Validated USPS league opening it's doors

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Chosen One, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Lacedog Loyal Player

    ive seen some pretty wicked hair doo's at 3 am at a walmart.... would take a lot to beat that.

    have a fun safe trip!
  2. Jazmin Nova New Player

    Have a fun and safe trip Smash !!
  3. TheKent Well-Known Player

    Have a safe trip Smash! The weather is pretty nice right now. :)
  4. iSmashly New Player

    Have I ever mentioned me dislike for planes? Join Validated and hear what I have to say on the matter!
  5. Jazmin Nova New Player

    I also hate air planes, just do what I do.. Start drinking as soon as you get in the airport!
  6. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    Have fun in sunny California Smasherzzzz!
  7. filatron Active Player

    or drink waayyyyyyyyyyy before you get on the plane so you dont even know where you are ;)

    have fun xxxxxxxxxxxx1234iSmashly1234xxxxxxxxxxxxx your rants will be missed!
  8. iSmashly New Player

    I thought it was going to be like 97 degrees. It's not.
  9. B005t3r G07d New Player

    Have fun in Cali smash!
  10. iSmashly New Player

    I'm eating pop tarts on my couch and watching bobs burgers thinking about the vault runs I'm missing out on and the Akiko I'm not pestering.
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  11. iSmashly New Player

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  12. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I'm glad you took the plane. We still remember last year when you drove there:

    • Like x 3
  13. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    Have a pop tart for meeee!
  14. iSmashly New Player

    I will finish this box before tomorrow morning just for you
  15. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    Join Validated where if were not your answer... alcohol is... Join Validated, because when your here your more then likely a bit drunk.
  16. B005t3r G07d New Player

    Join Validated and you may get to touch Lethals pets
  17. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player


    Or atleast this is what I picture Lacedog looks like
    • Like x 1
  18. Jazmin Nova New Player

    I am sure that is exactly what he looks like! Super Cute !!!
  19. greebo414 New Player


    I recently joined Validated and my wreckability is already up by 63.8%!!

    ^^ True story... Though not a problem if you don't mind waking up the next morning wondering what happened to all your exobits and MOTs...

    -Angel Bits
  20. AZAZ3L New Player

    Hello I'm interested in joining your league I'm a cr 105 rage tank cr 103 dps pvp cr89 i got 138 sp I've recently switched my power to rage frm ice. I'm looking for a league to call home which plays occasional pvp I'm a bit rusty though hoping this league can assist me in becoming a better player to become a benefit the league. But i have a time zone/work hour concern that i need to address to the appropiate people or person I hope my application will be considered thank you for your time