Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    CCBatson got some results that seemed to suggest WM may work on the final tick of ID, but I haven't tested it. TBH, with something as slow as ID, I wouldn't want to make it slower by using WM. Here's the link:
  2. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    Changed my loadout out for now have reachedd 10:1 ratio. last run i had 1.7 mil and 162k power in. now i had 2.2m with 192k power in. big jump
  3. not_again Dedicated Player

    I did not get a chance to test as much as I would have like to last night. I ran the T6 duos with 1-hand into HB using only ESB in the crit window and got through those easily. I had to heal the alert. I will do a lot of testing this weekend.

    I did test shockwave and even in the crit window with the PI it did not hit as hard as ESB without a PI. So I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or the buff still was not enough to make this a viable power.
  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    When I tested it, it was hitting like a truck. I was using Hand Clap to Shuriken Storm, which is a tap, hold. Focused Blast to Solar Flame is a hold, hold, which should hit a bit harder.
  5. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    When I get home I shall test out esb without PI as well as with. Also with shockwave. With and without PI. I have run a few duos and was doing just fine. I shall try to test to see if the damage could be greater
  6. The Saiyan New Player

    I'll be doing some testing this weekend. Right now my loadout seems about the same as most everyone else. Sp,ebomb,sw,ec,eg, wired. I wanna do testing with spark barrage, overcharge, voltaic bolt, and maybe arc lightning. Arc had 1500 crits before wm so it may be viable after.
  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    Haven't tested Arc. I wonder if the buff will only proc on the first tick.
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  8. The Saiyan New Player

    If it only procs the first it may not be viable.
  9. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    My loadout is wired, overcharge, egenesis, ecute, shockwave and robot.

    ATM overcharge isn't being half clipped like before. Probably a correction. I use to be able to clip it as the lightning started while now I canny clip it. Will test further thou I can't do it tonight.

    I do want to test arc, voltaic bolt ebomb. When I tried sbarage I saw it couldn't be clipped by wired either. And it's animation is longer too.
  10. Max Volt Committed Player

    Havent fully tested since I can't log in now....but Arc was hitting for over 2k on the first hit with WM....I haven't had a chance to DPS the t6 alert yet, but what i can tell you so far is that shockwave hits harder than SP and EBomb.

    .... on a side note either Electroburst is broken or it got nerfed because of the PvP crybabies, but the numbers are awefull even with WM, actually it does feel like it hits harder without WM.
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  11. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I tested spark barrage with weapon mastery and it isn't worth it. it hitting for varies 230s, 450s, 550s with them.
  12. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    As a Sorcery DPS having great success with Soul Barrage, I don't think that Spark/Soul/Warp Barrage is useful if you're using a lengthy WM combo. For one of my particular Armory/loadouts I use Brawling/MA:Shuriken Storm Master. DoTs > Shuriken Storm Mastery > Soul Barrage. I'd imagine It'd work the same for Spark/Warp Barrage as well. I wouldn't bother using the WM buff for DoTs because the damage isn't to huge of an increase. Elec obviously has much more insta cast, multi targeting powers than Sorc so your options are greater.

    I don't think you'll see too many high hits from WM with DoT power sets because the base damage isn't high for most of them. All your insta cast powers from Voltaic Bolt, Shock Wave, Static Push etc should definitely hit 2k+ consistently.
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  13. Shift New Player

    I thought they are only complaining about the healing side???
  14. Max Volt Committed Player

    Same here, but on the test dummy I see electroburst initial hit going for 200-300 damage with weapon mastery. While I'm critting in the 1200 range without.

    .... Maybe it's just me... I'll test more when I get home from work but that's is what I was seeing
  15. blklightning New Player

    Finally got to run the alert on my electric. SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

    I really do think that the alert has something for everyone, which I'll touch more on once I get a different weapon and record some more gameplay.

    Went in using HB combos to MA, which I had a really hard time hitting the crit windows. I think the timing of that set of combos is a good spacing between rotation heals, but it was just clunky for me.... right now.

    Surge, Cap, eBurst, eGen, Glavanize, Wired

    I pretty much started by doing combo - wired - combo - Galvanize - combo - eBurst...
    Then wanted to feel a bit more of Electric's ultra clippable healing. So, I started doing clipped heals in between successful combos. Surprisingly, for the spamming, power was still not an issue.

    I can't wait to capture/share video of electric healing the NPCs. It's really fun and allows electric users to go crazy w/ the healing. There were moments where the mob of NPC's was just giant slash of blue/white.
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  16. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    I agree. This alert was a lot of fun. Started as maybe I should heal them so they can keep doing damage to just wanting to heal them so I could say not a single npc died. Loads of fun on electric healing.
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  17. blklightning New Player

    How's THIS for Electric Ladies?

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  18. Shift New Player

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  19. Shift New Player

    That is crazy. I have never hit that low with Electroburst on my initial hit before. If they really did nerf it That throws my loadout that I was thinking of using when I switch back to Electric out the window. Maybe they nerfed it by accident? Or it 's supposed to be part of our special mechanic later on in the revamp and they made it so Electroburst isn't supposed to work in conjunction with WM like Sorcery and Nature pets? Why would they nerf Electroburst dps wise and not Volaic Bolt too? They do the same thing except VB requires a pi and more than a single target for the full benefits.
  20. Shift New Player

    I finally made the switch back to Electric and you are right, I just checked and the first burst hti from Electroburst doesn't benefit from WM crit chance or magnitude increase. Maybe they thought of it as a dot completely or something? I think I should report this in the bug section.
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