Do not remove hard stuns from PvP (GU38 discussion)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Clutchmeister, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

  2. Ace1 Dedicated Player

  3. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    You don't need to post, a like would suffice. I think you can do that even without legendary/pc test :)
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  4. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Like* lol and yup will do.
  5. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Oh no I spelt it right, I'm afraid we need a ritualistic sacrifice to the DCUO gods (devs) to tempt them into sticking with the current system ;)
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  6. JonnyD New Player

    :( do want...
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Life... Wasn't aware I made a deal with the devil there... Ah well, probably worth it. What could go wrong? :p

    Though a question, does it take less power to perform a normal breakout than it does to break out of a hard stun?
  8. Ace1 Dedicated Player

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  9. Aqua New Player

    Heh been preaching for this for months and they do it now. Guess they realized wm makes people spontaneously combust in pvp so they can't leave you on the ground hard stunned.

    Might actually pay my sub if they continue on this course and bring pvp back to some semblance of it's original form and balance powers/wm.
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Changing hard stuns to fix weapon mastery issues isn't the answer. Changing weapon mastery to fix weapon mastery related issues is.
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  11. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Do people not realize PvE will affect PvP (Vice Versa). Arenas getting affected will affect legends. If one is getting fixed it will break the other.
    And No pls dont take my spontaneous combustion away from me.
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  12. Aqua New Player

    Never said it was the answer to wm, I've wanted these hard stuns changed long before they even announced wm, made combat such a drag. Wm is just what backed the devs into this change, they probably don't know how to balance it for pvp.
  13. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Why was it such a drag? It's only a drag if you allow yourself to get repeatedly countered, otherwise it allowed you to perform burst damage on people safely and helped prevent DoT from being too overpowered. Combat will be a drag with it taken out because everything is going to become a spamfest & there will be no skill in PvP, it'll just become another MMO.
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  14. Aqua New Player

    Don't really see how this becomes a problem for legends, everyone breaks out faster if anything this should balance stuff more because some legends can take bigger chunks out of your health while your hard stunned, now you don't have to lay there and watch them do it.
  15. Troll Zama New Player

    That's why you tried harder to not get punished, if you never got countered that legends "perks " don't entirely matter.
  16. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    That's exactly how it unbalances legends, characters that do burst damage will fall to the bottom of the pack. DoT characters do a lot of their damage safely & don't rely on burst after a counter to deal damage, but most often they don't deal as much damage after a counter. This is where burst legends make their ground back, by countering and then being able to unleash their full burst combo safely & make up the damage they lost fighting the DoT characters face to face.

    After this change, DoT characters will be completely overpowered because burst characters combos will be easily blocked. You can just acquire CC immunity and you won't get stunned from a counter, so if you've blocked the combo but then get block broke, you've only suffered 600~ damage (or 300~ for BBs that don't do damage like a JCd brawl BB) compared to 3000+ from a normal counter.

    In comparison, a DoT character will deal 500 DPS simple by stacking two dots and tapping (atrocitus) or 400 (bane, lex) for example. This means that those counters will deal as much damage as 1.5 seconds of dots & they're rarely going to happen.

    DoT characters are already on average better than burst characters, what do you think happens when those burst characters can no longer burst?
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  17. Aqua New Player

    This was the combat at the launch of the game and through beta which I grew to love, devs slowed it down with this change and made it something I didn't enjoy as much. I would address the other things in your post but wouldn't change the fact that I loved the combat more back then rather than now and if stuff certain things become unbalanced as a result I would rather address those new imbalances than to lose my quick breakouts again.
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    They should know how to balance it out. There's been a load of threads offering up different suggestions on the matter. The most reasonable to me seemed to be to simply add a damage cap much like how they did with crits. Changing hard stuns won't solve it. I can't say whether or not this is true, but someone did tell me (and I do frequently speak with this person so I don't suspect they would lie) a while ago that they dealt 3k damage to a blocking opponent in full t5 gear. So adding extra counter immunities like this... might actually make things worse.
  19. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    And what about the fact it makes PvP less skillful? That doesn't bother you?
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  20. Blade Damone New Player

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