DCUO - 50% off Station Cash

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by picadasgalaxias, May 20, 2014.

  1. picadasgalaxias New Player


    come on devs
  2. Delta795 New Player

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  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Wouldn't count on it. Double/Triple sales seem to be a thing of the past. Most you'll get will probably be 33% some time during the summer.
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  4. Clip New Player

    -50% off is OP. It makes me spend money even if i dont want to... And the next day i end up with styles i never wear, and start to reset instances that are not worth it. :D
    OP but still welcome
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I have plenty of SC. I'd rather have 50% off stuff in the MP.
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  6. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Its nice to sales happening but they have been focused toward Freemiums. It would be nice if they would have a sale for us legendary members.
  7. Radium Devoted Player

    I doubt you'll see double cash sales again, or at least only a once a year thing.

    They pretty much got wise to the double dipping people did by stocking up on double SC and waiting for 50% off.
  8. blklightning New Player

    I'm surprised that they'd even have to "get wise" to that. Seems like a no brainer. Well, not perhaps. I did miss that idea and was kicking myself for it this past xmas. :p
  9. Club Idiot New Player

    Yeah, but old habits die hard for me, and I still always have at least 1 or 2 cards bought and waiting for a cash day.
  10. Kristyana New Player

    The person who used to be in charge of the SC promotions was laid off when Sony did their cutbacks last year.

    Given that Black Friday was only a 33% sale, I doubt we will ever see 50% off again, unless it's tied to game cards at a specific retailer.
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  11. Yui Loyal Player

    They did a 50% off sale on every marketplace items for 1 or 2 weeks back in December o.o
  12. blklightning New Player

    Who will most likely not actually even carry those cards to start with.

    Oh, I remember the Best Buy "deal" last year. Sure, you could get the card and redeem for a great discount... IF the retailer they partnered with actually carried the damned cards to start with. Not a one in the greater Seattle area, and we have several of those stores.
  13. Kristyana New Player

    True, but that was for DC. This is more in line with SOE's new marketing strategy to have better control over what goes on sale.

    Actual Station Cash promotions will end up being pretty rare and not as good, while there are increases in the amount of sales in each individual game. This gives SOE and the game managers much greater control, especially with the new all-access pass.
  14. aceCase Committed Player

    It got nerfed.
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  15. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Hopefully the sales start showing up more often then. Although, last year when they restricted the purchase of DLC to just credit cards and not SC, they said they explicitly said they were doing it cuz they wanted to give more and BETTER sales.

    In the past year since that change, I've seen less and worse sales. So i don't feel they have delivered on that promise.
  16. picadasgalaxias New Player

    triple station cash is op

    50% off sale on marketplace is fine, -50% = double sc
  17. Vodka Committed Player

    What sale could they possibly have for one group that wouldn't also benefit the rest of the players?

    50% off on a 350 pack of replays sounds like a great deal for everybody. Add that 10% off you already innately get, that's a pretty heavy discount.
  18. Zeo Committed Player

  19. Redscreen5 New Player

    Marketplace items should have a sale. Like I've said before they've got no problems flinging in the discount promotions in the exploitable aura bundles, but can't give us a simple sale for marketplace items. The sale currently on EU is so bad they've not even promoted it properly on PSN.

    I don't buy anything ever in market unless it's on sale or I have SC I'd deem spare.
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  20. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I agree it would be nice to have sales that apply to every1. Having sales on items that I can't even buy as a legendary member makes them useless at best. I don't even understand why they would make it so legendary members can't buy DLC's until they are no longer legendary.

    As far as 50% off...after giving Legendary members 10% off, I figure we will never see sales like that again. Remember this is Sony. I'd be surprised if we even see a 40% sale. I don't mind supporting the game but the MP items at retail are ridiculously priced. At half off they are more so price points I can agree with. Maybe Sony should realize 10% off on 0 purchases = $0.00. W/o a sale Im not dumping extra money into DC/Sony's pocket. If they want to increase sales they should have some sort of monthly or bi-monthly promotions. Once or twice a year is kinda lame when selling virtual goods.