Next For DCUO: Feat Unlocking!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    So I don't get the styles? I wanted to ask if I got the styles if I got the feat, everybody seems to be asking the same thing over and over. Could you answer this for me again, just for the heck of it? I wanted in on the fun too :(
  2. Dammacx New Player

    Hmmmm, interesting. I didn't even know this was coming. Maybe they are going to make Iconic Powers use Skill Points instead of Power Points? or and this is a way out there guess...Maybe they are going to do away with Power Points and everything will be Skill Points. This would help with the Iconic Powers and the feeling that you are giving up Something to take them and also allow you to Pick all the actual Powers you want without feeling like you are giving up something to get another. This way instead of feeling like you are forced down a certain path on the trees you can just waste Skill Points and take what you want. People with enough Skill Points could basically pick all the powers on both Trees. Obviously the limit of how many powers you can have in your tray at once is still there but would be available to switch out. And I don't think it wold hurt the usefulness of armouries since you still would want to allocate your other skill points differently between PVE and PVP or Role vs DPS, etc....
  3. Hunters Arrow New Player

    Larry Liberty just saved DCUO!
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Unlocking the feat with RPB gets you the feat and its points. If you want a style to wear, you must find it in the game.
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  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Chance of Style Purchases in the future?
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  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    You will not escape the all powerful RNG! Mwahahaha!

    Seriously, though, I'd be on board with this.
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  7. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    you are so awesome Mepps thanks!!!!
  8. Jamie New Player

    I highly doubt they will do this. This would make HL was too OP. I would love to see iconics use SP and think that it is a possibility.
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  9. Little Sister New Player

    I just realized this is going to be great for the Steelworks, Arkham, Stryker's & Ace Chemicals Home Turf styles.

    Instead of farming the Bots, just complete the style from the opposing factions missions and purchase it on the other toon.

    Bing bang boom.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Shh, this was half the reason I finished those feats on my hero :D
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  11. Ollivander New Player

    I think that maybe you dont need to spend 40 dollars but if you are tired of trying to get those difficult feats that you have already achieved for 10 dollars you may get them and earn the easy ones as you would normally do!
  12. Ollivander New Player

    I think that maybe you dont need to spend 40 dollars but if you are tired of trying to get those difficult feats that you have already achieved for 10 dollars you may get them and earn the easy ones as you would normally do!
  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    Maybe SP-based upgrades to powers, e.g. Power cost, cooldown, damage, etc.
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  14. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    As soon as this hits I'm buying every single feat I can from Screaming Vengeance for Randy Savrage and going full Macho Man - 24/7.
    I may even change my handle here (if they'll let me). I just started healing on Scream so I can still use him to heal and then do all my DPS work on Randy.
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  15. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    YEEEES!!! was hoping the pricing would be like that!!!
  16. HalphLife New Player

    Armories......feat sharing......I'm literally THIS CLOSE to becoming a DC fanboy
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  17. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Not sure, I think cross faction feats will work as unlocking the mirror feat not the "style feat" per say but the mission required to do it. Hope it works as you say cause I know a lot people that would enjoy that ^^
  18. HHAAZZEE New Player

    Cant wait, now I have a use for my free monthly loyalty and replays. 30 free sp a month from my mains 177? Yes please!!! Unbelievable how anyone can see this as a negative in any possible way, they must be taking the purchasable feat thing far too literally.
  19. SuperLD Well-Known Player

    Is it late February yet? I can't wait. One thing to consider is that by time you are level 30 you earn about 30+ SP's already so if you have 150 SP's you are only really buying about 120 SP's, just trying to even more positive side of this announcement.
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I don't think people should be buying ALL the feats. Personally I will probably just buy ones that I find harder to achieve on certain characters such as the heal 65,000 damage in PVP. Not a particularly easy feat for a Controller, DPS or Tank to get... Also means I won't have to try and persuade people to run things like FoS1 in order to get the feat in the Scorpion room.