Roid Rage - Get your swell on. (Rage Discussion)

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Roomba, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Whiteroom New Player

    Currently using this DPS loadout:
    Outrage, Bloodlust, Robot, Infuriate, Plasma Retch, Dreadful Blast

    Its mostly for T5 raids range rotations with buffs to Plasma Retch> jump/Rifle>DB.

    I want to swap out the robot, any advice? Another damage power would be nice, but maybe a safety like HL shield?

    Also anyone settled on the optimal gear/mod set up yet, and are you running the prec or might trinket?
  2. Zhiushod New Player

    Thanks for appreciating and acknowledging my effort ;)
  3. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I run basically the same loadout except I run hl shield instead of the robot, I'm just not a fan of it I'd rather have a shield than it. I have 2 loadout I switch from. One with infuriate and the other with beserk. If I know in gonna use outrage a lot ill use beserk but if I'm in a boss fight or other situation where I need to range I use the other super.
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  4. Whiteroom New Player

    Yeah, I consistantly forget to check if the robot is down, and forget to bring it back after being K.O.ed
  5. Infinity New Player

    Does anyone know the duration of Berserk? Is it the length of the cooldown? Which is 8 seconds?
  6. DeathZakid Well-Known Player

    Anyone else have trouble with Hank in A & B? It's only with him. Not blaming the rage power because even when i was ice, i had issues with him. I tanked 2 sucessful 17-23 minute runs without and issue, but the third was.... I hit rage bringer so many times wasting my power and he would somewhat ignore me. He looks at me and do some tants then goes right back to attacking group. I have no problem with Sinestro and i don't even him target locked. I have no issues with crashing or dying. I use violence because it like bitter winds to keeps his attention on me and it's a backup if i can't hit my ignore damage move. I use dreadful as my rage ignore. I thought might moves gives you aggro. I tend to hit stuff with a power every 6 secs.
  7. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    So, I learned something rage today and while I am guessing most may know it I haven't seen it and it was a pleasant surprise.

    I usually clip rage bringer with severe punishment when I know I am going to pull more than one add, two reasons, one to get a health stacking bonus and second to ignore the first bit of damage taken with the rage crash system, so I am pretty used to seeing green numbers on my screen as I was pretty sure severe punishment was healing back damage every second for me.

    So today I used rage bringer and didn't clip it because it was central city and I felt over geared so imagine my sunrise as I see a flood of green numbers. Turns out I understand the description of rage bringer and the other pull incorrectly, it says I will receive healing equal to a portion of the damage delt. I had assumed incorrectly it was based on rage bringers damage to the target, nope.

    Once you use with pull and cover enemies in the red blood aura type thing for the next few seconds a portion of there attack damage to you is counted towards heals. This is very very nifty and after testing see some decent numbers it got me to thinking what kind of heals you would get if you could pop rage ringer or the other pull during oppressor or rave get swipe attacks and if the heal would offset enough of the damage that you could block through it without a shield or rage crash up?

    Anyway In case anyone else finds this useful, enjoy. Like I mentioned I'm probably the only one who understood it wrong but it was a pleasant find.
  8. Whiteroom New Player

    DPS: Flex or Nitro Soders, I'm leaning to Flex.
  9. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Well i found the power that is going to sit in the spot where everyone is using the robot or shield (dps) I've been using eviscerating chain but only when i need to use blood lust. Even though im more precision based E chain still hits alot of 2k hits and when you clip it with blood lust its 2k damage at no cost in speed or time.

    My loadout is now Retch - Dreadful - E Chain - Outrage - Bloodlust - and either Berserk of Infuriated depends on what im doing.
  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I have been using that to help me stay alive during the 4 seconds that I am not in Rage Mode. It does help but I have only ever gotten heals on first use. I never noticed heals after that. If Rage Bringer does indeed this I might look into using it more. I always defaulted to Without Mercy because of the healing and the 360 degree pull (which I found ha a longer range compared to similar pulls) and heal.

    I will need to test this latter tonight when I am tanking. :)
  11. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    Yupp entire cool down
  12. Roomba Dedicated Player

    A waste? You're only hurting your dps if you don't use Outrage. Unless if you meant by tree just that branch of the Anger tree.

    We did a kill 2 bosses at the same time w Tyrant run of PW yesterday (burn tyrant to 50% and force 2 remaining bosses out.... nothing special just trying to be clear with what I mean) and I still meleed quite a bit.

    Top boards (lol boards are everything?!?!?!) despite jailed constantly and died early in a botched attempt yadda yadda.
  13. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I use Relentless Anger instead now. A friend pointed out again that it does give you a bit of a dmg boost which is comparable to the robot, but it has the added bonus of a big defensive boost to help in melee. I am extremely comfortable with the mechanic now and I'm going to have a hard time ever living without it.
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  14. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Roomba does not support the use of PES's (performance-enhancing soders).

    I dunno, it depends on what you're doing. I think flex gives you a bigger bang, even though I'm a split spec at 3600 might and 1750 prec
  15. Radium Devoted Player

    I'm heavily favouring Prec right now as in Prec split mods with Might/Prec and Prec Accessories. When it comes to gear I don't even bother waiting for a certain kind, whatever I get, I get.

    But I am running with the Prec trinket that I pop before Blood. Very nice boost with thos 2 mixed.
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  16. Whiteroom New Player

    Yeah, I also don't bother waiting for one kind of gear. Its OP anyway. Yeah, prec trinket, prec soders.
  17. Whiteroom New Player

    Yeah its the bigger bang thing is why I chose the prec soders and trinket.
  18. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Roomba you are so hard on to argue with me you are lost we not even speaking about outrage... were speaking on Ferocity.. As far as outrage goes, I know how powerful a move it is never doubted it, Currently the t5 spec I have doesn't include it to few uses in Assault and Battery I mean you seem to keep wanting to discredit my ability and take shots at me, yet I have offered you a chance to raid and prove you would triple me as you stated ;), I have not insulted your ability or discredited you once, But if you going to continue to doubt mines you have to be able to prove your theory.
  19. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    We were talking Ferocity :D, which is just too short of a buff to really concern yoruself with.

    As for Outrage, It's in my melee loadout, but not my range one. I can't get everything I want at range and outrage and I don't really need outrage. It's GREAT when youc an use it, and you can use it a lot, but "is it worth the risk" /shrug everyone should decide for themselves. If they aren't dying a ton, use it, outrage is awesome, but if they're like my initial attempts and jumping in right at the time they do the ae one shots :confused:, stick to range hehe.

    I'm sure eventually I'll get the timing down and just start destroying with outrage, but for now I prefer eruption if I'm not going to have stacking issues.
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  20. Radium Devoted Player

    That sounds pretty good, right now I'm not really using Blood on a clip for anything with a heavy cast so a good high damaging power could work well with it.