Do not remove hard stuns from PvP (GU38 discussion)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Clutchmeister, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. junglejim New Player

    It also promotes screen blocking even more.

    Edit: I agreed in principle with martis in that if we could break out of hard stuns itd help solve screen blocking. It was actually the 1st thing that came to mind when I heard of proposed changes. A little further thought however taking into account w.m damage and increased stats it would definitely cause bigger problems. Dual flurry w.m , get blocked, insta breakout rinse repeat hitting massive damage all the while
  2. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Deadly block = only block punishes.

    Hard stuns = reward for blocks, block breaks and interrupts. There's a slight difference.

    Besides, deadly block isn't even the worst mod to have in that socket. Tumbling master is much more efficient as a defensive weapon and provides you with the best tool for immunity farming.

    It wouldn't solve screen blocking, besides why should screen blocking be solved? It's an appropriate risk/reward. You're taking a risk to deal damage to multiple people but you're also at risk of being countered by those same people.

    With my proposed immunity changes, you would be able to do an AoE combo without worrying about screen blocking. However it's more balanced as you actually have to counter someone before you get to do that.
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  3. junglejim New Player

    It wouldn't completely solve it but it would be less irritating. Its personal preference I suppose but I detest it in large group pvp. It promotes defensive play . I use it. Ofc I do . Dont like it though. In 2v2 someone screen blocks its a quick switch and job done . In 4s or 5s arena there can be so many targets with pets etc that the quick switch and bb is a lottery at times. Only way I know im not being screen blocked is when I do 4 taps hold on 1h. Dw weapon finishers for instance are all aoe and a risk vs screen blockers whether I want to do damage to multiple targets or not.

    Yes it punishes careless play but even when careful its a risk as you may not be able to catch the blocker. Personally imo its cheesey farming immunity or protecting a team mate this way. On top of this the lack of viable single target wm combos for the big 3 pvp weapons (traditionally d.w m.a 1h although 4 taps pulse beam is nice if a bit predictable) reduces your chance of avoiding screen blocking. Some will disagree but That's my personal preference. Thats the beauty of opinions we all have em . As for not giving immunity if you have immunity or being countered I do agree its ridiculous at times to have both attacker and victim flashing blue simultaneously
    Edit: im busy at work atm hence the short response about your idea about immunity changes but will take the time later to respond a little better
  4. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I understand where you're coming from, a lot of good-great PvPers will use this strategy to farm immunity

    Defensive play in this game is highly exploitable however, basically what every player who can BB on reaction loves to see. I do all kinds of things to bait out anyone blocking, this can be doing 2xTap hold with 1H (making sure you won't get blocked) and then forcing other people to expect the combo to BB it. This can be done with any power that has a blockable combo as well such as outrage, which is especially great if you've just used zerk.

    If you're having trouble with defensive teams or notice that everyone is being defensive, then really work hard on block breaking on reaction. Try out some simple drills where you scrim a friend in a 1v1 and ask him to randomly tap block & see if you can catch it on reaction. Once you can do this (and most people should be able to as this isn't the hard part) really focus on combining your anticipatory play with that reaction game. It takes a lot of practice to be able to do this consistently and well (especially with every weapon),
    but it will be worth the effort as defensive playstyles immediately become so easy to play against.

    Glad you like the idea of those immunity changes however, I really miss the old immunity mechanics (though i was glad to see god-mode go) as getting a counter felt so more rewarding when you weren't still forced to be cautious. I think those changes would encourage slightly greater aggressive play when you don't have to be concerned with handing out immunity to the other team.