Leagues recruitment requirements crack me up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fozz454, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    most leagues function as a single unit. i think in order to really maximize on a league hall you need to have more activity than that going on at all levels. Its not really a bad idea to just mass invite as many leagueless players as you can find. if they stick and grow and become good players/members of your league thats awesome. if theyre temporary they'll still be earning your league prestige while theyre members and will able to benefit from membership as well (when all is unlocked). if i were doing this i would want to see as much activity going on as possible...not just spam running top tier content.
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  2. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    This game is not a job ots meant to be fun and a break from reality. There's nothing wrong with being competitive but there's a fine line in my opinion
  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I personally like helping low levels and helping sharing my knowledge because I like to give back. Its not easy in this game leveling alone. I like to run old content for styles feats what not so I don't mind. I take the game serious but I have fun. Plus helping low levels actually makes you feel like a super hero cuz ur the baddest dude or woman or woman in the room lol
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  4. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    This thread amuses me.

    I don't like leagues with CR/SP requirements either. Assuming that the goal of a league is to find like-minded people with whom you can run content, (be it end-game or no), then shouldn't the focus of recruiting members be finding people with like-minds and not like-stats?

    The argument I hear in pro of setting CR/SP limits for league recruit:
    1. The end game content we want to run requires this stuff so we don't all die repeatedly!
    2. We're like-minded, so we all want to be doing the exact same thing at the exact same time every time we are online and playing.
    3. LOL GAIZ, it's like -totally easy- to meet those requirements! Anyone who has played the game for 3+ years should be able to do that in two weeks!
    4. We don't want to drag ourselves down by chatting with people who are doing different content than we are for the really short two weeks of hell in "different level content".
    5. Helping people with levels involves carrying them everywhere, giving them things, and making sure they learn absolutely nothing by doing it fast instead of making them drag themselves through two weeks of learning it on their own, where they will potentially acquire all of the knowledge in the world.
    7. ****, we are SPECIFICALLY GEARED towards running Tier X content, and it is a waste of everyone's time, (most especially the 2 weeks it takes for someone to get from level 1 to Tier X), if we have to stop and answer people's questions, give pointers on how to play a role, and make jokes about the new Doctor Who in league chat. We plan to disband when we get to Tier X+1, and our gear becomes less specific.
    8. These "rules" aren't really rules anyway. If we play with someone we like and they're good, we'll disregard our own "rules" and invite them anyway. Really we only implemented them to recruit annoying people of high level to pad our roster by finding people who respond to LFL shouts. Nobody wants to actually talk to those people, anyway.

    It's the same, elitist crap shouted by anyone anywhere who is shouting about how awesome they are. Give me a group of people who get along and like playing with each other no matter their level/tier ANY DAY, and then I will give you the two weeks of time it apparently takes to reach those requirements so that everyone can play the same content.

    Especially if one of those lower-level people isn't sure how to get to CR 100+/SP 100+ in two weeks, or doesn't know their role.
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  5. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    I can only speak from my own experience, but it's not that I have no interest in helping others, it's that I would rather help players at a more advanced stage in the game. After 3 years I have run the low level content to death and it's much more stimulating to help people become more proficient in their role, work on later dlc feats, or help them with current end game content.

    My time is precious to me, and I lost count of all the players I have helped level and gear up who suddenly disappear because they decide they don't really enjoy DCUO enough to maintain a sub.

    There are leagues for all kind of players, PVE, PVP, role playing, casual, hardcore, ect. Just because I have no interest in helping players directly off the ship doesn't make me elitist. Not that there's anything wrong with being elitist.. Like I said there are leagues for all kinds of players.
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  6. Feenicks New Player

    To each thier own.

    There's a league out there for everybody. A league is nothing but a collection of like minded people. And the one that best suits your mindset is out there. Not hard to find.
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  7. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Maybe they're just looking for people who want to run pretty much the same stuff. If the whole league is T6 and mostly running that why would they want to invite people who are just going to feel left out because they can't run with everyone else?
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  8. thefrogshateme New Player

    This is me being honest. It is insanely easy to level up. Don't get me wrong, a long time ago it wasn't. IMO
    If you aren't atleast 100 cr. After playing a few months you're either not trying hard enough, or rarely getting on.
    So it's understandable to want 100cr+ for people that want to run the new content.

