DLC Pack Structure

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 5, 2014.

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  1. smokekinghayze New Player

    i dont care if all new content is a re skinned PBG, but I love DCUO so, NO MORE OPS. the lag and waiting times for people and all the dc's since veng/dawn. this game flows alot better in an instance then out in open world. if u have to make open world stuff keep it to solo's maybe maybe even a duo op, sons of trigon solo's was amazing. A&B's metro section is the only reason that raid takes 20min rather then 6.
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  2. ParticleFire Active Player

    The complex hall crawl is where we put a lot of our production value as far as the brand and story goes. The single or simple hall crawl will be where we use more straight forward systems to create something cool, with an emphasis on possible randomness or player choices changing how the fight unfolds – but nothing overly complicated. The maps will likely be a subsection of a single environment that have different datasets and objectives depending on which version is being run. The complex hall crawl would use the whole thing; the single room might use the first or final room; the simple hall crawl might use some sub section of the map.

    There is a game dynamic from 'Ole School" back when developers had little to work with.
    A side scroller game would 'turn' and go 'forward'. This was basically a trick of optics. the scrolling just went up.
    I have seen it reused in a few modern console games. The idea is this...

    Enter the instance. Have regular / comfortable surroundings. Then a few meters down the hall crawl, the floor drops out.
    Spend the next few minutes of the fight falling from one broken floor to another. Maybe have switches to stop the falls.
    Simply put, invert X and Y axis. Fall instead of Walk.
  3. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    The only time I've needed to kite bosses in wave is when I was under geared. That and every other tank I run with in wave holds the boss in one place(depending on the boss, sentry obviously jumps around.)
  4. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Then you have the issue of replaying said raids. If raids like a/b come out, that are so easy to beat in the first week of DLC drop, then the enjoyment ends there. That said, I also understand how hard wave and nexus are when you first set foot into them, especially pre-nerf. Personally, when I first hit t5 and tried wave, even after crawling my cr up a bit, I hated it. But the difference is, I hated not completing it, but I loved the challenge. I loved having a goal to hit, being able to finally beat it, then get the epic odyssey feat. That said, merely learning more about the game as a whole helps a whole lot. My first toon getting to t5, I was unable to beat wave until I was somewhere around cr 98-100, afterwards I geared a tank up and beat it at 96. In all honesty it has an extremely high learning curve, but once you learn it, and figure it out, its even considered an EASY raid. Certain bad roles CAN make or break a group in there, but generally as long as everyone knows the mechanics of the fight(more or less, how to dodge), it is a very easy raid. I love that they are releasing both types of raids, because the easier a raid, the less replayable it is. The harder it is, the more there is to strive toward learning, and bettering yourself and your friends/league-mates so that you can complete it. I love that wave itself is an adjustable raid with many levels of difficulty. I would love to see more raids played like this, where you can make it harder or easier, so again there is more and more to work for. That said, this is coming from someone that actually spends quite a bit of time pugging, with usually only about 2-5 league-mates (including myself).
  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I didn't want this to get lost in the main forum, and I think it would be a good idea even just for an update and not a DLC.

    In continuing the idea of iconic anomalies, I think it would be neat to allow a Legends mode on all PVE que content in the game. With the idea of the multiverse firmly in the game, it would be okay to have a Batcave raid with 8 Batmans; and the use of Legends characters would create new challenges and breath life into that lower level content.

    Would this be hard to code? The Legends builds are already in the game; and the system for picking your character at time of que is also there.

    As for rewards, drop some legendary rewards in there like Aquaman's waist guard and Scarecrow's tattered helm; maybe allow it to be a secondary option for older prom box New 52 styles; and add a few new things too. However, the true benefit of the content would be the challenge.
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  6. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    YES so much, at least the solo and duo content would just be awesome with legends character. It'd also add a place to practice using those legends characters without having to scrim someone. just an all around great suggestion and it can never be posted too much.
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  7. thelostczarnian New Player

    this would allow expert players to relive past raids with proper stats and in a new way to have more replay value
  8. LeRassTyphon Well-Known Player

    hi devs i like to share an idea with you and think here is the good place to do it

    first in the past few month you told us that pvp having a great place in the game and you ll do things to improve itbut in the same time most of work in progress threads are about pve aspect of the game.
    secondly at start we have the choice between two faction on the paper we are ennemy but in fact we dont really interact in game :
    heroes vs vilains (npc) and vilains vs(vilains(sigh) npc)

    but when you think all that you force us to learn into the different type of pvp maps(home turf,old moon,the halls ect... :
    defend a posistion
    secure an object
    death match with and with out boost bonus

    all those thing we learn since 3 years now make me think



    team hero (5 char ) vs team vilains (5 char)

    lex need to steal something to starlab

    section of 5 map type:

