Are the DCUO Devs going in the right direction?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Radioactive Spider, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Radioactive Spider New Player

    a yes man always agrees.
  2. BLK Well-Known Player

  3. Drakonicus New Player

    Both, i think. Right now, clippin is the only thing. ideally, WM should be a option, no better choice. Will it be ? I hope so,but i havent play with it. In fact, nobody have. Funny how people keep forgetting that. But is so much fun to start forum wars, about something that nobody hae used it, isnt ? :confused:
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  4. Feenicks New Player

    I haven't met any of those here.
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  5. Radioactive Spider New Player

    one of the biggest issues was the Devs wanting to make this game "Fresh" or "Not Like Other MMOs" that it lost its direction. we need to stop looking at the appearance of things and start looking at what better suits ALL its players. in the end, the game is not judged by its comic book cover. it is judged by what is inside, which is the real story. unfortunately, focus is not about the story.
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  6. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    Wrong direction.
    Bugs aren't something that you let the community decides which ones to fix. You fix all of the ones that you can reproduce. Since they tried to roll out vulnerability icons the graphics have been screwed. They know it and they don't care.
    Instead of fixing things that they have broken, they roll out more broken things. It divides the community even further than before, as one side screams just look at the tell and the others say that's not there.
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  7. Drakonicus New Player

    Think you forgot the type who hates the game and have no respect for the people on it, say its gonna leave, but keeps on the forums, attempting to "poison the well". Or the type who have a obssesion with something in particular, like a power who they want on the game, or a map they want to play, and go on almost every single thread to post about it....
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  8. Radioactive Spider New Player

    Three blind mice. They are everywhere.
  9. Feenicks New Player

    I like the "poison the well" picture you painted! There are quite a few of those lurking about.
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  10. Feenicks New Player

    Saying it's so doesn't make it so. There are quite a few folks here who really love this game and have no qualms of showing that passion. But "yes men"? No. Still haven't met one here.
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  11. Drakonicus New Player

    Thanks. I was torn between "poison the well" and "scorched earth". Isnt sad how unethical military tatics describe people on the internet so well ?
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  12. Radioactive Spider New Player

    last year, when they announced the Small Group DLC and the Large Group DLC, they thought that was the right direction to take. Now, all of a sudden they are changing paths? clearly the direction is not a solid one but more of an change-as-you-go. when you are on the road switching paths too much, ur gonna get sick.
  13. WL Corpsman New Player

    It was already different being based on the comic book mythology and action based. Seen other mmo's before, had no interest to play until DCUO came along by luring a comic book read to it. Your never going to please everyone but the overall direction became truly misguided by them forgetting their original promise of making it based on skill. What happen to that promise? The exploits and broken mechanics throw that out the window.

    The old forums gave them a heads up immediately when exploits/broken mechanics were discovered. Now its a bunch of people saying their skilled and your not. I bet if you took a poll on the weapon usage and power type usage, ill bet you'll figure where their skill comes from. No disrespect to any one who's posted a you tube video on their skill or accomplishment, but whats the common denominator of these videos? Uh super speed, uh dual wield or whatever the contemporary flavor of the month is, uh exploit of the month, etc.....

    The PC side used to post some interesting videos on game play for test server to address, like exploits, broken mechanics, or what have you. Now its like their nerfing this, their nerfing that, you need to change to this. I miss those days.
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  14. Drakonicus New Player

    Dont you hear, Freenicks ? People are either "Yes men", or they should join the forum equivalent of the french revolution.
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  15. Drakonicus New Player

    So, first was "the devs dont listen to our feedback". Now, that they look like they are doing that, they dont have a clear direction of the game ?
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  16. Radioactive Spider New Player

    they are gonna get hate no matter what choice they make because it has already been established the game is not perfect. now the option is which way do we go? they want to stay in the middle path but always end up on the side of the road. fix what is broken and THEN you should continue back on that road.
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  17. Radioactive Spider New Player

    they didn't listen to the "right" feedback to begin with. who's to say what is right or wrong? i would pick the people who have been playing the game for 3+ years over someone who spends most of his time on the forums leaving 1000's of replys. clearly they would have better insight because they are actually playing the game.
  18. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    ^ This (In Bold). Now I'm just stating my opinion. I'm not attacking anyone. Anyone that says that they have been here from the beginning, and loved the direction of the game in it's first year, IMO cannot say they love SOT. The two are completely divergent to the other. The Chris Cao era was all about hard challenging content. I'm sorry that's just me. OC again IMO, was the logical conclusion to the over-arcing storyline, especially in terms of difficulty. The original alerts and raids were long and tedious in the beginning. That is undeniable. My only gripes with OC was the loot table, and that Nexus should have been a bit more simple for casuals. However, while I won't say right now that we are headed in the wrong direction, I will say that once Chris Cao left, the game seemed to decline a bit. I could be wrong, it could be a coincidence. I will reserve my judgements until after DLC's 10 & 11.
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  19. Feenicks New Player

    They've listened to me before...more than once. And I've been here since launch.
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  20. Feenicks New Player

    Challenging content is one thing, but's not the only thing.
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