The Scoreboard doesn't matter PEOPLE!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PrimedKrypton, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    For me, the scoreboard is a marker of how I am contributing to the group. Since I am still learning, it is a good way to judge if I am pulling my weight. I don't care if someone has more damage out then me, heck they probably all do. but if they average 4k and I have 1k, it means I have some work to do.
  2. xhalur Well-Known Player

    The Scoreboard only shows numbers though. In my opinion, it can't show you any real information for you to work with.

    For example: in the case you listed above, those numbers cannot really explain what the differences between the two Damage Outs were. Was there a difference in armor-level/CR or stats? Was there a difference in weapon-level/CR or DPS amount? Was there a difference in mods used? Was there a difference in Skill Point-allocated stats for Precision/Might? Was there a difference in player reaction time and/or ability to clip? Were special Soders or Trinket(s) used? Were different Powersets used? If the same Powerset was used, were there differences in Loadouts and/or power rotations? Etc., etc. How are you possibly to know what to improve on with no other indication than a set of numbers?

    As far as you thinking that the Scoreboard is a marker of how you are contributing to the group, that's all well and good if that's what you truly believe. I'm not trying to take that away from you or change your opinion. I personally disagree with it though. For me, as long as I see each role performing their team skills properly, then that's all that matters to me. If I see health and power bars refilling, Health-over-Time, Power-over-Time, and adds/mobs and bosses being Aggro'd, occasionally Debuffed, and killed, then that for me is enough of an indicator of who is contributing in my group.

    I play this game to have fun and to interact with friends/League-mates. I'm not a number cruncher (never have been), and I could personally care less about other people's egos based on their Scoreboard numbers being higher/better than someone else's. I can see why the Scoreboard would be used by others; I'm just reinforcing that it serves no purpose with me so long as the content is completed, that's all.
  3. Larfleeze New Player

    Except that's poor reasoning and the scoreboard in this game is a joke. Who cares about how much damage you're doing to trash mobs and non-bosses? I've been in raids where one dude is so far ahead of everyone else in the damage that he thinks he's king ****, and when I point out that he's actually doing LESS damage than everyone else on bosses and that his damage is so high because he rushes in to kill all the adds before anyone else get there, they lose their **** and start flipping out.

    I wish this game had some kind of actual DPS meters, so one could ACCURATELY track damage/healing instead of seeing who does more topping off inbetween pulls(healing) or who does more trash killing (dps).
  4. Tocimus Committed Player

    thats why you must mix observation with the scoreboard. but if someone is 3mil behind in nexus...its kinda obvious they're doing diddly squat as a dps.
  5. Tlogie New Player

    Thank god I'm done with this game. But you guys are entertaining with your
  6. LaughingRiot Well-Known Player

    Is this really what this game has come to? You can't out DPS a DPS no matter what even if your doing your job correctly? People need to understand this is a game, its gonna happen eventually. You encounter someone who is an all-around better person. Oh well, life goes on.
  7. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    All Fair points. Which is where I would look at maybe improving. The the scoreboard is a good indication for a starting point. if I am scoring lower on the scoreboard, then say the other tank (which is what my current main is) then maybe I need to look at if I am pulling enough adds. Or Maybe I need to work on my combos more, see if I can improve there. Or yes, maybe I need to look at my overall stats or gear.

    Do I need to top the leaderboard. Hardly, but if I am putting out, in this case damage, comparable to the rest of the group, then I know I am on the right track and not weight the group down or being carried through the instance.