    -out door map here front of starlab metropolis
    -alley progression into the star lab*
    -room (can be a a node fight or an carry object map )
    -final room ( death match with an boss npc to help the defenders)

    final result will define if lex succed or not

    *alley= schould be an check point fight each team start at opposite side of the alley with several check point between them

    teamA --->nod1---nod2---nod3---nod4---nod5---nod6---nod7<---teamB

    one team have to defend the check point when the other have conquer
  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    You guys wanna talk about Toxic DPS centric mechanics? You should nerf the power cost on t5 gear. Trolls are forced to become batteries due to the "Toxic" strain on their power due to these mechanics. 3 trolls isn't needed but can you blame people for wanting it when DPS use 3 moves nowadays and all there power is almost gone?
  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    right bud till we got the 87, 88 gear. months later thanks to a brillant decision and super low drop rate from our old friend replay pushers. if we leveled correctly it would of been fun and a nice memory. however i personally did not get more than 2 pieces of 87/88 gear on any of my three alt role toons till i bought 90 gear. for me thats to long
  11. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I can see this, but it's also a tanking mechanic issue. I went through wave as rage tank at cr 96 (a cr achievable with manta gear modded), and the only boss I really needed to kite was ravager as his regular attacks hit almost as hard as a ball of death from warrior. That said, obviously as a rage tank this was post wave/nexus nerf. I will say at 96 I was a little more stressful for the trolls, as rage's largest advantage is the ability to boost its health pool. Doing so though, requires a little power spamming at lower CR to keep that buff high enough to withstand the hits while in your Severe Punishment timer. I would like to see more raids at this level though, as it is the true test of skill and honestly can make or break a player. I always saw it like this, Nexus teaches a group the value of teamwork and strategy with your positioning, etc. Wave, is honestly all about reflexes and dodging(more for roles other than tanks). These raids set the skill bar much higher than anything previously released, merely completing them a few times will enhance your skill many times over compared to anything prior.

    I love the new plans for DLC content as they are not ignoring anyone and giving everyone what they want. Some of us want something we can run casually and not have to stress over having a perfect group of top notch players. Generally something you can pug with ease without risking a fail. At the same time there are a lot of us that want a new challenge, something to test our skills to the limit, and possibly teach us a thing or two (as PW and Nexus did). Even now it is very obvious when you get someone in your group who has 103 CR but never ran Nexus or Wave(especially) and they think with this new gear they can just beast through it. They get in there, and its an entirely different story. Its like trying a new power/role, as you learn you can become almost passionate about learning each and every aspect of your power and role and try to push it to the absolute limits. Personally I would like to see them put wave and nexus back to how it was before it was set at a "normal" difficulty, especially with 90 gear. I believe this isn't going to happen, as 90 gear set the start for T6 content, so we can probably expect the next content to be much harder.

    Sorry I got a little off topic from the original post, lol.
  12. Radium Devoted Player

    Its not as simple as just adding Legends pick to the que though.

    They would have to go back and add another version of each instance and then tune the mobs and bosses to a level thats playable for Legends. Think of playing a T1 alert at T1 gear, then a T2 with T2, etc. The difficulty sort of remains static as you progress gear wise. Legends don't have that option. So when you go into that T1 alert with a Legends toon it could seem easy, then T2 starts to get harder, moving on up and it would eventually become impossible.

    I think with the requests they've seen we will get something one day, but I don't think them going back and retuning everything is feasible.
  13. Thebrickman New Player

    Yeah, no worries mate i know =P
  14. lukelucky Devoted Player

    i loved your side bar and boy i agree a boost to nexus and dox would be a nice bonus for all the guys bored right now. i would instantly be interested in my villian again. i wonder bud what do u use as a rage tank for dox. my way violence, dreadfull blast, sever punishment, ire, without mercy, and ragebringer. i dont always get the health buffs id like and standing in the face of thier attacks is something i cant do. embarassingly i am cr102 with 132sp to boot. i am sure there is something with rage i am missing but with every other raid i am aggresive and fighting the entire time. i wonder maybe the loadout i am useing just does not buff my health very good. side note violence i use just cause i am a fire tank at heart and am reminded of enflame. no other reason. anyway hope to hear from you bout what you use and any rage tanking info you got. i never got official word how the actuall health buff works
  15. DixieKitten New Player

    Let's be hone$t here:

    The point of "hard" raids is not to cater to the 15 people asking for them; it's to make raids so difficult to complete with pug groups and for mature leagues to not have time to spam them enough, so that people are forced to buy power respecs for the role gear drops they get and continue to buy replays for their preferred role drops.

