The next lantern power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bendmetal, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. KevinPrime New Player

    opps turns out indigo lanterns can heal to some extent. The Indigo Power Rings have the ability to heal others during or after they feel great compassion. The compassion has to be genuine and the healing is only to the extent of the grief and minor aesthetics, major injuries have not been seen to be healed by any Indigo Lantern yet. It is unknown if the Indigo Tribe can heal itself or if they must feel compassion to do so
  2. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Ability to heal minor injuries is enough to nullify damage, that take we, superpowered persons, in game. It's unknown as well healing major injuries by electric surge. Players don't lose limbs in these fights to Blue Lanterns be needed.
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  3. Errorcode1058 New Player

    The Next Lantern Power...

    Should not exist. It should not be considered, discussed, or proposed until they are done with the current Balance Pass and successfully de-escalate the importance of WM as the only way to effectively create damage.

  4. Green Lantern New Player

    1 - We need a Lantern Healing powerset to complete the circle.

    2 - The time for PS3 to be put out to pasture is rapidly approaching. I'm sorry, but it is. As time goes on, technology becomes outdated and at some point everybody has to move forward as well.

    3 - Black and White would be awesome.
  5. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    They will NOT add Black & White playable lanterns & Spytle already said about it:
    So forget that rave right now!! :mad: And generally if think about it - how would it be different, than Celestial with hand bulb?
  6. Green Lantern New Player

    I'm aware. I just said it would be awesome in terms of the look. I do appreciate all the work you did there, though. LOL My goodness.
  7. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    It would be weak & unoriginal in terms of look lMO. Seems like one more Celestial with hand bulb for me. Not to mention it absolutely against canon.
  8. TheAnticipated Well-Known Player

    alright, here's where I get to step in xD - Its not against canon at all. Everyone seems to think so but I have not read anywhere that it is DC law that there is only one white lantern allowed. It just happens that at the moment Kyle Rayner is the only one who was able to master all 7, who said no one else could ? I also clearly remember during Brightest day when they had multiple white lanterns. Also Black Rings weren't very selective, they just chose anyone. Not to mention White Lantern's effects would be constructs and white whereas celestial is a light yellowish color and no constructs.
  9. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    Nope, the white ring has the power of all 7 corp together. It's too Over-powered to be even playable, I mean consider a white lantern reservist to have the power of 7 normal corp reservists and black lanterns don't have a set allegiance, they just kill everyone. Spytle has confirmed they won't be making an appearance
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  10. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    White Lanterns are jut too powerful to become a power set. Like you said, they have the power of the entire emotional spectrum. That power is just incredible; imagine a level 5 player running around with the most powerful ring in the entire emotional spectrum, a little odd don't you think?
  11. devildevil50 New Player

    Now think this way: A player level 5 running around being able to manipulate the space and time, a little odd don't you think? No, I don't, because it does exist and is called quantum. Why shouldn't there be white lanterns, since you said, they are so op, but there are quantum players, who can MANIPULATE space and time, but still, it aint op... So yeah, I think ANY power can enter in this game.
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  12. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    I both agree and disagree with you. I do think that they need to de-escalate the importance fo WM, sure it does a lot of damage, but it makes having powers useless. You wouldn't believe how many people I see running around using WM instead of using their power.

    I disagree when you said that the next lantern power shouldn't exist, or be considered, discussed, or proposed without them first fixing the WM situation. I did just say that they do need to de-escalate WM, but that isn't a giant issue. It does great damage and works for a lot of players.

    Personally, when I think of Green Lantern lore and the Emotional Spectrum, four prominent lanterns come to mind: Green, Yellow (Sinestro), Red, and Blue. I just can't see them adding in the Green, Yellow, and Red ones and not adding in Blue. It just seems off-balance to me.
  13. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    But that makes sense. The idea of manipulating time and space can go from create black holes, to just slowing down time. There is a scale, and you can control how intense you can manipulate time and space.

    The White Lantern power ring is different. It has the ability of all the other power rings, which are the strongest weapons in the universe. The White Lantern power ring has the ability to manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe. It can create energy constructs, an energy twin, perform mind altercation, etc.

    Adding on to that, Kyle Rayner had to master all the other lantern corps before he could get to the White Lantern Corps. If he had go through all that, there is no way that DC would allow a non-experienced player to do that.
  14. SuperiorMouse New Player

    it's against canon because there are no more black or white lantern corps. they were created for a specific story that ended. those characters are gone now. Kyle is the only remaining WL. there is no more corps for black or white. it doesn't make sense to give players those powers.
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  15. TheAnticipated Well-Known Player

    Except right now in DCUO they're adapting that story line. I'm in total agreement that they're overpowered but my main argument is that it isn't against the canon. Kyle is not the only remaining white lantern, hes just currently the only one. Like I said - who knows if there will be more ? Unsure if you've read but black lanterns did make a reappearance in the New 52 after the events of Blackest Night, and even had Hal become a black lantern.
  16. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i didn't mention anything related to their power levels. i explained how it is not canon. bottom line; there is only one of them left. when there was corps, they operated in the interests of a plot device and that makes them NPCs not player controlled characters; which we'll see in p3.
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Nobody mentioned anything about Kyle being the only White Lantern, you just said that yourself. Many people say having White and Black Lanterns as a power set are against canon because they are a situational corps. The other seven corps are always there, Black and White were created for a storyline and they then left after that storyline apart from when Kyle became a White Lantern and Black Hand had a part in a storyline a year or two ago.
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  18. TheAnticipated Well-Known Player

    They don't mention kyle but there is a lot of "there can only be one white lantern at a time" being said. Which until stated by DC themselves, I don't believe. They were created for a story line just as other corps were created for a story line, just because they're not being used now, doesn't mean they won't be used again.
  19. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    I think people are exaggerating way too much with the lantern powers, I mean this is DC Universe Online not DC Lanterns Online right? :confused:
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I haven't seen anybody say there can only be one...

    Yes other corps were created, but they have stuck around. They didn't just vanish into the ether like the Black and White corps did. The way the Lantern powers in game work is that the corps leaders let us have deputy rings with access to a pre-programmed set of tools. If there is no Black and White Lantern Corps then there is nobody to give us the rings.

    Anyway, it's all moot since Spytle said we won't be getting them.
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