Rage?! - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player


    I am actually playing the powerset, and giving feedback on my experiences. You are making conjectures not having played the powerset, just guessing and accusing other people of being petty.

    Who is childish?
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  2. Whiteroom New Player

    Actually I'm a Rage DPS, as is JEEBIE. You keep commenting on this without knowing anything about the players, or powers apparently. This is the last response you will get until you say something competent.
    Well from the looks of it, in the first room Berserk gave him ~125K on each use. One more than the other because of Orbital and Supply drop. I would be interested in seeing the difference between the two uses.
    I had just as big of a "Wow" moment when I read his post as I did when the scorecard came up at the end of the first room.
  3. Spike New Player

    They start produce power based on % , that is what all wanted, and now you start call for nerfs ... Pointless. Enjoy it, that is all, yes in PVP side is it bad, but in fact if you want to take it from PVP side, you must write IN PVP SIDE WILL BE TROUBLES, becaouse who is more hurting player or npc ? PVP or PVE. Ofc in pve it doesnt matter, because the point is end content, in pvp is kill the oponent fairly ( but photom blast spammers, celestian/hl with pve gear users will be already here) PvP cant become fair to play.
  4. Spike New Player

    I played it on test maybe lol ? Omg guys, i know that is night, but use your brains if you even have one. Can mod close this ? This thread isnt constructive anymore or eve nwasnt anytime.

    12 pages about " My gun is bigger than yours" ...
  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    And he's executed "flip the board" technique.

    But we're childish guys!

    Ok, lets be fair here, we're all childish, we're posting on a forum about a video game!
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  6. Spike New Player

    Yeh any game isnt worth of any fight on the forum or real, that is right.
  7. Ogat New Player

    There's no need to switch over to a might based build- if you have darkpact on the loadout You'll have all the might you would want. Even without it Wither is the heaviest hitting might power celestial has with a super fast cooldown and it also hits in aoe , by doing retri->cwither->PD->nade you will Up your dmg per second substantially at very little to no time cost(depending on how fast you clip, esentially you're doing super rcw combos at the speed of normal ones), having PD on your loadout is also beneficial in that you do not have to stop doing dmg to buff up, pop a trinketplant your CI and so on and so forth.

    We should prolly take this to the celestial guide tho if You want to discuss this further.
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  8. Whiteroom New Player

    BTW, I'm not totally familiar with Rage Crash yet, does it heal back damage before the cast time? If not could you potentially get yourself in a position of doing this in conjunction with the HT Berseker Mod? I know it would be tricky, but wow.
  9. TheMarvel New Player

    Defining "Balance" …

    Balance in terms of DPS means:

    Any power-set can achieve the same numbers as any other set in the same amount of time assuming equally geared characters and equally skilled players (and lets remove the might/power constraints). They mathematically have to add up over a defined period.

    That period needs to be large enough to measure the output from different types of damagers:melee, ranged, might, precision, burst, dots, etc.

    This can really only be done on a single, massive target over a suitable window, say 10 minutes.

    All damagers, give equality in stats, should be able to achieve the same numbers. Or, that is to say, a single player playing any set should be able to achieve like damage repeatedly regardless of power set. Yes, some skill comes into play but mathematically it needs to balance.

    What may, or may not, be causing balance problems, specifically to nature (dots) or mental (single target/burst) players is the ability for Rage to put out high numbers very quickly. While it may not be OP, it effectively denies other sets from competing. There is nothing to damage. Nature needs a window for DoTs to work, Mental needs ads up long enough for bursts to work.

    A set, presumably like Rage, that is immediate negates others from competing.

    I can only assume the hallways/corridors were a joke and the Rage player ended things before they started. I am actually guessing this is where, unseen in the video, a majority of the issues lie.

    Is this a content issue, OP issue? Both or neither is not for me to say.

    But if any powerset, by design, makes another power set null, there is a 'balance' issue.
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  10. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Balance has been given a very wrong impression in this game. Whenever you talk about balancing any power, QQers and bandwangoners act like you are trying to steal their girlfriend or something and then throw out the most pathetic insults and what not. They won't listen to reason or any kind of proof you provide. They come up with the weirdest of theories to justify their defense.

    Also 'Balance' in this particular game almost everytime means ' Nerfing'. And that my friend is another issue since everything in this game gets nerfed and almost nothing gets buffed.
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  11. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Rage mode is simply healing any damage taken while under that effect.

    You'd have to get to 30% health, then hit rage, and have the healer not heal you if you wanted to truly take advantage of that mod... not worth it and hard to do even if it were.

    BTW Outrage also hits harder when below half health. So when you do get hit hard, the next outrage is HUGE but then of course you'd be healed by either your rage or the healer.
  12. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Really can we just stop with this nerf this crap! Every time something new comes out everyone cries for a nerf. YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO BE TOP DPS GET OVER IT!!!! Why don't you worry about serious issues that really need fixing not i played with a rage dps and i was second place so it needs a nerf you guys are sad. The forum community kills this game.

    This is why we can't have nice things and why the real issues are never fixed cause everyone complains about the wrong things.
  13. Ogat New Player

    Sten says... No.
  14. Whiteroom New Player

    LOL! I actually really want to see that now! Of course, its not reasonable to do that in any real run, but if it were set up like this video to make it work... WOW!
  15. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Is Rage OP at the moment? Probably.
    Is balancing Rage going to break it? Most likely.

    I just wish for once that instead of getting the canned message of “brought in line with other similar powers”, that we Rage would get lowered a little and the other powersets were raised to be more in line with the damage from rage.

    The same goes for weapon damage.
  16. StopPerving Dedicated Player

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  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    This is why I try to comment and hopefully the devs don't go overboard or what not.

    I think a great first step would simply be addressing berserk. After that I think it'd be pretty fine.
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  18. Whiteroom New Player

    Well you would have to also take into consideration that some sets are made better for Range, some for Melee, Some for Single Target, and some for Multiple Target. This make it a bit harder, especially when some content made for variations of each. Throw PVP and PVE balance in the mix, and its a **** show.
  19. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    I aint pickin sides here but uhh...wanting good dps doesnt mean there needs to be monstrous dps powers for that to happen.

    Nobody is gonna write off a Sorc dps as bad just because hes Sorc. His powerset limits him so he cant do as much damage as the stronger sets, but that doesnt make him bad...

    What I saw in that vid was straight cheese, but I dont know all the specifics so I'll just keep over here on the sidelines, watching
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  20. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    bro your fueling the fire to. who cares about berserk in a few months when new content comes out it wont even be viable.

    How about we complain about in the one of the new alerts when ever you go into JSA headquarters someone always disconnects every time or how we still get stuck in block or how when you get revived your stuck in a weird state and have to block a few times to break out of it. or how bout the mic glitch on PS, theres way more issues then rage melee being strong.
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