    Give the adults in the room an alternative monetary based option, not TIME BASED, in market merchandise to convert off role or even just dps drops for the raids we stay up an hour past our bedtime to complete. Not all of us have 14 hours a day to spam raids that take 2-3 hours to complete when you figure in time to make goups, get rid of players that can't do raid, d/c's, etc.

    We need a way to complete the "hard" raids, which we do, but only to get off-role drops after 3 hours, and stay in our preferred role. Make it expensive, we have jobs, we will give you money. Make us couple the item with marks or farmable objects, whatever, but give us an off-role gear converter PLEASE when you choose to drop these "hard" raids for the 14 hour a day elitist.

    It's not like we are asking you to nerf raids difficulty, or give us anything; i reiterate, we will cough up our debit cards. Just give the adults in the room a chance to show we have the skills to complete these "hard" raids when they are initially dropped, for competitions sake yes :p , just not 14 hours a day to spam them for role specific gear.
  16. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I actually made a loadout post last night with a lot of information:


    I also use violence as I ran fire before and it feels most natural to me. Otherwise the only differences I have is I use Eviscerating Chain rather than Dreadful, and I run two immunities for reasons I list in my loadout post. I'll let you read there as this is the wrong place for this discussion.
  17. Fightingbudha New Player

    I love this setup. I was thinking that the hard raids would go away forever, but it seems that the devs are going to try and keep them coming. My only hope is that they don't make them and later nerf them and still say they are hard raids. I think the great feeling of beating nexus and dox went out the window with the nerfs, but I seem to be in the minority on that issue. I will say I'm a little concerned about what is coming in dlc10 the way it was stressed this formula would start after dlc10. Overall though good job I really look forward to this going forward.
  18. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    In thinking more on drops, the devs could really just re-use the existing loot tables and make "variants" with new collection feats attached. They could repurpose an existing idea and call it Legendary gear (for instance, Legendary Snake, Legendary Angelic, etc). To be honest, I doubt many would care if the styles were exactly the same. Most people collect those styles for feats; I know that I've never even tried on probably 95% of the styles I've collected.

    And as for roll out, there's no need to put everything out there at once; they could just do a few here and there. I just can't imagine this being as difficult to implement as creating something from scratch. All the pieces are in the game; it's simply the task of connecting them in a new way.
  19. PhoenixTanker New Player

    First of all I want to commend the developers for at least addressing the issue and trying to take steps towards resolving the divide in the community between skilled and unskilled gamers. However, the means by which you are trying to address the issue at hand is not only un-realistic but a slap in the fact to the skilled gaming community. I look at the current situation as a professional business establishment. The skilled gamers took the time, effort, and energy to become a skilled gamer and the labor of their work should be recognized with better items, and more perks. They worked hard to achieve such skill and they should be rewarded accordingly. The move you are making here is saying, it do not matter the time, effort, and energy an individual put into becoming a skilled player for you are all the same. Anyone who supports this thinking is just plain lazy and want everything everyone else have without putting in the work, effort, energy, practice, and diligence. To take things a step further what all can I get again with marks of reality? Gear and synthetic mods? Come on this really is not a solution to the problem. It would have been better if you would have just came out and said we want to create a gaming environment where no on gets left behind and "everyone wins".
    I can not speak for others but as for myself when I take on a challenge that few individuals can achieve I want recognition in terms of something having something to show for my accomplishment. I do not want to climb a corporate ladder to the top just to have the same things when I stared when I was on the bottom. So please do not implement this. For this Is a slap in the fact to all the hard working people trying to reach the top and or at the top.
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  20. Minecrawler New Player

    I agree...what's the point of going through the hard raids if I cant brag about my gears? Getting it a week before someone else? Hows everyone supposed to know that I actually beat the hard content and simply didnt get lucky in the easy one? People only like to run hard contents because they crave for that sense of achievement. That's what kept people running Paradox Wave again and again even after not getting any loots for weeks. If nexus and paradox dropped the same gears, even with the increased drop rate, how many players would actually run paradox?
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