The Unicorn Agenda - Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zicorahk, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    What would you like to bet?

    Come to USPS, GENERATION 1 and DD (Discendo Discimus) would be happy to show you the way off the Brainiac Ship. :p
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  2. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    Flip, sizzle, burn.
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  3. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    I ask the same thing about pizzas at Subway.
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  4. Udon New Player

    Why wouldn't it? It already has magical rings, zombies, and cosmic bouncy balls. I use them all effectively in t5's lol Don't hate
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  5. Breakforce Loyal Player


    I err.... ummm..... international postage takes awhile..... yeah......
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  6. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I've seen Discendo Discimus and im not impressed and as for your league I've never seen you .
  7. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    To those who are QQing that Devs need to work on other problems than just on our trinket:

    • Like x 14
  8. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Because we don't pug and usually just hang out in our bases :p and DD is pretty awesome because I have good friends in DD and have ran with them. Plus how do you know how DD operates if you've never been in the league 0_o?

    Just please stop! No one likes a party pooper.
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  9. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    Guess who I forgot to thank? Wonder Woman herself.
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  10. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I am so happy for our league right now, I could just bake you all brownies. But, then you would all die, or need your stomach pumped. :D

    To ncgreenlantern, I say, SHH! Let me tell you about a man who lived in a SHH! He fell in love with a SHH! Married and had a bunch of SHH!

    SHH! Even before you start, that was preemptive SHH! And just so you know I got a whole bag of SHH, with YOUR name on it.
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  11. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    Most excellent !

    I for one support the #UnicornAgenda

    Although I spend my days trying to turn everyone into kitties for Circe's army, it doesn't mean i cant appreciate a good equine from time to time.
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  12. Star Ember New Player

    I've met RoboCop, but I haven't met you

    I doubt you compare to RoboCop
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  13. Feenicks New Player

    For anything Unicorn...........

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  14. Mr AFK New Player

    time to quit this game.
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  15. MercPony Devoted Player

    DCUO's future summed up in one image (not unicorns but "magical" horses nontheless).
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  16. Feenicks New Player

    Can I have your stuff?
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  17. Circe New Player

    I was gonna post this, you beat me to the punch!

    Amethyst would be so cool in this game! And, Unicorn! Devs, make it happen!
    • Like x 4
  18. Feenicks New Player

    I wanna come! pweese? Pwetty pweese?
  19. Feenicks New Player

    Is this a DCUO version of "yo mama's so........"?
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  20. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I think he is trying to imply that the people who supported this joke, and thought it was funny, are noobs and have never conquered the Brainiac ship or set foot in Paradox Wave. So if you got a funny bone in your body, which he clearly doesn't, you're a noob, Feenicks. Common, man, you're smarter than that. ;)
    • Like x 5
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