Why is it time traveler in still 87 shouldnt all purples be 88?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Ah ok awesome so I have no reason to run those anymore *apart from fun of course * lol
  2. Golden Shadow New Player

    this was just a stupid idea to buff half the loot like i said all weapons don't drop in dox so them increasing dox weapons only was a poor choice on top of that if they had to Nerf a raid because majority of the community couldn't complete it shouldn't the gear in there be equal to the gear in dox i mean there exact words were "We have enhanced the gear rewards from the Paradox Wave Raid to be more in line with the difficulty the raid presents. " clearly both raids must extremely challenging if they had to nerf it :confused:
  3. RJTally31 Active Player

    Hello Tally31,
    The Time Traveler items were not increased, this is by design.

    If there is anything further we can do to assist you in the future, please let us know.

    Stay sassy, Keep it classy,
    GM SassyPants
    Customer RJTally31 soe via CSS Web 08/20/2013 05:50 PM
    The Time Traveler Waist is an 87 that dropped from last Boss of Paradox
    Response SOE Customer Service via Email 08/20/2013 03:24 PM

    Thank you for contacting us with your issue. The items which were modified were those which come from the end boss, not the sub-bosses. Please feel free to contact us again if you have future questions or concerns.

    Stay Powerful, My Friend

    GM Artagon
    In Game CSR - DCUO
    Sony Online Entertainment

    Keep an eye on the official DCUO Forums for all the latest community news.
    http://forums.station.sony.com/dcuops3/forums/list.m (PS3)
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  4. The Hornet New Player

    Brice. Shut. Up. ;)
  5. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    lol...love you to. :p
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