Forums Writers! Unite!

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by The Enquirer, May 25, 2014.

  1. Caino New Player

    I am the sidekick of which he speaks.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Since I do this for everyone who's new here:

    Welcome to the forums. Stay out of the basement and don't touch my doomsday weapons.
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  3. Caino New Player

    No promises.
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  4. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I do it all the time. The trick is to touch them while he goes and gets himself a snack.
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  5. Mont New Player

    But CC is a doomsday weapon
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  6. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    But I am not Enquirer's doomsday weapon. ;)
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  7. Mont New Player

    In his dreams maybe LoL
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    That's just what you think ;)

    Anywho, in your bio you had said something about her going a bit rogue and how the powers weren't happy with her. Want to elaborate a little more on that?

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  9. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Okies! Well, *clears throat* in theory all the sisters should be running around the city doing the Devil's dirty work and getting people to sin in every which way possible. But since coming to Gotham and making friends with a few choice villains, she had become self serving instead of serving the dark lord. She has been "collecting" an army of villains which she has surrounded herself with. Though she really only uses them for parties and to get herself shinny bobbles. It almost seems to be a case of the blind leading the blind to be honest. Her sister Holly Havoc has been informed that Carlynn is under review with the higher ups and is in jeopardy of losing her job if she does not get to work on the master plan. The only problem is that she is having too much fun! Who knew earth was such a ball? Plus she is very, very easily distracted.
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  10. Mont New Player

    holds the urge to yell "squirrel"
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    If I end up writing Carlynn's story, I'll fit that in somehow. Even if it's just a random squirrel that pops up and she fries with one of her powers.

    Alright! That helps a lot actually. If I write your character I'd definitely end up working along this story-line somehow.
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  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Definitely enjoyed reading this one as I'm a huge fan of the Splinter Cell games so I enjoyed the character recreation. Is he more like Sam Fisher being all sneaky via Chaos Theory, or more up front like in the crappy newer games? :p No preference story wise, just I haven't liked any SC games after Chaos Theory lol

    Also just as an update guys, if you don't want your character to be tied to dcuo in anyway, I can help you out with that too. I'm currently working with Supreme Monarch to completely revamp his character into it's own continuity to give him complete creative control.
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  13. Mont New Player

    Don't forget about her Xmas shenanigans
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  14. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    No, that´s not quite what I wrote. I mean, I may be wrong about the mechanics of the GL rings, but in my head, the story goes like this:

    1) The ring initially chooses Jason after leaving its previous owner, who appeared to be dead
    2) In the middle of a battle in little Bohemia, the ring leaves Jason because the previous owner wasn´t dead but in a coma from which he/she awoke, and that previous owner was deemed more "worthy" by that particular ring
    3) Jason finds a nwe source of power in the Metrodome

    I haven´t seen that happen with other rings in the comics, it might be impossible, but it would serve to explain the change in powers. If you do find it to be unrealistic (within a certain lore) but you still like the rest, do feel free to add things here and there.
  15. Mont New Player

    Batman just takes the ring
  16. CCTrinket Well-Known Player

    Sorry its pretty lengthy and i know probably didn't do some things right.

    Name: Vana Summers

    Alias: Asentmah

    Powers: Nature and Weather Control

    Occupation: Metropolis S.C.U.

    Affiliations: Generation 1 Team

    Vana was a great Metropolis S.C.U. officer and a devoted one to. As Vana was driving around the violent parts of metropolis she got a message on her com telling every officer to rush to Metropolis museum. When she arrived S.C.U. Officer Jonathan Webbs told her that Poison Ivy was trying to steal a rare body/skin diseased flower(That killed and changed your body and skin into whatever it wanted to like mud, or a human tree and even skin like Poison Ivy) and she already stole 4 from the Gotham museum, he also told her that she is going to Poison metropolis and gotham with the Kamangi Flower if they don't stop hurting her plants with there human wraps. So they had to capture Poison Ivy quick.

    Five S.C.U. Officers including Vana and Jonathan went inside of the Museum to capture Poison Ivy. They ran up on Poison Ivy as soon as they saw her trying to steal the Kamangi Flower and told her to freeze or they will shoot her where she stands, Poison Ivy eyes open wide and said " Well well look what we have here officers geared up to stop superpowered crime i can do easy with all of you" then she threw down two poison gas pods that were filled with the rare Kamangi Flower. Then suddeney the gas started to spread through the room of the museum and every officers body and skin started to change into ugly things of nature. Vana skin was in pain like the rest but she was determined to get Ivy so she started to shoot at Poison Ivy as she was trying to make her escape with the Kamangi Flower and got her right in the leg and arm and then Vana collasped onto the ground.

    Vana then woke up in the Hospital looking down at her was Dr. Willok she startled up and said "WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE OFFICERS WHAT HAPPENED TO JONATHAN!", Dr Willok calmed her back to bed and told her that they all died and she was the only one who made it. Dr. Willok had something else to tell Vana "That her skin was in a bad condition", Vana looked at her skin and started to cry into her hands but Dr. Willok had somebody who could help, Lex Luthor. Dr. Willok left the room leaving Mr.Luthor and Vana to talk. I am going to help you Vana i,m going to make you better meet me at lex corp when you get out of here and I will do everything to help vana agreed. As soon as she got out of the hospital she went to Lex Corp and wemt to for the procedure but when she woke up after the procedure her skin still look the same nothing change she was furious she said you didn't do anything" Yes i did said Lex I enhanced you an your new found powers as we were doing this procedure now i will only change you if you kill superman or at least bring him to me said Lex Luthor.

    "No I won't do it" Said Vana, Well....then your stuck like that said Luthor so she barged out of Lex Corp doors returning to her home thinking about that deal with Lex and constantly looking at her skin she made up her mind and went in the next day and agreed to kill superman in return for her to be a normal human. Lex told Vana that he had some plants filled with kryptonite and she was to manipulate those plants into bringing him Superman or kill. Lex created a hold up to get Supermans attention so that Vana can come in and bring or kill Superman for Lex. Superman flew in and tried to stop the bad guys but fell and started to fill weak and then Vana erupted from the ground with her kryptonite injected plants and said in a sorrowful way "I don't feel good doing this Superman but I have to do this for me" then out of know where a lightning struck and knocked him clear out sense he was weak from the krptonite and it came from Vana. But as soon as that happened her skin started to change back to its normal self thinking in her head "what am I doing I can use these powers for good to help".... then her skin started to change back to the way poison ivys was but with a strong thought from Vana it changed right back.

    Vana made the plants wither away into Lex Corp and got Superman out of there and soon after that named herself Asentmah after the first woman on earth but took out the i. And started to work with Superman to stop crime and few years later became an official JLA Member.

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  17. Mont New Player

    Ya need to prove read that, some of the sentences are missing words :)
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Ahhhh alright, that makes a little more sense now!

    I actually don't know how that works, if a ring can return to it's previous owner or not while being worn by another user. Ask Caino (he commented above) as he's much better with lantern lore than I am. I wouldn't see why that's impossible though. He might have to do something that makes him less worthy to wield the ring. Like I said, ask Caino about that.

    And I've specified this before: (though not on the forums so I'm saying it now) These are your characters. They're your property and you retain full creative rights to them. So if you're not happy with anything written about them then make sure to just let me or Caino (he will be working with me on this) know and we'll take it out.

    If it does take place in the DCUO universe it will need to abide by the lore that's been given to use for that content just to maintain accuracy as other characters stories take place in the same universe.
  19. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Red Skorpion Was Made he was the strongest mental wielder ever. he killed everyone with his mass terror just to prove he could ... the end
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  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player
