Did They Run Out of Brown

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deadaed, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    There's where the confusion comes in...
    Pigment and Light (RGB) are two different things, even though we perceive both as colors.
    There is no brown light, but there is brown pigment.
    Red Green and Blue are the primary colors of light.
    Yet yellow and blue make green in pigment so green is not a primary color.

    As for the different "shades" of brown listed.
    There are also different shades of blue...
    Shades of green...
    you get the picture.
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  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I've barely gotten started
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  3. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I think I'm gonna go back to bed instead of continuing this discussion...
    Have fun!
  4. ooq New Player

    Poo is brown. And warm.
  5. Invictus2112 New Player

    FINALLY! A sensible post in this thread!
  6. Deadaed New Player

    Wow what just happened.
    About brown its a color to me and so is black and white why cause that what i feel like believing and no one can change my mind with stupid stuff like facts.

    The Earth staff, i know about the 2 colors but it goes to white only in the staff combos
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  7. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    brown is color of pooh...who wants pooh based weapons?...ok im sure SOME of you damaged ones do ..or doo doo
    whole things remind me of the pooh golgatha demon in DOGMA
  8. ARI ATARI New Player

    the op is a manager at UPS.
  9. EPICQ New Player

    More brown, more green, more crystals just more earthy colors and abilities. To have a power set representing earth is so limited, I strongly think the dev's should have took another rout on the powers and style.
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  10. Ava1Spade New Player

    Correct. And thanks to Ray's post too.

    It simply depends on how you define color, which is why I disambiguated how I used the word.

    And there is no debate issue. I've clarified that anyone can choose to call it as they like, as long as they realize there are multiple ways to call it.

    Black is the absence of all colors, or black is a color. Depending on how you define color.

    Language is fuzzy. Math is not.

    Mike is not wrong in his statements, except the ones saying I'm wrong. I'm saying we both can be right.
  11. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Sorry, but you just learned the concept of the toon I'll make if:
    1: They let us change power colors
    2: They add water powers.
    Otherwise I don't see the Mr. Squirty concept working properly...
  12. Deadaed New Player

    I hope it gets fixed :cool: