(spoilers) Are you ready for the Walking Dead Season Finale?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Chicago Bull, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Chicago Bull New Player

    Lets take bets on what happened?
  2. Chicago Bull New Player

  3. CHUD Loyal Player

    I don't think Carl is gonna die in this one.
    Possible victims being killed off....
    1. Tara (sacrificing herself for Glenn and Maggie)
    2. Carol (I hope not,...but...)
    3. Beth (possible,...but Emily Kinney is taking some time off for touring and promoting her album that just came out. So a possible write off for now???)

    Terminus - Ah,....I don't even know what this place could be. One of the theories is that Mary could be serving up Beth BBQ. Another is Terminus being a place where the living are "test subjects" for some weird experiment. Could also be Terminus is the spot for the cannibals. I don't see that Joe's group having knowledge of Terminus at all.

    Will there be a gun fight at the Terminus Coral?? I wouldn't be surprised. Will lives be lost?? You bet your bippy.

    I definitely feel like a kid at Christmas,...except I'm just wondering who's gonna get killed off and if Beth is really on the dinner menu.

    *I'll be checking in after Talking Dead as to other people's reactions. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON FINALE!!!!!!
  4. La Shark Dedicated Player

    Adios maggie. Mmmuah!
  5. CHUD Loyal Player

    NO!!! Not Maggie!!! She's way to hot to be killed off.
  6. Tule New Player

    Daryl Dies saving Rick from his pack. Only problem I see with this is it leaves the whole Beth thing up. But if Beth is being served up as BBQ it could be her death mixed with her "You're going to be the last one standing" that pushes Daryl to save everyone by dying.

    The new Zealand Promo seemed to show Rick's group both show up at Terminus and have a showdown with Joe's group. So it wouldnt be too far off if Rick found out beth died, and then told daryl while captured.

    Its the walking dead. Anything can happen. The only time something is predictable is when it happens almost exactly like the comics, and all those paths are gone, this season.
  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Didn't read the post because i'm scared of the spoilers, but I dvr all so I can look at them all at once.(Doing the same thing to G0T, think it's going to be easier on me because no mid season finale)
  8. GeoShock New Player

    If this turns up to be true that will be the last time I'm watching this show.
  9. Tule New Player

    Why? He is a good character, and I hope he lives. But with Abraham, Eugene, Rick, Carl, Tyreese, BA Carol, Sasha, Glenn, Maggie, Bob, so on and so forth, he isn't NEEDED.

    I would kill to see a Negan v Daryl fight though.
  10. Rebelled New Player

    Or you know.. nobody dies and the whole episode is kinda boring.. and it ends with some lame catch phrase.
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  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Weak finale

    Felt like a lot of buildup for weak results...the promo images had rick bloody and looking defeated so I figured Carl was donezo, but nope, he's fine

    I feel like there were too many "filler" episodes in the 2nd half to have it end like this...the mid season finale was leaps and bounds better

    Carl and/or Beth/Glenn should be dead right now
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  12. Rebelled New Player

    I think Beth was on the BBQ.
  13. Rebelled New Player

    Nevermind that. Beth is still alive according to a producer.
  14. Tule New Player

    If you mean Talking Dead, I don't think that was a definitive "alive". He referenced her and then said next season will be a bomb. Could be she was the BBQ or will be. Or she is out there and alive. Dont know.

    Also, if you didn't love that finale you just dont need to watch the show anymore. It was perfect, except the ending. It can't get much better than that. Outside a few choice episodes.
  15. Rebelled New Player

    You sound like the generic fanboy. Because I didn't enjoy one episode, I shouldn't watch the show anymore? It's a shame there's so many people like you.. fan bases would be way better off without you.
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  16. Tule New Player

    Way to assume thats what I meant, the world would be better without people like you.

    The point is this episode represents what the Walking Dead is. It was the essence of Walking Dead. There might be better episodes, worse episodes, episodes that include more of your character, but if you are a fan of the show you should have enjoyed that episode in general. The character development, plot development, the seeds that were sown, the turning points, the convergence of stories. If you didn't like this episode (like a lot of people were saying they didn't like this season at all) you don't need to watch it because you don't enjoy what the show is about. Try something new, because that episode was what the Walking Dead is all about.

    It's like with review. If someone says they want to get into a show, movie, or a game and they watch one episode, play one level, watch one trailer. They get an opinion. If that opinion is "that was bad" then you tell them either "ok, well that was what the game/movie/show is, no need to keep playing/watching."

    But if it was an unusual level or episode you say "Yeah, you should watch/play this episode/level instead, it will give you a better feel for the game/show so you can determine". That episode perfectly represented Walking Dead.
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  17. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Spoiler Alert
    Nice to see "Rick Mode" again ever since we saw a glimpse of that at the bar with Glenn and Hershel.
    Carol & Tyreese to the rescue?
    Beth becomes a michonne/daryl ninja hunter hybrid and rescues them all with the help of the mortuary guy?:D
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  18. Chicago Bull New Player

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  19. Chicago Bull New Player

    I can't wait until fall..to know what happened to Glen and his group.
  20. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I loved the part where Rick explains the trap to Carl because that was what Terminus was doing, but it could also mean that Rick already has a plan to escape. And that was before he found the others... Now that they are together, the group is going to wreck Terminus.:D
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