The Unicorn Agenda - Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zicorahk, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Breakforce Loyal Player

    The best part of the whiners that show up in these threads, is that I know exactly who not to invite to my wicked awesome fun time birthday party
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  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Well that is infinitely more covers than there have been about missing marks in Paradox.
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  3. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Just saying because you said
    And then Trex also replied with this
    Official DC bro.
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  4. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    I actually showed this to Larry Liberty at SOE Live.

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  5. Udon New Player

    I am happy for the unicorn agenda. But...the chat, block sticking, etc are clearly issues the majority of PS users face everyday. Let's not derail this too much. I just had an issue with your one argument. Its done, go celebrate and hashtag bugs as much as you tagged this agenda.
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  6. Breakforce Loyal Player

    That was so hilarious. We are up in the room right after that panel, and boom that happens.

    It was like a sign from Grodd!
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  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    THATS the picture I was trying to find lol The Unicorn, is Robin so yep, Unicorns in DC :D
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  8. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    LOL, Beast Boy in Ravens cloak!
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  9. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    If you guys are trying to use Teen Titans Go to be a reson to add unicorns its a safe bet half of you guys haven't even made it off brainic's ship and the other haven't even seen paradox.
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  10. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    whats parudax
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  11. Liongale Dedicated Player

    Unicorns starring in Amethyst comics (I guess because it's for girls it doesn't count?), other DC fantasy comics, even in Supergirl. Oh yeah, Flash and Superman have run into unicorns before. And then there's The Unicorn, who is a part of the Mad Hatter gang...
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  12. Breakforce Loyal Player

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  13. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Okay Debbie Downer, you serve no purpose in this thread than to be an internet nuisance. I request, please, you have made your point that you rather have stuff fixed than allow just a little fun item come to the game. Move along, post your Bugs in Arkham and have a good night.
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  14. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    Breakforce and I were chillin' in his room at the hotel while I was waiting on my room and we suddenly see that on Cartoon Network and just like Break said, IT WAS A SIGN FROM GRODD.

    After that, I immedietly started working on my video editor to get that clip on my phone and show it to the Devs. Glorious I say, glorious.
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  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Hey 2010 called it wants it meme back.
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  16. UMBRA Well-Known Player

    YAY ^_^

    Unicorn Trinket FTW !!!

    Yes, that is exactly how it works. The devs had to choose between making the Unicorn Trinket OR fixing everything that is wrong with the game, and they went with the Trinket. You know, I bet Fight for the Light just had one raid because the Unicorn Trinket was hogging all the resources :rolleyes:

    Ok, ok, silly jokes aside, I agree that the devs need to prioritize some things, but the amount of resources necessary to make a single trinket is small. If they hadn't made the trinket you wouldn't notice any difference in the amount of issues fixed. Mepps was very clear about it:
    Do you work or study on a PR related field ?? Or do you just like saying it ?
    Because right now you're not making very good PR for yourself, so I doubt you do "know how PR works".

    You don't like the idea of a Unicorn Trinket, that is ok. But there is no need to be cranky about it, just relax man :cool:
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  17. BurningBlueBlunder New Player

    A unicorn trinket why? in the world would a superhero game need a to turn into a magic pony?
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  18. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Why mess with a classic?
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  19. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Unicorns have been here all along!


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  20. Enickma Dedicated Player

    *opens mailbox*

    Hmm, I guess my invitation hasn't arrived yet...
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