Rage?! - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. Whiteroom New Player

    Meh, with even doing that I would usually come out on top, by a good shot. With the least power of anyone in the raid. I'm on PS also, so RDj wasn't an option.
  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    IIRC it's every second it pushes out the damage. So you'll see the normal outrage spam which is quite good, but then you also get 5k, 7k, 15k! ticks of might damage while berserk is up.

    It's nuts.

    Ohh and did I mention it's ae around you?


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  3. Whiteroom New Player

    Imo, they should buff up might stats via better mods and trinkets, this might help a bit. But I haven't played much in the way of Might based, so I can't comment on the fine tuning. Isn't Fire hobbled because of its nerf?
  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    so you can DPS with your eyes half close and smoke other powersets? yep. Let the nerf hammer come down upon it.
  5. Whiteroom New Player

    Every second for twelve seconds isn't it. If they made it so you had to be alive at the end of the twelve seconds then it did a burst, it might make it slightly more fair.
  6. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I think the new one is not RDJ but Ret combo clipped with the power wither clipped with phase dodge into a rifle grenade and repeat. More might damage than defile and easier to do as no jump which freaks out sometimes.

    I still stick to my rotations:
    Melee: PcDL/AcB/RcW
    Range: PcDL/RcW*2
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    yeah, it's every second for 12s.

    Personally I think they just need to look at the %.

    I mean how hard does Strafing Run/Bunker Buster hit? IIRC only around 3k last I was HL

    Well I do that off less than 1 tick of berserk!

    That's the issue.

    Even if I get countered, if I can get one outrage in it's already right up there with any other powerset's supercharge. When I can get all my outrages in.... it's just insane!

    I've actually always been a bit disapointed with supercharges, many are almost not worth hitting. I'd love if they were all at this level of power but none are even close.
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  8. Spike New Player

    Aha so that is why you QQ, becaouse you are celestian who was outdps by rage ... Omg can you let this stupid fights out of game. Rage must be close to produce dmg when you as celestian sit in safety from range and your critics can reach 15k+ dmg hits ...
  9. Whiteroom New Player

    So RcW/W/Phase/Grenade?
    Well if any power can afford to use Phase its Celestial. Coming up on the end of my celestial days I was using PcDL/ScH/RcW just for the change up. I got bored of the PcDL/RcW*3 rotation.
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    No, I've actually not been playing my celestial much and prefering my Rage guy because I'm having fun with it learning it (plus tanking is nice). The like 2 players I play with regularly who beat me in damage though (rage and nature) would do so with any powerset, so really not a concern :)

    And you do know Rage can back up to full range and do just as well as celestial just spamming their Dreadful blasts and keeping the PI/Buffs up.

    This may seem strange to you, but some people just want to see a balanced game, and they provide feedback so the devs can do that.
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  11. Ogat New Player

    You misunderstood my point completely,all I wanted to point out that anyone claiming clestial can pull off same dmg as a berserker derping rage dps is clearly missinformed, or has very poor knowlege of the powerset.
    Also when celestial came out it was just extremely efficient dmg per power dps- the dmg itself could have been and was overcome by top tier dps on 3 troller setups.

    What rage does is Huge and i mean HUGE dmg, at very good dmg per power ratios- thi raid was a 2 troll setup, Cosmico did more dmg then most powers are capable of doing on 3 troller setups this is no joke, bereserker is seriously broken- even if we assume outrage is fine and balanced with the others and rotations centered around it deal the same dmg as other powerets, how is a skill allowing them to deal DOUBLE the dmg even remotely balanced? Assuming you'd use this sc 4-5 times in a raid thats 48-60 seconds of esentially having the dmg of 2 103 rage dps spamming outrage, that is just insane.
  12. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah I like the ScH I dropped it for Assbat though in favor of Admonish. I just found myself getting blocked while at full range too often... and htat's frustrating haha.

    So I do RcW*2, but then flirt with range and dip in to do admonish if I feel gutsy.
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  13. Whiteroom New Player

    Yeah, it is a bit much. like I said, without Rage crash it isn't as beefy. Thats the thing there, when you can be invulnerable and do this, its way out there. If you had the chance of dying, the cost/benefit would be better. Same sentiment on the Supers, I think they all should hit harder, they are supposed to be "super" after all. But that would destroy PVP. Thats why I also think the two systems should be totally separate, so they can Balance one, without messing up the other.

    What has he said that is QQ exactly?

    So are people doing this, switching to a might based build, or staying prec?
  14. Spike New Player

    Rage is first good balance power ( might + prec) and whole band of players QQ because this power has also like HL before really useful SC ( strafin gun- all "wow" about it). Take it like a new era of useful sc, let it be, you must be close to do this and your reward is higher dmg. Also you must boost your sc, there isnt any magic that boost your sc from nowhere. I am still fire user not rage and i still feels, that rage is good balance. Even mine friend celestian dd outdps good rage dps, so where is the problem ??
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  15. Ogat New Player

    Yup but also more power hungry especially with dark pact in the mix, but pretty awesome :)
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  16. Whiteroom New Player

    The problem is with the SC.
  17. Spike New Player

    In your sign i read celestian dps, that is proof, that you arent satisfy with " i am not op top dps in game". This is also attitude of ice tanks when someone has near same chances to be good liek them. You all want same thing NERF IT BECAUSE IS IT STRONGER THAN ME. Childish
  18. Spike New Player

    Yeh because your favourite celestian has only 1 useful sc- cursed idol, you want also berseker ha ? Yeh we all know that you want. But is it normal, is it better than you have right now.
  19. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    This is not coming from a "they are beating me on the scorecard QQ" viewpoint.

    This is coming from a "Holy ****, did you guys just see that?" viewpoint.

    I'm playing rage and it's RIDICULOUS!

    I urge ya to give it a try if you can, an alt or whatnot. It's just silly what it can do.

    Every time we bring it into some new place and see the stuff melt our TS just bursts out into laughter because it's just that silly.

    And this is no strafing run. This SC isn't just potentially doubling other SC, I wouldn't be surprised if someone could get 10X what a strafing run does out of a berserk use. I'd have to check what strafing is hitting for these days, but if it's 4k... I can do 5k+ hits every second with berserk.

    Again, this isn't about losing on a scorecard, this is about me playing it and going "this can't be right".

    For now I'm having my fun with it, but I fully expect a nerf to come swinging. I hope they hit berserk first and let us see how that has things shaking out, as I think it'll be a big impact.
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  20. Ogat New Player

    Lets put it that way in a 3 troll setup I can put out significantly higher dps without pleauge even in my loadout, however it's a hefty power drain. Pleauge rcw or pleauge rcw sch rotations are "eco" solutions, both ScH and PcDL while chained are now suceptible to block however and considering the only t5 raid where stuff doesn't block is PW EO, it's not all rays and sunshine in celest land either.
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