Grant 50k Prestige Minimum To All Leagues For Today's Fiasco

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Sorbet, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    I kinda of agree this this guy, but not entirely. 50k is a little much. Each active league might have missed out on 5k prestige at most? Right? Doing content, and not getting the prestige for it. I personally think they should just give every league that was active yesterday, 5k (that might still be to much) prestige and be done with it. But that isn't gonna happen.

    Something was lost if we weren't getting the proper amount of prestige for completing content.
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  2. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    How can you possibly conceivably be serious? In 1 month this wont matter at all. We'll all have League halls and be building up stats, making statues of "ME" with all the nice amenities. And this problem will be forgotten. We dont need any free refund for free content.
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  3. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I can honestly say, we lost atleast 20k prestige yesterday, from all the Prestige not being rewarded and being leagueless for 2 hours. People were on that grind
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  4. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Exactly. smh at people saying nothing was lost.
  5. PKMN12 New Player

    OP, you're pretty entitled if you think you deserve ANYthing for what happened today, You deserve NOTHING for whining about a single day. If you cannot go a single day without getting a .1% bonus, then you have other issues.
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  6. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Oh this is bad, I'm agreeing with something PK said. There was gonna be bugs. I knew it, you knew it, if you didnt know it, your in denial.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Have you checked your Prestige today? Did you get reset to ZERO??? I highly doubt it. So yes...nothing was actually just might not have gained anything during the disruption. Loss is not the same as not gained.
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You can't LOSE something you never had!!!! You might have lost some time...but you're asking to be given Prestige that you never actually had. At best, if you were not awarded the usual rewards for using replay badges on content, they would possibly owe you REPLAY badges...because that would be the commodity you would have lost. You didn't lose Prestige because you didn't gain it during the period in question. If you logged in right now and your Prestige was reset to ZERO, you'd have a valid case for loss of Prestige.
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  9. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    why do you keep responding here? you have nothing to constructive to add. Please stop.
  10. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    It's not a free refund, it wasted peoples time and money. People replayed content they didn't know they weren't getting the full rewards for. Wasting replay badges, therefore money. I even said 5k might be a little too much, so calm down with the negativity.
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  11. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    I'm not sure why anyone is surprised or upset about GU39 launch issues. This type of thing happens every time they update the game. One day of downtime is not worth 50k prestige, especially if a single players monthly is on average less than 500.
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  12. tukuan Devoted Player

    I think he's referring to the same logic that happened from some Lifetime subs when 2 days were given last week. There are people who feel that if some are getting compensation and they are not it's a tragedy even if that compensation is meaningless to them.
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  13. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    It was. Don't misunderstand. I did not spend 1 single replay yesterday. I didn't even run anything yesterday but there are many ppl who did. Those are the ppl im trying to help.
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  14. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I would agree to some sum of prestige being award due to some content not giving any as of now.
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  15. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    I didn't lose or even run a thing. But a lot of People were only using the replay badges to get prestige and didn't care about the loot.
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  16. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    But you can and its intended. There should be no penalty for using the system as intended.
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  17. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    I think on average leagues had about 5-10 k in prestiege last night so if they can't give us the exact amount back I think give everyone 5-10 k prestige to compensate for the waste of time that a lot of us don't have because of work etc I was almost at 1k myself last night after 1hr by the time I went to bed I woulda been at about 2k + so they should hook us up if they can't fix
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  18. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    Wow. It's only been a day and people are complaining. Might as well take away the league halls if people are acting like this.
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  19. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Yeah, that's a great solution.
  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    I agree with the problems from yesterday being ridiculous but a giant NO on every league getting 50k prestige.
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