Are the DCUO Devs going in the right direction?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Radioactive Spider, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I don't understand this complaint. DPS is damage Per Second. It doesn't have to be inversely proportionate to the length of animation.
    if someone does 1000 dps with clipping and another person does 1000 dps using weapon mastery they both would have done 60k damage over 60 seconds regardless of who ever sees the "pretty" animations or cancels them. What you are suggesting is that people should not be able to enjoy their super powers in a super hero MMO if they want to be competitive. The devs feel that you should be able to enjoy the main point of this game and be competetive with those who don't care much for the aesthetics just the numbers. Everyone gets to be happy.
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  2. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Except there getting rid of ways to cancelled that animation. Screwing one side so the other can be happy. If they did a good job with weapon master there would be no need to change the current format. Not the case here.
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  3. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Nobody listens to me, not even my cat :(
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  4. Burnt New Player

    What I'm saying is someone clipping a power is going to be faster than someone waiting for the entire animation to play out. Play the way you want, I don't care.
  5. Radioactive Spider New Player

    your reality doesn't exist
  6. Radioactive Spider New Player

    the direction they need to go is be more rewarding and fun and give us a challenge. keeping things dumbed down will not keep us entertained for very long (dlc9).
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  7. neidler New Player

    I guess I fall in the poison well camp.
    I quit a week or two after wol dropped but I still browse the forum.
    This isnt the first time I quit but alot of the things that are being talked about I terms of upcoming updates dont really excite me.
    Really for me ever since gates and replays came out this games been losing some of its charm to me.

    I think another big reason I stopped playing is how long it takes to get exploits fixed. Things like fos3, wave, and what not.
    I swear it seemed like they left the wave glitch up until the next dlc just to keep people playing.

    And after the debacle of everyone glitching wave and nexus cause they were too "hard" they put out sot and wol that imo are cake walks just way to easy and that is what kinda drove me away. Catering towards the softcore gamers.
    I mean really they had to know about the wave glitch, why didnt they patch it before everyone got their meaningless stats, people like to complain about people in raven gear just farming her and not knowing how to play,
    But imo the wave glitchers had a much worse impact on the game.
    Not only did the people cheat to get the best gear worse yet being the strongest characters in the game they essentially gave themselves the right to dictate what ever group they became apart of.

    Now at lest with gates being rerun into the ground, people had to play the instance the right way and earn their gear.

    Now though after the oc fiasco the game has put on the kiddie gloves and turned into carebear land. With the intro of buying sp and the fact that you are handed the best gear in the game in arguably the relatively easiest content yet, it just creates a scenario where you can have uber powerful characters with no knowledge of their role or powerset.

    Now as far as the direction of the game, from a story telling standpoint and upcoming features it seems fine.
    But as far as the mindset of the community and the devs flip flopping and caving into to certain player factions its not looking good.
    I appreciate the thought of giving different difficulty raids but if history repeats itself, people will find and exploit, abuse it, and once it gets fixxed lord over those who didnt participate.

    In short, I think the games going in the wrong direction
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  8. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    The devs waist alot of time on a dlc that offers very little to do. I will say no and, I don't think they will stop. They can't figure out why the player base shrinks from time to time. Not enough to do and, after running the same content so, many times players get board and, move on for good or, come back later. They are not moving the right direction and, they are allowing some players to ruin this game.
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  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    But the devs have taken that into account. Clipper would be cycling through a myriad of powers while the Weapon master would only go through one or two powers.

    person A does weapon attack cancel damage power cancel beneficial power and does 500 damage with that sequence but they must repeat that sequence 3 time for 1.5k over a 5 second period which is ~300 d/s

    Person B does WM combo linked with power for 1.5k damge over the same 5 secs they did ~300 d/s

    Both methods yield the same result so no one is really doing anything "faster" unless your argument is canceler goes from power to power quickly while WM sees everything. If that is what you are getting at that is aesthetic preferences. You prefer to see quick motions while other prefer to see their powers. Shouldn't both you and they be able to enjoy the visuals both options present while still being evenly matched?
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  10. Mr. Ninjafeet Active Player

    I won't dispute that the glitches needed to be fixed much quicker but I disagree with most everything else you've said. I think that WotL created a nice environment where the content was easier IF you knew your role, and you would struggle otherwise. It was rewarding smart playing, not lucky playing or league-only runs. WotL brought me back to the game where as OC sent me away. I think they're absolutely going in the right direction. Upcoming content like league bases and weapon mastery is exciting to me, I don't enjoy clipping and having an alternative to get that dps without having to go into character-seizure-mode will be nice, and could very well be just as skill demanding.

    OC really just showed them what not to do. You can't cater to the top 5% of gamers and be successful, people who say otherwise such as "people are leaving because its too easy" are simply wrong. The player base has grown again with WotL as opposed to how fast it shrank after OC released.
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  11. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    They are adjusting jump canceling. They say they never intended it to be the way it was in the first place. Whether that is completely true or not is something only the devs truly know. However do you think they would simply gut a power and not give it something in return? (lets be real. HL requires this to be effective. It was an accent to every other power.) When Jens went on and begun practicing HL combos I guarantee he began to see what taking away JC'ing as is would do to HL. We also know about this months in advanced. So instead of players saying you took JC'ing away this sucks, we should say fine then here is how we would want you to implement HL or any other power as a compromise that still keeps the spirit of it being a power cancelers paradise.
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  12. WL Corpsman New Player

    I see your point and the follow the math. But this theory will only hold true if might and precision damage is scaled properly across ALL power sets. History has proven the will over scale something and under scale something else as a lure. The mechanics or DPS'ing need to be balanced for this to work. Now we know they are balancing the weapons damage with update 35, lets see what happens to power might damage scaling.
  13. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Yes you are right. The devs are selling us parity but will they ultimately deliver is the question.
  14. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Its shrank more now than it did during oc. Maybe its just the circle of players I play with, maybe its just the circle of players you play with. The population is always going to fluctuate. Its when you start losing the vets that's its time to be worried.
  15. Deranya Dedicated Player

    I am not 100% happy, but who ever is?