    I know countless times in my leagues, me shouting to low cr people "Hey I'm about to do this mission"
    They ignore me and then shout they want to do the same mission hours later.
    No I wont redo it and usually they get mad at leave the league because no ones helping them.
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  9. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Because in "two weeks", with some helpful tips in league chat and the willingness to answer someone's questions, you could have invested some time into fostering a new player or an old player trying a new power. And found a new like-minded league member (who learned how to play their role/power well FROM YOU - theoretically they will play well LIKE YOU) with whom to run end-game content.
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  10. PKMN12 New Player

    Not as easy as you think, unless you use replay badges and know what you are doing. You are likely used to running content at a much higher CR than required, a new player will not be able to do that very easily, if at all. A new player might not know how to clip correctly, or many combos. and not everyone uses replay badges all the time, or even has access to THAT many in the first place. Create a new character, and without using ANY replay badges or relying on higher CR friends/leaguemates, try and go though the content.

    Also, what about those who JUST started, again, not every players has been playing or a couple months, and many who have might have come back from a long break.
  11. MetalMario Loyal Player

    You're not really considering the scenario I proposed. If nobody's going to run with the new guy there's a good chance he'll left out. I wasn't saying this is the best way to run a league, just that there are real reasons why someone would have these kind of requirements.
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  12. Mad9 New Player

    I am sorry, my memory is a bit foggy and I meant a 5 man nexus run which was completed exactly 22 days after the DLC release.


    Leagues are like private clubs or closely held communities with common objectives where each member is expected to contribute their pro rate share of effort. Inherently, players have a tendency to seek out not just equally geared and skilled players but like minded individuals to share that space. League is a community of interest and its scope extends far beyond simply running content together. Is it wrong if Odyssey requires its members to have a minimum of 150 SP+? Are they being elitist in excluding you?
    Is it wrong if some leagues only accept 18-21+ members only? I mean, isn't is excluding a 13 year old kid who is CR 106 and 150 SP+ and wants to join that league.
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  13. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    That could very easily be avoided by someone saying, "Hey new guy, we're all way above your level here, and though we're not running around in your missions with you, here are some pointers on how to get high enough in level so you can roll with us. BTW ... did you see the new Godzilla movie?"

    The guy that leaves the guild because they don't want to be by themselves for the scant amount of time it takes to level isn't going to stick around in the league, anyway. There will be a day when they log on and nobody else is online, and that's the person who's going to think it's lame that he's alone that day then leave the guild because he was getting bored with it anyway.

    That level requirement isn't going to make a fickle person stick around any longer.
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  14. Quanflux New Player

    You know in all seriousness, There are certain leagues for certain kinds of players with different kinds of mindsets. There are leagues that have pretty much more of a social requirement to join, there are other leagues that have a more in game requirement to join, but there is no denying that the two different types of leagues exchange players, more often then you guys would like to think. I don't know about you guys but in a game were 8 man content is considered the pinnacle of play, most players don't stick around if they don't have a league to join, and different kinds of players like to play in different kinds of ways, maybe if both sides were not so openly hostile about that then both sides would not be so hostile about it.

    I mean I'll be honest with you guys, I have been surprised as to learn the name of some of my new member's, former leagues, when they join up, and the fact of the matter is, chances are some really good players do eventually mature from those leagues. Given it does take time and sometimes those players end up leaving those leagues that do not suit their needs for others and to be honest I think that's quite unfortunate but that's the reality of the situation, in a lot of ways both types of leagues need each other.
  15. kav Committed Player

    Nobody in this thread specifically said "Yeah, let's leave those n00bs out cuz we awesome and sheee-."

    Again, there are leagues who have requirements which they're not able to proclaim or even make sense with their agenda. You need to have one, otherwise you're just aiming to run your own league into a fail. There are leagues who only have requirements to avoid isolation, whether intented or not, and it will happen. There are leagues who do any kind of content, who only do specific PvE content, who only do PvP, etc.

    There are also leagues like Public Enemies and The Offenders who will do feat runs, help anyone out who needs help with any kind of content, etc. We should respect leagues to have an agenda, whatever that is or how it'll look like. I personally just don't like empty promises or inviting people because of their coolio stats but in the end they're not fitting at all into the picture.
  16. Aces Up Well-Known Player

    I agree in the Weapon Mastery age 100 skill points is a sort of minimal expectation for top-flight groups, but to say it's easy to get there or should be done in three days is a distorted view.

