the first-to-hit-it-gets-all-the-damage of WoTL and post-nerf Nexus and Dox. I feel like part of the perceived balance issues with some of the "might-based" powers, especially the dots, is the frailty of the ads and bosses who die before some powers can get up to speed. Also, TBH, one-shotting mobs is boring.

    There's a video that floats around this forum about fun/experience and gameplay mechanics, and how the devs have to balance players so they don't feel too powerful so's they don't get bored. I think A+B is a perfect example of this. That raid was a lot of fun when it came out, but because Ranx (heroes) was designed for a 4-person split, the ads are not really tough, and now people just sneeze 'em dead, then go stand in the lasers as they cook Hank and Sinestro in a matter of seconds.


    I also feel like OP should bring better DPS next time. This stuff doesn't take long with an experienced chef. Stop getting stuff nerfed because people aren't good. It's Day 1 for Christ's sake.
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  4. Lazarux New Player

    Yeah, what this guy said ^^^^ :)
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  5. Crackin New Player

    I would just like to remind everyone the precision buff nerf hurt. Even power sets that did not have it benefited since they were all group based. Thank the nerf threaders for another job well done. Oh let's not forget the 10 minute TD runs on youtube. Then we wonder why Devs do what they do.
  6. MyrVell Committed Player

    Don't like it.

    As a difficulty mechanic it's little more than a time sink. Yeah I'm great at thumb wrestling now but have less time to accomplish things in game.
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  7. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    Great the first few times, then it's just a chore.

    My problem is, it doesn't really add anything. It just makes stuff longer, not more satisfying.
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  8. Aydarkzero Active Player

    It's not exactly the best idea it just makes things long and drawn out which guess what it did because i never bothered finishing t6 gear
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  9. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    I just hope that it does not turn into another td and roles are excluded to save time. I can see this happening soon. Hopefully a lot more leaguemates will be running content together so that it won't happen on the mass scale that it did for AF.
  10. The Johnny army New Player

    I feel the HP pools on bosses as they are now make fights a little too long and tiresome, but I'm ok with them having more health than in the past tiers. They are bosses, they should be epic, we should feel like we can't wipe them out in less than 2 minutes. But, if the decision was made to reduce their health to 3/4 (not more than that) of what it is now, I'd still be happy.

    What I really don't like is seeing most adds taking "so long" to kill. It's not that they're hard to kill or that it takes ages, but they're minions, they're scrubs, they're at the bottom of the food chain ( :p ). If given a choice, I'd rather have 2 adds with 500 health than 1 add with 1000 health (using pretty simple numbers here).
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  11. Raeket Level 30

    Its just tedious, would have prefered different mechanics instead of more hp. More HP doesnt make it harder, even if they had 10x more HP than they already do, it just makes it take longer.
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  12. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I actually like it. Makes controllers more important (debuffing) and with WM we are all doing more damage so this is needed to balance it out. Also, I never understood wanting to get the content done as fast as possible. Why? So you can sit around and complain that the content was too easy and that it doesn't take any time to complete?

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  13. Sylo Committed Player

    Its a cheap trick no doubt. But at this point in the game I'm not sure there is much else the dev's could do?
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  14. FuryX New Player

    Too early to say.. people said same thing about td and after gear upgrades and experience it sped up just fine.
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  15. St IronMagic Well-Known Player

    I don't believe they brainstormed this idea and created it out of thin air.

    There are plenty of MMO's that have been doing this since the dawn of the genre no? This isn't a trend, but more like a natural progression. Doesn't WoW have 3-4 hour raids? I never played it, but I've seen people talk about it. And judging by their instances I'd guess they're about the same length.
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  16. TheyCallMeMighty New Player

    Right? I thought the jist of the game was getting to be a superhuman and run around fighting the kind of fights superhumans get into. This isn't a racing game with a superhero mini-game attached to it. Enjoy the fights, when they end quickly it sucks.

    Also, bring good trolls and DPS, cannot be stated enough. Defense debuff + a strong DPS make for a fun, quick run. How are these fights taking "too long?" Has not at all been my experience, DPSing or trolling. I dunno, I have some good friends who really don't play very much because they got fed up with what they felt like was a trend by the devs of making things way to easy, and they diagnosed it as - quoting - "the devs listening to all those whiney (kids) on the forums, complaining about this, that, and the other thing. Etc. Etc." Like, the players who can find PoT in their power tree, who can set up a PI without falling on their face, shouldn't have to wait for SM to come out every three months so that they can come up against something remotely resembling a fight (as opposed to eight heroes massacring henchmen in one-shot).

    I'd also like to reiterate that nerfing the health pools on Nexus and Paradox KILLED the replay enjoyment on those raids. I did Nexus in nine minutes last week, and we were screwing around ... don't take this phenomenal DLC with these fun, unique raids and boss fights and turn them into another rolllolololol-face Gates/Vengeance/Nerfed-NexDox/A+B.

    These are supposedly gods we're fighting. Let's go.
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  17. Elusian Crowd Control

    In the Intergang Op its perfect, in the LH alert its just ... I feel like falling asleep on the Mantis fight.
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  18. Electron New Player

    Not all of us will "sit around and complain" as you say. These over the top health pools really hurt people who play on more than 1 toon if nothing else. As of now it's taking about 30-50 for each of the new 4man missions. So if you decide to run just those 2, assuming you form your group quickly you're already in for about an hour and a half. That's with doing nothing else. If you decide to run even 1 of the new raids that day you may as well double the time. And what if people want to run some older content? For feats or marks. What if we need to farm some bits? Maybe run TD as well?
    I'd say it's a bit unreasonable for us to be expected to dedicate as much time as we need to daily in order to run the bare minimum of new content. And yes, I understand that we can just do what we can and have time for, and there is no rush to gear up and enjoy the game. And I agree with that, how its nice to potentially always have something to do... But I'm only talking about 1 toon here.

    For people to try and juggle this content with even 2 or more toons? It's extremely discouraging not only to have to make the time to do these things, but to be doing something as tedious as attacking the same boss for 20mins. It's not so much challenging as it is tiresome. And god forbid something does go wrong when the boss is at 10% or below... I don't know the answer since I understand that it would be best for the content to be somewhat difficult for a longer amount of time, but for someone who has slimmed down my roster to only playing on 2 heroes and 2 villains, this is not working for me.
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  19. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    I did not enjoy TD..had better hopes here...only run one map so far but same. Think the army of toons may stall out quick here and do something else.
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  20. Villain Smasher New Player

    I'm not a fan of the obnoxiously high health. If they are going to have the health that high, they need to.....I hate to say this...but they should probably up the CR requirement. Though I would prefer some of the health to get shaved off.