Server Downtime - March 19, 2014 - Game Update 35!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Redscreen5 New Player

    The rarity argument has no correlation as to why I should receive something I initially pay for.

    I don't pay for chance
  2. Dark Suzumebachi Well-Known Player


    Put the auras in the market place or an aura token that gives you a shot at any 3 of the new auras on any given day during the sale for a short period of time that day. Only make an in game announcement and let them have at it. If you miss it oooo well, the only chance you have is the bundle.

    This way the auras maintain some kind of rarity and those who just want the auras have a chance to get what they want, and those who want the bundle get what they want. In all the result will be the same as I highly doubt that they would do this.
  3. Herculine New Player

    There are power-specific auras?

    How do you come to the conclusion that SOE will profit more from this scheme than from what players are asking for? What color is the sky in your world?
  4. Ange1OfLife New Player

    In reference to the weapons. My question is from a logical standpoint. I get the reasons to buff the weapons, perfectly understandable, but my question is this. Shouldn't weapons hit that hard based on your current stats. Example you have a DPS that has over 3500 might and over 1800 precision. Am I missing something?? Would'nt an average hit be pretty high and not after running through a set of moves to hit a massive critical for 2k-5k. Anwser me that because I already understand that DC is planned around absurdity, but please devs enlighten me. Or if any other individual may know the answer please share by all means
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  5. Karnevil Committed Player

    what drops on April 2??????? (this was in response to the booster pack only being available until April 2) Thought I quoted it. Figgurd this could be in conjunction with some other update that is planned.
  6. The Equalizer Well-Known Player

    Mepps, you do realize that all people have to do is just wait until the next tier and then these new vendor items will be MoT anyway? Unless you plan on keeping MoR for Amazon Fury's currency, which would then defeat the purpose because there will be even MORE places to get MoR to use towards buying the style vendor items.
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  7. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Do you really think that they modified it from last year?

    I personally am awaiting power specific auras. I want two things to go into it a choice of "texture types" (I guess), and the color palette of your powerset.

    For example of the texture type choice (choose between something similar to what most auras are currently, and the mist type, as well as any they create in the meantime). On top of that you then get your powerset's color palette (Celestial = gold/dark purple maybe shifting inside the aura, think of corrupted blessing).

    Sorry, I got off topic with that just wanted to put what I would really want on power specific auras.
  8. Dark Suzumebachi Well-Known Player

    Unless they introduce a whole new mark system for t6, which I believe would cause an uproar.
  9. Anima Committed Player

    They have already said that the cost will go up... It will go from MoR to the next currency. It will remain expensive.
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  10. Azrael New Player

    Thats not true.When AF is released it will be 70 new tier 6 marks for each piece so it will always be the newest marks for these style pieces.
  11. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    LOL my complaint is something totally different. The game aint' all that fun or worth me paying for anymore. Never really cared about auras. I get mine through promethium lockboxes as they do drop from them. maybe a lot slower but I'll get mine for free with my legendary membership rather than dropping 20 bucks for it. lol but I do get what you're saying since most people are aura crazy. prices on the trade chat easily tell me that
    I would lie about it sure but I'd rather work with a group who knows what they're doing rather than the rank amateurs that need engorged CR an think one power is simply more powerful than another. You'd think since they know about CR and SP they'd know essentially its what you put into the character that makes it powerful not the power. Sure combo may be easier with different powers but they certainly aren't stronger. Problem is they never needed to learn that because they could always replay. Hell half the **** expecting 103 was done before T5.9. I just finished my damn DPS Gear yesterday and now I'm going for my troller gear. That doesn't mean I'm going to replay it since I'd probably have very little respect for the content if it was too easy for me to get topped out.
  12. Azrael New Player

    When AF is released it will be 70 new tier 6 marks for each piece so it will always be the newest marks for these style pieces.
  13. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Expect Amazon Fury to be T6. It hasn't been confirmed but it was essentially leaked. Mepps stated that the new marks would convert at a rate of a 1 = 3125 MoT. Also, they are wanting to introduce new tiers with a small DLC, and Amazon Fury pt. 1 is a small DLC. Everything just seems to point in that direction.
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  14. Ange1OfLife New Player

    Seriously and with all due respect. The reason for the tension towards the devs its quite simple really. ITS THE SAME CRAP THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE. They have some epic rare item that'll drop people buy it and invest time and money, and the percentage ratio for people who actually get it are really poor, which leads to this. DC broker nimbus aura for 300,000,000.. personally I don't care but still, it leads to innocent gamers getting scammed by &--holes. Thats one thing I don't like never happened to me but I've heard it and it happens too often and that just robs ppl of a gaming experience.
  15. Redscreen5 New Player

    Without stressing anything further I've no problem with bundles but having low aspects of chance never goes down well.

    If the people distributing these items used their common sense they would have at least increased the satisfaction ratio.

    By this I mean to only have new auras within the deal and by stretch I'd say include the green aura. It still makes money because the retention is still on chance but it's much less a slap in the face to customers who have been supporting the game since its inception.
  16. Rapidfire New Player

    Look at how many people have come into this thread and said they won't spend money this year because it's a blatant ripoff.

    My point is most people including myself would feel more comfortable paying for something that I know would be guaranteed by just putting the new auras on the marketplace.
  17. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I typically run the new stuff with my league now, this was before I was in a league. You are right on the powers to an extent, at the moment 7 of the powers are balanced in my opinion (Celestial, HL, Rage, Gadgets, Nature, Sorcery, Mental). HL, Gadgets, and Mental could use a slight power cost reduction though.
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  18. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

  19. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    I do leave room for those that are broken and not fixed l:p
  20. thelostczarnian New Player

    the random aura box is the cheesiest dumbest most f8374d up thing ive seen you guys do and now your doing it again! shame on dcuo for this! ive seen idiots pay over 100 bucks to get that stupid aura the last time. then they show what effects they can add with dlc 9 to whip us into a frenzy just to unload this horse poop on us. ive never seen shut shamefull acts from a game company. i understand that you want to make money off the fancy auras...thats fine....THEN JUST SELL US THE DAMN AURAS AND STICK THE RANDOM AURA BOXES WHERE NOTHING EVER SHINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: I AM NOW TRULY SICK OF THESE DEVS AND ASHAMED I WASTED MY MONEY ON THIS GAME!
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