How much damage is good enough for the T5 OPs?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by darkmoon caverns, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Maybe instead of damage out people should worry about the time out. lol
    (But not to the extent that they replace you immediately after you freeze instead of letting you log back in. I hate when it happens to me or others. Very rude.)
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  2. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    2 mil with wipes maybe...If you go through with no wipes (1 dps and tank), you should be looking at around 1 mil damage give or take...

    However people soon forget that some trolls can put a decent amount of damage out as well, so if your dps numbers are a little lower, check to see what the troll/heal/tank damage out numbers are...they could be compensating. I know trolls and healers who do a good amount of damage for their role, obviously not dps number but a decent amount.
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  3. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Yeah that person is dumb. When I beat it with a Tank I'm just over 1 million for the entire thing. Although I will add the damage out with a tank in the group is meaningless toward whether the DPS is good or not. I can usually tell if they are good based on inspecting and seeing what gear they are wearing and then how long it's taking for adds to die.

    But even if I am grouped with someone I think is sub par at their role I never complain about it. I chose to run in the group. It was my choice to play with this person. Also who cares if it takes 45 minutes to beat the Ops as long as you get through them at the end of the day. That's my outlook on it.
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  4. Dagg212121 New Player

    Depends alot. If you fight alot in CC or you get 3 scientist without fighting at all did you skip the tunnel and run through or not. Did you stumble through metro and aggo everything. Numbers can very greatly. I do it with league and usally either myself or with 2 dps i end up around 1.3 mill or 700k (with the other dps around 600 or 650k).
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  5. darkmoon caverns New Player

    The only time I care about finishing fast is on Sunday because I don't want to miss Breaking Bad. :D

    When you say you use their gear, you take that into consideration with how fast they burn right? Sometimes DPS can do really well even with lower tiered gear. I wish the community would realize this because now I'm full manta and only did nexus one time. I don't even feel like running the raids again until the loot rules change because I always lose the roll or get ninja looted. (it's always by a healer too...)
    That coupled with the fact that my legendary will run out soon, I probably won't be playing them for a long time, may even play a different game entirely.
  6. Cicatrix New Player

    Its not really easy to compare damage out for dps by comparing it to other roles. I know for sure there are tanks who hit a power and block and rarely use weapons, healers who don't use there weapon at all, and trolls who very rarely crowd control. All of these which affect damage output. There are also the exact opposite role players which do as much damage as they could squeeze out even going as far as putting damage mods in there gear. Also it is hard to compare it with the number of wipes, because it depends when you wipe. If you wipe at the beginning of a boss fight your going to add a lot less damage to the scoreboard then if you wiped toward the end.

    Personally I gauge dps by the Family boss fights with the two Waynes. I don't how similar it is on the hero side, but on the villain side you want to beat Bruce before him and his father both go into the shields. That means you have a really good burn. If he has to go into the shield 5+ times means your really undergeared or you need to work on your dps. On average a dps can take him out at 2 or 3 shields. Also time is another thing that can determine the burn. With no wipes, not beating the side bosses in Central City, and running with a tank you should be able to beat the the either Op in about 45 minutes or less. 35 minutes is really good burn while an hour means there are improvements to be made.
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  7. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I actually just finished both FR and BIA with a tank in both groups. In FR I did about 1.5 million and in BIA I did about 850 thousand and both alerts went very smooth with no problems and in a good time frame. That healer was just being ridiculous.

    Also...there were no wipes.
  8. Green Lantern New Player

    My rule is if people are complaining somewhat early on in the raid or group, I leave. I have a zero tolerance for drama rule.
  9. darkmoon caverns New Player

    I would have but I was with a friend and didn't want to leave him hanging. I wanted to kick the dude but I don't think my friend was bothered enough. We both agreed at the end that the healer was an annoying little piece of....pie.
  10. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Yeah I mean I consider that if they have lower level gear and the adds aren't dying super fast then that's probably why and not a reflection on them as a player. If they are full T5 though and the adds aren't dying very quickly then I would probably think they aren't very skilled or don't have a lot of skill points. Either way I wouldn't call anyone out on it. I don't care enough to belittle someone over a video game.
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  11. MCAZR New Player

    It sounds like the healer was having an off day and should have run with 2 dps'. I'll admit that I tend to get cranky when things take a little too long. To help speed things along, I issue various challenges to the 2 dps' like: the low end is 2 times my damage out and the high end is 3 times, trust that I'll keep you alive and sit in the pocket and burn to see if you can get to 3+.