Rage heals are still here

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by John, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. John New Player

    That shield cool down is so short its one of the top shields
  2. realTREDD New Player

    i scrim all the time in league and we are all 90pvpcr on multi toons, i ainly play gadgets, ice and rage i always tell people the best way to beat a power type your strugling with is to swich to that power so you ccan fully understand it and know how to exploit it.
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  3. John New Player

    Yup I have been ice and rage but the only way around them is debuffs but when fighting the top tier players with 180sp and fully tier 6 modded you gonna need that power bar.
  4. John New Player

    gadgets is good too because it has great protection mechanics 3 (shields) or protection
  5. realTREDD New Player

    just speaking tward rage; its not that difficult to counter a rage crash or if the player uses a amunity timeing your block at the right moment.
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  6. John New Player

    Yea its hard too burn them so they will crash most of their health and prevent them from burning you being electric also gotta watch for them 35%er fakes and outrage fakes
  7. realTREDD New Player

  8. John New Player

    sometimes if you block like a second before an outrage you get stunned no lets face this rage has too many perks and advantages
  9. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Ok, now I don't know if you're just trolling me... All controller sheilds mitigate the same damage. Distract, granduar, quantum tunneling and HL shield all mitigate the same amount of damage... How is HL shield better than quantum tunneling?

    HL shield is in a 15 second cd and quantum tunneling us ok a 8 second cool down and teleports you out of danger.

    Are you in USPS? Maybe I can give you some pointers to see what you're doing wrong.
  10. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Lol, so it's either they agree with you, but if a player has no problem fighting rage, then the rage player must be bad.

    Ok... Here's an idea, maybe your just not as good as you think you are... Of course, that can't be the case because you're the best, just not vs rage.
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  11. John New Player

    quantum tunneling is not a shield
  12. John New Player

    Lol you must be fighting them scrubs that crash
  13. Brondulfr New Player

    derp...I meant to post this in this thread earlier, but somehow I posted it in a different thread about rage:

  14. John New Player

    Yes it does need to be tweaked

    Medium risk- very high reward
  15. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    15 seconds, that's standard across all troller shields... Learn your powers bud.

    And by shield... I'm referring to anything that mitigates damage...

    Quantum tunneling has a "shielding effect". It mitigates the same amount of damage as HL shield and is on an 8 second cool down ... Again, learn your powers
  16. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    ^ and these are the types of people that the devs cater to when they make "balance" adjustments...

    Players with little knowledge and skill...

    Do you realize that your pretty much saying that, the only way a rage player will lose is if they suck.

    Dude, you're just not good, rage isn't an instant win class. You just need to get better instead of crying in the forums and asking for the devs to help you out.
  17. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    It blocks incoming damage as well as moving you away... It's better than a shield and follows the same formula of 100% resto + 100% dom. Here's the description:

    Quantum Tunneling: Phase to another reality and leap forward a short distance. Phasing breaks you out of control effects, prevents damage and compels enemies to seek targets other than you.

    Prevents damage is another way of saying "mitigates damage"
  18. John New Player

    lol little knowledge? Your probably rage your self advocating for it and no rage players who dont suck dont crash I never crashed when I was rage unless I got debuffed or something there are to many moves to prevent that.
  19. John New Player

    Yes I am on the USPS server whats your toon name?
  20. John New Player

    Also rage isn't a instant win class but it sure the hell makes it easier to win