    First, I suspect the some of the people saying these things have played this game for quite a while. The knowledge and experience acquired in that time can make things seem much easier and more intuitive than it would to a newer player.

    Second, I'm sure many playing this game have played other MMOs. Though not necessarily directly translatable, the knowledge and experience gained in those arenas assist one's intuition, expectations and learning curve in other games.

    Myself, I never played an MMO before DCUO--not even any online multi-player games (hate first-person shooters). I've played DCUO for less than a year.

    When I began, my impression of the game was a cool DC superhero action-rpg type game. For all the world, it seemed like a sort of standard console game while leveling, the main difference being other players were running around the map as well. To me, it seemed a sort of GTA with superheros.

    There was so little in-game information on basic principles like what to do in your off-role. Controller? What's that? Let's read the two-line blurb we get explaining how to be a controller in this game...can give some power to allies and control some enemies (ah, that's where they got the name controller from), okay...hmm, a couple of my stats will double if I'm in controller mode with no damage penalty...well, why wouldn't I go into controller mode then?


    Needless to say and thanks to some wonderful folks playing this game with me, the coming months were an explosion of knowledge and experience.

    I know a standard response to these sorts of experiences is, "Do some research! Watch some YouTube videos! It's soooooo easy!!" (Of course, with the number of people who seem to be at a neuro-surgeon level of skill judging by some comments, it's hard to imagine how it could then be sooooo easy.)

    The thing from my view is in all my gaming history (back to the Atari 2600--yes, I'm old), I never had to look things up other than the odd hidden or confusing objective. It just wasn't necessary. Perhaps I did not maximize the potential of my character or whatever but then, how would I know? I'm not playing with or against anyone else--there are no other names on the scoreboard.

    In any case, until fairly recently 100 skill points would seem a desert mirage to me.

    I'm quite happy I've got through some of the slag these past months to get to my measly 112 skill points. It didn't seem such an easy feat to me and I'm not sure I would've done without my leaguemates (sure, it would be possible to do it...but would I?).

    That said, since the WM update skill points have rightfully gained significantly in importance. Those posting in this thread with their 160+ skill points should enjoy some kind of advantage, the hours and hours of effort should mean something. And it does--those with relatively few skill points cannot hope to touch my damage numbers, for example (and I'm just at 112--imagine 160+).

    Still, for some it's not the easy ride some on this board make it out to be. Just sayin'.
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  17. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Which is really all the original post was knocking. When you are shouting "League LFM 100+ CR/100+ SP, PST" in a zone, you are either advertising your own coolio stats and/or how elite your league is, or you are recruiting people based solely on those two stats.

    I'm sure we're all aware of the width and breadth of how many different types of league are out there, especially since you can make your own league however you want to make it.

    The ridiculousness of the posts following the OP rising to the defense of guilds with stat requirements was so bordeline silly and contradictory, it were practically begging to have a bit of satire. By all means, do what you want with your guild and your characters, but once you bring it onto a public forum, I reserve the right to ask you WTF you are talking about.
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    Silly? Ok, but if your at 100cr+ u should easily have 100sp so no idea why thats silly. It would seem silly if some1 skipped content and feats. And with the way sp works in tandem with WM now, No i wouldnt want a player with less than 100sp thats in endgame content.
  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    So having 100cr and 100sp is elite? Wow people need to stop using that word. That makes no sense. If your 100cr+ u should very easily have 100sp. Thats not elite by any means.
  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    I don't mean 'help' like steamroll content. Ideally you'd have some players/alts still in T3/4/5 for a noob to play with. Otherwise they can PuG things with help/advice from more experienced leaguemates. I mean help like explain the aura and when to use the ankh on Eclipso in Veng. Do you think they'll learn that in a PuG? Odds are no one in the PuG knows and if they do they're not going stop and explain it.

    I don't know, I just picture joining one of those leagues and suggesting a feat, Medics in FoS3 maybe, and getting the response "Oh, we all already did it and we're not going to stop resetting T6 content to help. Good luck PuGing it!" Why would I want to join that league? I can find people to do T5/6 content without being in a league.
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