Defeated enemies dropping exobits

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Archsprite, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Sometimes the most efficient way is the most boring and potentially the leading reason to stop playing.... when bored with the game, any reasonable person would stop. Adding an alternative means to acquire materials is not taking away or making it more efficient... merely another additional way. One that involves the aspect of the game that most are here to do. play the game (fight NPCs). not farm nodes.

    If you want to farm nodes, that will not be impeded.

    The ratio has not yet been discussed.... an average.... for every 3 NPCs of any quality you may get 1 Exobit? For bosses....? Possibly encourage players to destroy lower ranked NPCs? sure, why not.
  2. WeaselWockets New Player

    I don't really agree with NPC's dropping bits. I feel combat should not really be a means to farm.

    But I do think the current system needs expanded so people have more mindful ways of getting bits....

    Base bit generators?
    Materials missions like a normal MMO?
    Bit Slot Machines?
  3. Bokugo New Player

    I think one should drop from 5-10 light enemies, 3-5 big ones, and 1 for every boss with maybe a chance at a byte would seem fair.
  4. Vyltran Loyal Player

    I don't know.. sounds like a good idea but at the same time, no.. Most of the people don't have expert plans for crafting their own factions for their armours.. Sadly, if this come to release, mods will raise by a lot while bits will get a lower prices than we actually have..

    I'm not paying anyone 500k or 1M, for crafting me a mod lol...

    All i can say is they should release a 2x multiplier chance of getting bits, which can be bought at Marketplace to make things fair... cause not everyone will accept let NPCs drop bits...
  5. Minnion Devoted Player

    Exactly, just introduce a special enemy type that sometimes spawns in place of the gathering node that drops exos when you beat it...

    Another idea that I think would spice up Exo farming(Especally in crowded farming areas) would be "Exoduels" Or basically a duel type that is initiated when two players try to gather from the same node at the same time... (The player that got there first gets a notice allowing them to fight for possession of the Exobit or just let it go.) Though I'd probably set it up so members of the same faction can't duel each other in this manner...(So no heroes fighting heroes over who gets to gather the bits.)

    Another thought... What if we had a random chance of getting Exobits in PvP phase after defeating a player that was within five levels of us by waling up to them and pressing E?(after all we have Exobytes infused into our bodies... Maybe that's another way of gathering...)
  6. Gotcha Girl Well-Known Player

    I was going by what the person said; he said 3 (give or take) from the last boss. I personally think that as long as farming the open world continues to be the most efficient way of getting what you need, these complaints will continue to exist simply because of the time it takes. Farming in the open world takes long so if whatever the alternative takes longer then the problem hasn't been solved. It's just another way of doing it which may be fun but most issues concerning this topic has more to do with the time it takes to gather materials.
  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Are you just trying to insult me?
    bit slot machines... smh
  8. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Could be onto something, Brainiac NPCs???? Those typically sklipped with T3 content in Old gotham? hmmmmm
    Help low ranked characters through those missions by having players periodically farming them.

    If higher ranked NPC dropped them in alternate Metropolis from Light War content, fewer users in regular metropolis? I know there is a feeling of FU, It was not available when I went through that content, but with the Tiers so far having no end in sight, and the mods also having no end, the amount of node farming is potentially absurd. Just bosses get chance to drop exobits? ok. I'd prefer any NPC of any rank haveing a slim chance also. DCUO does slim chances well. ;)

    ....skipping T3 content..... ponders when T7 is released and people skiping war of the light.... hmmm.
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  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    That is a GREAT idea!!!
  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    ^^ This guy's idea has been around for a while. It's a good'n.
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  11. Decree New Player

    It would just be another way to gather bits over time. Say you get done running some alerts and duos and you have a few bits to show for it with a chance at a stack or bytes from weekly boxes the higher tier they are.

    It would encourage more people to play the content as they would be getting bits as well as gear. It would also have the side effect of running the overpriced AH bit prices down to a normal level.

    More options are always better.
  12. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I'm iffy on this on one hand I won't have to fight other players at an exo spawn. Bad enough you get there first, then another player swoops in and takes it because they have courtesy of the first come rule. On the other hand, it could eliminate that. Also if this did happen, I wouldn't want every ncp drop an exo, that would be bad. If you run a challenge maybe 5-7 times, you may get an exo, I'm fine with that. Shouldn't rely on enemies to farm.
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  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    This is long overdue. the idea that we're forced to clean up the streets for them when we have storylines of other NPCs having them but we can't take them? WTF and they wonder why we say there's no villain content.

    Why can I not go to the central park in Metro, destroy those star labs people and take the exobytes? what about by Queen Bee area, they are doing the same thing, Canisters of exobytes, but we have to go find the left over ones on the streets? W T F
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  14. Zeo Committed Player

    I think that I dont have enough likes for your post :)
    Exos are scarteted everywhere, I dont see why not a random grunt cant pick a exo, someone is likely to find then sonner ir latter, we should be able to reiceive Exos like rewards for save the citziens or steal for them too, like "thanks for saving me, you can have this thing that I found, I think that you will make a better use"

    PS: sorry for the bad typping, Im posting using a handset
  15. Charlie Fantom New Player

    I DO want baddies to poo bits. Make it so! MAKE IT SNOW!
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I agree but the rate that mods are increasing with teirs will in time become too cumbersome and having another method to supliment farming would become more and more usefull as teirs progress. so my vote is to make them drops as well as farming for them to better allow players to keep up with demand. either that or greatly increase the drop rate of recovery kits
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  17. Poo New Player

    Recovery kits ARE another method. They have not even been out that long. When the time comes that the devs think modding has gotten too much, they will either up the drop rates or implement some other method to keep things in line.

    Farming is fine as is for now.

    And to all you "hey I have a real life and kids n ****" ... tough. That's life.
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    i'll address a few issues with your comments
    Recovery kits ARE another method these were another method but now they never drop anymore they have almost been removed from the game as the drop rate is near non exstent
    And to all you "hey I have a real life and kids n ****" ... tough. That's life thats just childish thinking no offence ment but we all arent 15 year old kids with endless gaming hours at our disposal and the game has to account for all player types not just those that have more time than others. this is a game for many not the few to think other wise is bad business as the people with all the time in the world arent the ones with jobs that actually pay for the majority of the advance ment of this game
  19. Thatguy New Player

    Sqeaky wheel gets the grease, I support this.
  20. Hawkboy Well-Known Player

    Love it. I would much rather get exobits than worthless lair pieces. Bundle of pipes anyone?