    For one, I do think that most parts are going into the right direction, things have been changed and made easier to get the playerbase to grow, something that wasn't case for a long time. You can say, they ruined it for those that worked their butts off to reach CR 103, I am among them, but if you look in the long run, you will have more people playing the game. They get to earn Marks early on through leveling, they get right into the big hunt of gear and that is good. It may be too easy, I think someone said that you can now even skip T4 gear to reach T5, it isn't perfect, again what ever is?
    But if you look ahead, the next DLC will bring T6, new marks, new difficulties. That leaves those that are trying to reach T5 to themselves again, they will have to struggle, maybe less but they will. Don't make it easier on them by helping them skip, walkthroughs and all that stuff, show them how to do it themselves while you go and do your new content.

    Saying, that the devs are wasting their time on DLC's that dont offer a lot, is nonesense. Stop rushing through a game and make it a job to be number 1 in a week. The DLC's give a lot of things to do, if you take your time with it. I am no different, I love new content, I love finding all investigations, briefings and collections as soon as I can, it's my kick in a way ^^ But I don't get those people that will spend 3k replay badges within the first weak to earn the right to brag about top CR. Those are the ones that start crying in week 2 that the DLC isn't really giving them a challenge or not enough content.

    Congratulations! You just spend money for the DLC + enough SC for a whole league! Why are you crying over it now?

    But really. If you look at the whole picture, yes, the devs are going into the right direction. They are adding a lot of good content to the game, future content is already leaning towards it as well. The playerbase is grooooowing, I see more villains every day, can you imagine?! Mechanics like the Weapon Mastery are being developed to give more players a chance at being one of the best, the armories gave options to change roles, synthethic mods!!! come on, your alts can live and breathe and be good without 30 hours of Exo hunting. How can you say that they aren't doing something right?
    You will say nerfs now, okay, I can agree on that. But who is really to blame for that? The playerbase. Why? Because ever since T5, no one has the patience anymore to do something with a team. Teamwork, patience and respect left with T5 and it won't come back to the game if the playerbase doesn't let go of their cocky attitude and start seeing the game for what it is again - a game.
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  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    I like the plans that have been laid out. It's all in the implementation, though. Let's say I'm cautiously optimistic. ;)
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  17. BlueGlacier Well-Known Player

    Interesting a long time player ive just had to come to accept that the game now caters to the new players.

    For those of us who were here when the Tier 4 Marks of Strategy gear was the go...They turned a direction to dumb the game down and streamline it to get more new players...which is of course dollars...and we "veterans"...beleive me man we mean nothing to them so forget that

    The Tier 4 Mark of Strategy having that stuff really meant something and was something to work towards...try to imagine the top piece of T4 gear was 50 MOS and winning 1 arena was 2 marks and losing you got 1 took months...but man it was rewarding...Id be at work driving a 300k piece of machinery and id be thinking about how many arenas i need to do to get the next piece lol...ya dont get that anymore...and walking around with that stuff that you dont earn in a few days really really meant something...for me that was the game at its height...that was wiped overnight and the mighty dollar reared its ugly head...but...what do ya they are gonna do whatever they want.

    The game is no longer gear you can get in a few hours...its all driven by spend spend spend but i just loved the game thats all...dont flame me im not whining its an observation and ive been playing and paying for this game for over 2 years so i am entitled to my view.
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    First lets not pretend this game was ever ridiculously tough and only now becoming way to easy .... It had its harder raids inner, fos2, prime but nothing was so hard a group of casuals couldn't beat it. Just might take them a lot longer but they were doable (unless inner glitched at the in).

    This game has never been made for the hard core gamer ..... There are people on this game that are really good at it and there is no challenge foe them but instead of accepting that it's too easy for them they want to change it so it's a lot harder .... They tried that and it failed miserably people left because of it .... There are more casual gamers here then there are hardcore ... They know where their bread is buttered and it's not by the top 10%.

    Now as to why dlc 9 is boring for people .... Replay badges ...... I use them too I like them but I know replay badges is what makes dlcs get boring real fast after you do everything and you are fully geared in a week or 2 of course the dlc will get boring that's our fault for rushing it ... You might say no it would have stayed boring but I guarantee you dlcs would would have more mileage if replays weren't allowed to be used on them while they are current top tier .... Would they be any more fun? Probably not but at least you'd have something to run everyday and week rather then finishing everything week 1......

    Do I wNt to see them do away with replays ? Nope but I'm not gonna blame being bored with a dlc because I replayed it to death making it boring
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  19. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    If I didn't like the direction they're headed in the game I wouldn't be posting here.
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  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    According to my friends list this answer is false ...... I have a mix of casuals/and really great players on my friends list .... During the time before of I'd have any where from 30 to 50 people on at night .... After oc but before sot I'd have 10 maybe most the time less .... Since sot my friends list gas been anything from 15-30 on any five night sometimes less but not as often .... I have a ton of people on my list most I don't even know just people I've picked up from groups where someone would dc or I'd have to relog so I could ask them to reinvite.... So we have two completely different views on this from where I stand it's made my friends list flourish where before it was withering
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