Server Downtime - March 19, 2014 - Game Update 35!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Thebrickman New Player

    Hopefully there will be a cheap one on broker =P
  2. Delta795 New Player

    Don't know if it's a slap in the face per say, but definitely somebody int the marketing or sales departments needs to learn how to read their client base better.
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  3. Ange1OfLife New Player

    The thing that irritated me the most and why when my legendary runs out I'm Done with DC universe was this. As legendary we get early access and a few other features, great. Shouldn't there be more of an incentive to keep us there. Nope none. A while back they gave one month free. I was baffled when I heard we as legendary wasn't getting I'm wrong we got something. ( A T-MORROW BOT) Oh how I pay dc for that, thank you its so spendid, I want one more please, yea I'll continue paying you guys for that. -_____- , what are you guys crazy, what kinda nonsense deal is that. That's not even a deal that's a insult, that's saying thank you for your money and here a 3 years anniversary gift a picture for your base and a Tbot. Lol I hope you devs give better presents to your family.....
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  4. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    "Please reword that in the form of Christopher Nolan's Batman played by Christian Bale." Just because you said horse poop and have a batman avitar lol.
  5. Dark Suzumebachi Well-Known Player

    Yea me and a league mate was talking bout this, those who keep up to date with content will have ridiculous amounts of MoT with nothing to spend it on.
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  6. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    Keep dreamig lol
  7. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    What about people that work? Or go to school? I disagree, unless you can provide an alternative for those people (don't say the booster bundles).
  8. thelostczarnian New Player

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  9. ReAni Mator New Player

    Our league leader feels much the same way, after 2 and a half years he has about four feats left to complete, total! It's not surprising that he feels like the value of his efforts have been diminished by the current state in which it's possible for new comers to progress to CR 103 in weeks. Personally I feel it's just a game and why not let people get what they want, how they want to, and as fast as they can, but I haven't been playing as long as he and many others have. I guess it can be a shock to the system to many veteran players that previously enjoyed the status their CR and SP provided. It took much more dedication to grind up to the top and feat points were a more relevant stat boost at the lower tiers. I guess in the end it's just the progress of a video game, but even so, maybe it is a little mean to have had people dedicate much of their personal time to 'a game' with the allure of a level of prestige (for lack of a better word) just to have it diminished so very thoroughly over the course of a DLC and a couple of months.
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  10. thelostczarnian New Player

  11. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    They are selling us 500replay badges 6 R&D Scanners, 8 Radar Enhancers, 5 Proto Repair Bots, 5 Vault Tickets, and an Aura Reward Box. Even without the aura reward box this is still a good deal (especially since you get 2000sc from walmart for $15 :)).

    People who have spent hundreds of dollars to get a cosmetic item that will not help the advancement of your toon in anyway, with no intentions of using the other things you get from the box are exactly what you called them...Idiots.

    Personally I will buy 1 or 2 of these boxes just for the deal on replays, scanners and enhancers. (don't really care for repair bots and vault tickets.
  12. DarthDiggler New Player

    Yeah this is hella lame. At least make individual stuff available to us Legendary guys. :) I will take any bone to give more benefits to being Legendary.
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  13. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I think they are going to create new mark sinks. Vendor Turbo Soder Colas are going to cost 3000 MoT for a stack of 6. Turbo Soders are the equivalent of Zero Soders.
  14. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I make flex expert 5 colas. So I guess I have no mark sink lol.
  15. The Klepto New Player

    Uh... Awesome new loading screen. I think it's Wonder Woman as a magican?? Is magic going to be a future power set?? Definitely cool
  16. The Klepto New Player

    Wish I could post it but I'm on my phone and it's not that easy.
  17. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I'm just wondering if Turbo Colas are going to be the required base soders for T6 sodas.

    Don't forget that there is going to be a large mark jump for purchasing Tier 6 items like Catalyst VI.
  18. thelostczarnian New Player

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  19. Dark Suzumebachi Well-Known Player

    Well if they turnaround and put these aura on the market place, that means those who spent upwards of $60 to even $100 or more were ripped off and would probably cause a huge fiasco. Was it there choice to spend that much yea, but I highly doubt SOE wants to put up with raging costomers from 4 months ago.

    Aura alternative, there are 2 weekends that this can be placed on. I would say make it a day, or just sat-sun.
  20. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    Well the worlds back up at least on USPC right now.
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